Women shouldn't be promiscuous and engage in casual sex, it's degenerate

>women shouldn't be promiscuous and engage in casual sex, it's degenerate
>Chad should be praised for fucking lots of women
Pick one and only one. You can't simultaneously hate promiscuous women but praise sexually successful men. It takes two people to have sex; if you hate one, you have to hate the other because they're equally responsible. There wouldn't be any promiscuous women if there weren't Chads out there fucking them, and there wouldn't be Chads if there weren't sluts. You have to detest the entire thing if you truly hate casual sex.

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>having the same standard for men and women
wew lad

I hate Chad, women, and the betabux who support wall hitter women. But I hate women the most, because Chad and betabux have a few redeemable qualities. Women are vile cockmonglers no matter where you go.

This culture of sexual promiscuity is ugly in my eyes, and I don't want to participate in it. My refusal to play along or even consider that has left me alienated and ridiculed, so I understand why people choose to play along, instead. Chad is the most successful in doing so, so good for him. I don't hate anyone who can just let me be if they don't understand me, but it's women who I would be interested in if this system was for me at all.

No one praises Chad on here. You hang out here much m8?

>women shouldn't be promiscuous
Of course they shouldn't, they only have one egg cell, only one man can get it

>Chad should be praised for fucking lots of women
He can have many women's egg cells at once

How is this contradictory at all? It's just mathematics. The only limitation is how many children with different women a man can support, that's the only thing that is twisted nowadays, because the state acts as a provider for people who wouldn't get support otherwise which takes from some people either actively or because they aren't needed, and gives to the undeserving

men and women are different not the same

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>Jow Forums is one person
>making sweeping generalisations
>men and women should held to the same standard
At least think next time.

>men should sleep with lots of women but those women should also refuse those men because they're not supposed to sleep around

>thinking people like Chad here
First day on Jow Forums?

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Since when did anyone on here praise Chad?

People here praise Chad all the time. It's the normies that are hated.

if anyone deserves praise is the average looking guy that manages to bang lots of women, not chad who has it on easy mode.

but ya pretty much this

You do realize there is absolutely NO contradiction if all of the women only sleep with one guy, and that one guy sleeps around.

Men are supposed compete to be that guy because THEY can have more children at once, a woman can only carry one. Every 1 in 200 people is a descendant of Dschingis Khan, such an accomplishment is not POSSIBLE for a woman by design.

Chad is normie. Everyone hates Chad here, its used as a pejorative.
You of course wont believe it because you already decided what you believe

I don't praise promiscuity from either gender.

Except women aren't sleeping with one guy, because there are loads of Chads who are willing to fuck about anything now. They can hop around BECAUSE there are so many men who don't give a fuck and don't want to commit. Both are equally at fault.

>women should be loved and appreciated regardless of size, looks and race
>I only fuck attractive Jow Forums white chads
Pick one and only one.

Monogamy is the ideal.

But polygamy from women is still much worse logically than polygamy from a man.

I do not condone Chad's actions
But his actions have less impact on my life than those of women

I agree on both points, but people falsely blame women entirely for being sluts when half the responsibility also lies with men. You can't have a slut if there aren't men willing to casually fuck her. That's the point I was trying to make.

>Pick one and only one.
Okay I pick the first one

you are all a bunch of faggots . chasing the validation from the social hierarchy . instead of creating you own rules . kill yourselfs beta weaklings ,filthy peasants.