Can people recover from clinical depression

can people recover from clinical depression

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Yes, after many years, but you'll always be predisposed to get it again.

i did, but it took a professional drug rehab setting for me to do it. that was 4 years ago. today i teeter on the edge of being depressed.

No, it makes you too lazy to put in the effort to actually change anything in your life.

hope you dont reach that point then.
sorry to hear.
im put on strong psych ward meds.
but i feel extremely depressed a lot

You can maybe make it go away for a while, but it can always come back.

Yes, but it's puts you at a big risk of drug abuse which can slow down your recovery from weeks to several years.

I heard killing yourself works i

i wont turn to drugs again, if thats what you mean. but i dont know how to truly be "happy". im just sorta stuck here in the middle.

you take drugs?

no. the only drug that might work is something in the amphetamine family, but thats my drug of choice so i have to steer clear of it.

Depends how intense it is. I'd say they can't, ever. Every single person I know who "recovered" from depression relapsed hard or was just faking being okay for everyone else.

i had to fake being "okay" a lot of times at the psych ward.
my states really shitty

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Happened to me too when they locked me up. It's funny, I'm not even sure I am depressed anymore. It's becoming slowly apparent that maybe I'm just "like this" ya know? Maybe it's just my personality and not an illness.

What's the difference between major depression and clinical depression? i have the former diagnosis yet it doesn't sound so far from clinical imo

i don't think it's possible to recover from depression in a world where hypergamy is so rampant but thanks for the offer you sick fuck

I don't know if you can fully recover. True depression is truly debilitating, and it causes others to drift away from you. In order to recover, you would have to rekindle the relationships that you've lost with others.

That's a big step, and the rejection that you may face could plunge you back into depression. Of course you could form new relationships as well.

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Yeah fucking normalfags think there's something wrong with you if you don't want to be an extroverted hedonist, when it's really more insane to want to do that shit than wanting to avoid it.

The rejection hurts. I just tried rekindling things and the few friends I had won't bite even though I'm back on meds and in therapy.

People truly suck. I'm failing at making new friends and I lost my old ones for good. I'm relapsing hard.

I strongly believe that some people just aren't meant to be happy. Is it fair? Not at all, its just something we have to adapt to.

Maybe that happiness you seek is just an idea. Its a cliche but its also true that you only really understand happiness when its in your past.

happy people with good genes tend to create happy children.
i was born in a slightly inbred family in a country that wasn't our own and with a father who never helped or encouraged me to become a man.

it's completely biological.

>describes how he was molded by inbred genes, environment, and young life experiences
>it's completely biological

no you just get used to it, like you build up a tolerance to a drug

yes. the cure is a girlfriend and a steady flow of sex
if you break up and stop getting laid though the depression will come back twice as strong

Is there a really hard line for distinguishing between general negativity/gloominess/unhappiness and clinical depression? People are often concerned about my state of mind and a few people (professionals and friends/acquaintances) have suggested I may have a serious problem and that I look into meds/therapy (fuck that). I always wonder where the line is. I personally believe that unless your brain is physically dented you just are what you are and that anything we do to try to patch up or forget this is dishonest and unhelpful.

I function day to day, sort of. I sometimes have weeks-long stretches where I'm halfway catatonic and don't work, eat or sleep anything close to healthily and some people say this is chemical imbalance or something. Does anybody know a lot about this stuff?

It's just a bunch of jew bullshit. Do what feels right to you.

Daily self-bombardments of Christian propaganda aren't doing too bad at the moment. Can't be doing more harm than those drugs everyone's on right now. I've never heard of dangerous side-effects to Aquinas.

You either take drugs or accept that nothing matters and live with it.

Having sex won't cure your mental illness. Maybe it works for some people but it sure as hell didn't make me feel any better.

No, and meds/therapy help maybe half of the patients.

It's just a question of deal or die.

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What does depression feel like? How would you know you have it again?

Nope, its always there anons. Lifes a bitch and then you die.

i dont know how to explain it.
but it feels like youre dead, i feel like im in a spiral alot.

its the worst feeling ever

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Only death is salvation.
Anyone else is talking shit.

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You feel like a dumbass while depressed, like there's this big ass mental fog that keeps you from
enjoying anything and from doing anything. In your heart, you know you have to do things to change, but the depression talks very loudly through your inner voice, it's like the inner critic but it's there at all times from
the moment you wake up in the morning.

Usually, the inner critic will creep in during a tough task, but no, with depression, that fucker is always there. Telling you shit like "it doesn't matter if you clean your room, you'll always be an useless piece of shit". That fucker never shuts up until you start doing things, over and over again. And even then, he might not disappear as you accomplish those little goals. That fucker (depression) might suddenly disappear when it feels like it, but it will always stay there if you do nothing.

You lose motivation to do things. Not things like work but things you used to enjoy. You just exist in a state of despair and hopelessness that you can't seem to move out of, even though the steps you need to take look so easy.

>Is there a really hard line for distinguishing between general negativity/gloominess/unhappiness and clinical depression?
Yes, there is a definition for clinical depression and you should seek help the second that you realize that your thought patterns are causing you to self sabotage or otherwise are negatively impacting your quality of life for utterly irrational reasons (note: irrational is usually taken to mean 'irascible' or volatile, while I mean it here in the literal sense of non-rational).
it's the same with drug and alcohol problems, there's a very clear demarcation line - High Functioning Addicts notwithstanding. If your behaviors start negatively impacting other aspects of your life, and it becomes a pattern (getting hungover once a year so you don't make it to work probably isn't a drinking problem - do it several times and start considering it), you have a problem. That's the moment you need therapy or help or medication for depression, now which approach is needed varies, but some sort of remedy is needed.

That doesn't sound like such a hard definition. Everyone hurts themselves to some degree and has their desires in some degree of disorder unless they're a saint. Even then nobody's perfect. The general description of being unable to enjoy things or focus and constantly self-sabotaging with extreme negative thoughts that don't seem to go away seems on point but for me that's more or less normal so it never usually strikes me as a serious problem. I'm personally trying to unfuck myself for other peoples' sake so I'm trying hard as I can to work out what's wrong with me if anything without seeing professionals (because I don't trust or like them).

It only gets worse. Then you kill yourself.

Honestly this hits the nail right on the head. It's referred to as 'living with the black dog' for a reason. Imagine this lazy ass fucking giant black dog that won't stop hanging around. Every time you try to leave the house, he's lying on your porch, and he makes anything you try to do difficult. Sometimes you're able to shoo him off for a little while, but look closely enough and you realise that he's waiting down the street, and the moment you let your guard down he's back on your porch.

Is that the leviathan's scar sighted?

You can.I did it without ever visiting a Psychiatrist.

that happiness involves a wife and kids. the fact im posting on Jow Forums proves how unlikely that is to happen

depression is like trying to climb out of a very deep pit
sometimes you'll even make it to the top, but something is always there to push you right back down into it