Tfw smoking 75 cigarettes a day

>Tfw smoking 75 cigarettes a day

Anyone here managed to quit?

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I smoke 400 a day pussy


I used to smoke 700 a day. pussyboiiii

smoke a pipe with some haunted bookshop in it. just trust me. you'll never want to smoke a cig again.

fuck this osg meme

On weekends I smoke more, weekdays I only smoke once when I wake up and when I go to sleep. If it starts to harm me beyond what I can tolerate I'll just take a small break from smoking. Learn to control your habits

Yes, try Zyban or Chantix. Painless.
Before you do, though, try the patch, and leave it on overnight for really funky dreams. Might as well have fun.


Sounds interesting would love to try but I don’t want to look like a complete fucking try hard faggot.

I quit a few years ago. I used 3 tricks to quit.
>Used 2 weeks of vacation.
I always smoked at work. I always smoked while driving. I always smoked while drinking. I always smoked while with friends.
When you have a craving, do something else. Eat, smoke weed, jerk off. The key is to reward yourself for not smoking. Your body will associate not smoking with these rewards.

After 2 weeks you're in the clear.

Start to vape, it's cheaper, more satisfying and you don't have to go cold turkey. You also have the positive effects of nicotine without tarring your lung.

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Trying to stop chewing .... trying ....

>I'll rather die a horrible stupid death than trying hard to solve my addiction problems
wew lad

The 3rd trick is dating a girl who won't fuck you if you smell like cigarettes.

I quit when I got a job north of the Arctic Circle. I didn't like the idea of smoking inside my house and getting dressed to go out in subzero cold for 5 minutes every hour got old real quick. The worst part is the first 5 days. The craving rapidly subsided for me at least after that. I've heard people say that he cravings never die but I've found that simply isn't true. Within a couple months I had no desire to smoke ever again. Also food tastes way better.

so what you're saying is that you're a pussy and would rather worry about your appearance to others than your own enjoyment and life? most of the greatest thinkers in the world smoked a pipe, you dipshit.

Bitches, I smoked at least 900 in my past life.

I'm gonna quit very soon. It's just so fucking peaceful out on my porch with the bluebirds and gentle Spring breeze kissing me

Try shoving a cock in your mouth every time you want to smoke.

read this book and you will both quit smoking and realise how scarily suggestible you actually are

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You have been reported to the Merkel Polize, please stay where you are and do not attempt to dispose of your vape

That's fucking pathetic.


Yes. Take up vaping, you'll look like a douche but it won't kill you.

Nice thread, faggot

stop posting this shit every single day you faggot. Moderate tobacco use is beneficial, quit kiking up the board

yes finally after 12 years with a usb port (pic related)

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>They don't have a cig in their mouth 24/7 even when sleeping

You posted this crap the past three days. Another shill slide thread.

thanks for reminding me im out, asshole

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