Predict your mother's reaction after you commit suicide

Predict your mother's reaction after you commit suicide

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I experienced it when something had to my sister earlier this month, who my mom spends much less time talking with than me. I'm not gonna die, for as long as I can help it.

Anger at having to clean my brains off of the drapes.

she's really huge so she's probably have a heart attack

I dont plan on committing suicide

Apathy originally

She'd go full schizo and and obsess over me non-stop even though I'm practically invisible while I'm alive.
Her and a lot of my family did that when my grandfather died. It was dead North Korean leader tier.

Probably cry her heart out. I kinda want to do it just to spite her for pestering me thinking every problem can be solved.

first thing she'll do is drink a glass of wine because she's an alcoholic

more accuarte to dad. but its a classic

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Do you think finding someone hanging would be worse than a shotgun blast?

if i go it's gonna be a rifle bullet to the back of the head or Carbon monoxide inhilation.
If I go the first route it's gonna be on my roof so no-one will realise for a while

i used to think i would shoot myself but my new plan is to go deep into the WV wilderness and just disappear.

by the time she found out i would be missing for months . years and it would soften the blow.

jokes on me she killed herself first lol

My mother and father both wanted me to commit suicide. I was abused and sabotaged until I developed serious depression. I never attempted suicide but came close a few times. My younger brother DID attempt suicide and it ruined my parents' marriage because they wanted me to die and not him. My parents were sick pieces of shit and I got the fuck out of their house and am not returning.

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Something like my uncle dying. Falling to her knees and screaming and crying.

Sad but at least it wasn't the important one.

die of shock probably

crying, i got into a car accident i almost died. when i stayed at the hospital i was at every morning/ day she was crying/ sad. i was on a lot of pills.

She'll probably start bitching at my dead body about having to do the dirty dishes I left.
Then she'll burst into hysterics and threaten to kill herself for a month (but she won't mean it).
Then she'll start bitching more about how my life insurance didn't cover this or that.

Leave it to women to always make something terrible into a "feel bad for me" moment.
Why am I even still alive?

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I don't care.

If I considered such things, I wouldn't be planning on killing myself in the first place.

so you plan to do an Into the Wild thing, that's cool and I dig it

"Fuck this shit i'm moving to Fiji"

mom: why did he did this? we provided him every necessary materials to become a wageslave for the rest of his life like everyone else did.
dad: it will be okay darling, it is a good thing we had a second daughter back when he showed signs of disatisfaction toward our teaching to him.

My mom would probably go hysterical. She'd be unconsolable, possibly even kill herself as well since she also has depression (guess it's genetic) I feel like my dad would just be angry and disappointed. I like to think he'd be mad but I doubt it. My youngest brother would be crying very sad, my middle brother i'm not sure, he might be sad but I don't know if he'd cry.

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fugg i like to think he'd be sad*
grug tired
grug no type good

Who cares? Fuck them. I hope they hang themselves too.

She'd be mostly indifferent to it. All of the sympathy she'd get would probably feed her ego.

this is a harsh webm

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my dad would be sad, but hed get over it, most his family has died and i disappointed him a lot. My mom would go into hysterics. Shed prolly try to kill herself as well. What im scared about is ruining my 5 y/o sister's life by taking my own.

Anons hope aint lost. You don't have to end yourself. You can push past it all. I know you can.

Push past into what? Into hwat?

>immediately exploit it for sympathy
>HOW could this HAPPEN? (lol)

if only i had been more cruel to him as a child. oh well. stupid faggot baby

she would be devastated. It would probably ruin her life. It's the only reason I haven't already done it.

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none cause i'll do it hundreds of miles away in a swamp like any decent human would.

Yeah, theews an uncannyness to the dead, lifeless face of a corpse. Meanwhile a head blown to kibble by a shotgun would be less associatable with the deceased.

You should shoot across both hemispheres of the brain if your gonna kill yourself with gun, better chances of success.

Nothing cause I wouldn't, but either a narcotic + narcoleptic induced haze from the pain medication she has perscribed and her sleep disorders or overwhelming sadness.

Mine too. Both my grandmothers are still alive, they're gonna get to see two generations under them off themselves. Good shit.

all your mothers will forget about you after a while.
stop pretending like its the reason why you haven't done it.
you are just pussies.

She'd get a tattoo on her butthole with my face and name around it. RIP

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She probably wouldn't care. She never loved me, haven't spoken to her in 6 years.

If anything she'd be angry that she has to pay for / attend my funeral.

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