>Jow Forums would say no to this
And you faggots complain about being alone
Jow Forums would say no to this
I'd say yes, but that pose and facial expression isn't doing her any favors. Nice pussy, though.
say yes, she probably looks fine standing up straight, it's just that position thats very unflattering on most girls
Basically this, would still smash in a heartbeat and not even deny it.
Not the best specimen of curry, but she could look a lot better if she exercised.
OP btfo
Stop spamming the racemixing threads Shlomo
Cute face + decent titties
She's honestly above average
Sorry, but white women just can't compare
Ugly as fuck
That's a mighty fine looking roastie and the roastie it's attached to isn't bad looking herself.
It's too fun to stop.
would you do her is she doable
yes to all of the pics posted so far
> threads promoting white masculinity and colonization
> having anything to do with Jewish caucasoid male emasculation tactics
I just got rejected by OP's pic +acne scarring on the first date last week. She was the only one who replied to me on coffee meets bagle.
I look like pic related with a worse hairline (US).
I would say yes to you, that guys pretty cute. Do you have a mean personality or something?
that's the most hideous, thing I seen so far.
hate to break it, but I think you might be a homosexual
If anything she would have thought I was soft. I spent the whole convo asking about her, using open ended "What" "How" "Why" questions. Avoided interview style questions. There were no pauses more than 2s. Stuck to family, occupation, recreation, dreams topics. Got a couple grins but she never really showed any interest or asked about me back. After about 20 min of sitting and 10 of walking she kept pulling out her phone and the answers got shorter and shorter. At that point I figured I'd better wrap things up, but dropped my spaghetti putting my hand on her shoulder and saying we should get together again. Went for the hug, accepted by no smiles in return. Then I strolled away awkwardly.
In case someone mentions high, I wore boots that bump me from 5'11 on license to 6'0.
I know samples sizes of one aren't reliable but it still stings when that's the only date you're able to get in the first place.
I mean I'd fuck her but anything beyond that? Nah.
Fuck you, nigga! i'm going to be sick now..
aw, I'm sorry. I feel like it was her shitty personality more so than yours. Sorry for your experience. I feel a lot of people these days are ill-mannered and don't even know what it's like being respectful to another person and listening to them.
Don't you realize user?
This is where your penis is meant to be
Inside a gorgeous asian beauty like this
I'd shove my cock in it if it has no STDs
>robots are actually grossed out by this
i don't get it. it's a normal looking bagina
Would robots kiss pic related (on the mouth)?
Id be balls deep she looks wet to
According to Jow Forums, medium to large sized labia equals having taken miles of cock
These brainlets don't understand how skin works
Absolutely. Kiss her all over a lot of other places too
>tfw she looks like my grandma
>Kiss her all over a lot of other places too
>t. girl that's used goods
this old excuse again, roastie?
i am a hetero white man who has a rational understanding of how the world, and women's bodies work
I appreciate you saying so.
Nonetheless, even rude people will behave when they see something to gain. If there wasn't a great enough physical attraction to be worth her time, it suggests she already has access to something better. If that's the case the online dating scene is yet harsher than I thought. I'm guessing the next step is to jump ship and try lurking meetup.com gatherings.
post dick with timestamp now
it could just be your hairline. the guy in your pic already has a bad one and if yours is even slightly worse it could make you look about 40 years old
then you have a hot grandmother want moar?
why would you want to attract people who are only nice to you when they see something to gain? it's good to know their true colours. Would you be happy in the long run if she pretended to be nice to you and wasted your time with more dates/money?
Nah she has a cute tummy
Would smash
When you find someone attractive, you enter a relationship for your own positive benefit, such as intimacy, validation, and/or social proof.
I understand that it's not ideal being with someone who's only nice to you because they find you attractive. Especially if you eventually lose that attraction due to age or illness. However, with the male sex drive and the aversion to loneliness, the theme of this thread is about being beggars not choosers.
On the money side, you're entirely right it's important to keep out of the equation. I do park a ways away, go dutch, and in this instance she was on the track to make more after graduation anyway.
You're probably right. I stopped the loss with fin last year, but I'll need to save for a transplant to get it back. Anglo genes m8.
Source is some boring solo shit. I'd love to see her get fucked.
do heterofags really find this shit attractive?
Not being overweight or looking like an ogre are barely any standards at all
But if a person isn't a nice person to begin with, you'll see how they treat people they have nothing to "gain" from.
i'm lucky to have a fucked an 18 tatted korean whore that looked much like that but i'd kill that gook without hesitation
ill say no to anything that doesn't come with pic related
that is without a doubt a fake hymen but guys here won't know lol
what? explain how is it fake?
you mean you can fake that shit?
And all this time I thought I was alone because I'm judged to be socially unacceptable and because I judge myself to be evil.
For those that are lonely, hang in there.
Don't go down the route of agro-incels.
Love is a hard thing to find and people spend their lives trying to find it, often falling hard.
Realize you're not looking for an idea, but someone that understands you.
When you grasp that, it'll make it easier to find someone that you share you're life with, rather than depend on and feel entitled to.