Hellish high school experience

> be me
> Grade 11
> Serious issues with self harm, no freinds b/c they all went to other high schools.
> Wear long sleeves to cover scars
> Eat in library to avoid other students. Always at one table near the back
> One day people start spreading rumors about me being a loner depressed emo.
> Whatever I dont really care
> One day a bunch of kids maybe 3-5 come into Library.
> Badfeeling.jpg
> Start being noisy, can tell they arent here to read.
> Come over to me
> Surround me and start pushing me around
> ignore them hoping they'll go away
> Wrong choice
> One of them grabs the sleeve of my sweater "lets see your scars emo"
> Pulls up sleeve
> See's arm covered in scars and some fresh cuts
> Wtf
> Back off
> Leave
> 2 days later i get called to the guidance counciller at lunch
> Shes nice, if a little annoying
> user the school wants you to see a therapist
> Grade 12

> Havent cut myself since but still take meds and wear long sleeves
> No freinds because of the rumors about me
Mfw a bunch a bunch of grade 12 got freaked out by a loner grade 11

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>Be me 11th grade
>Weird as fuck and awkward as hell
>Fall In love with cute Science teacher
>She wants even my teacher
>Build up the courage one day to try to confess my love to her
>Go to her and ask her out for lunch after school
>she declines
>She is open and friendly to everyone but me
>Rumors around the school spread that I like her
>Principal and staff advice me to stop or I'll be expelled.
>Years and I still regret not showing my love towards her.

>grade 11
>cutting yourself
where you live is grade 11 for 11 year olds?

>> 47123157
Have you ever met an 11 year old who actually cuts themselves??

Be ameriburger
Whole school lives in perpetual fear of school shooters
Anyone who deviates from the approved norm must be sent to counsellor for re-education

>Adult teacher doesn't want to associate with underage teenager
You don't say?

> sent to re education

>be me
>12th grade
>cut myself
>literally nobody cares because i'm a loser
i miss high school sometimes

>> 47123267#
Why wouldnt she want to?? Beats me

Fuck you, Veronica is the love of my fucking life. It's the Normies fault I never was emotionally developed. And how thinks look I'll never be.

yeah m8 my first girlfriend and it was cute as shit. are you a girl?

i didnt cut myself but i used to bang my head against walls at 11yo

>i used to bang my head against walls at 11yo
i did this in the front of middle school every day as well

you made a great mistake by obsessing over a person that was, is and will always be unreachable for you

welcome to the world. you lead an uninteresting life. Those bullies probably helped you. grow up.

Anyone who self harms deserves to be bullied. Just smoke some cigarettes or something, jesus.

you are so right with the different coping mechanism part. There's nothing that is more disgusting than marking yourself for the rest of your life with being a weak and pathetic retard

god damn it veronica fuck you and fuck chad
gang weed rise up

>Be me
>10th grade
>Fall for the "being quiet makes you cool" meme
>Don't talk to anyone aside from my close friends
>Any strangers that tried to initiate a conversation with me would only be met by one worded answers
>After a while, this becomes my default personality
>Friends leave me by next year
>Try making new friends, but can't because I've lost my skills to socialize
>Become a legit mute at this point
>It's not until 5 years later that I've only just begun to regain my social skills
For any young robots out there, please exit out of your quiet and mysterious phase. It's cringey, and will only bring you bad luck.

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>imagine I am worth far more than I actually am
>think that since I am conscious I am deserving of happiness
>don't ever pursue it, but demand it is delivered to me
huh nice post OP

>"Lemme see your scars, emo"
>"What the fuck there's scars"

haha failed normies

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guess the sex is gonna come soon because it's been way over 2-3 years

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>mates once every 2-3 years


>second year of high school
>pale loser kid at the end of the classroom
>muster the courage to speak up
>approach the group of cool kids
>"hey, can I join you to play this afternoon"
>stares, the silence is deafening
>"No one wants to be with you user."
>whole class giggles
>mfw the teacher was present and didn't say a thing

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>be me
>have been the laughing stock for popular kids since around 2nd grade
>little brats at elementary school were very autistic, never stopped
>instances where the director was involved
>"hey user, solve your own problems you fucking loser"
>translates to: "user, I like to pick on people I see as inferior, why do you have to ruin this for me
>be me, now in high school
>hopes it won't repeat again
>mfw it repeats
>one particular kid bullying me
>told parents again
>problem was resolved much easier and there hasn't been problem since
>still received some heat for "not taking the matter into my own hands"

It should be noted I'm not much of an emo kid, more like not blending into my own generation kind. Whenever they've roasted me, I've always roasted back.

Note for future anons, bullies always come in groups, never alone.

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