What are you supposed to do when Jow Forums is so full of cancerous bullshit to the point of being unusable?
What are you supposed to do when Jow Forums is so full of cancerous bullshit to the point of being unusable?
1am-8am CST through the work week is the best time to browse Jow Forums
>no normalfags
>no failed normal fags
>no incels
just a variety of neets
You talk to Hyacinth#0421
quickly press the - on stuff you don't like, and enjoy the 1-10 threads that you like, while also entertaining yourself with some music or something. I don't get why people feel like they need 100 threads to fit their tastes at a time or else they're bored.
Lmao at these mad irrelevants
You realize it is shit and leave for however long you can.
you simply start using filters
you migrate to
This. I've got about 90 threads filtered automatically, all of them shit. Still have to update it daily to deal with faggots like though.
To add onto this, a big part of it is filtering image md5s for common shit, ie. pic related.
Include my in the screencap next time
>muh shitty taste and safe space
That is not common anymore by any means.
Howdy my fellow epic redditor, add me on le discord to discuss le trape and gaye me mes yeet on the incels. My name is Advertising (all forms) is not welcome-this includes any type of referral linking, "offers", soliciting, begging, stream threads, etc.
probably a smart idea to filter any female variants of anything
I hate normie server fags too but talking about reddit while in a thread about safe spacing is fucking rich
i want to ditch this shithole but its tough, after like 8 or 9 years of browsing this board on a fairly regular basis i feel pretty attached to it in a strange way even though it bears no resemblance to the r9k i fell in love with. feels bad man.
I really hate how when I walk down the street it's not covered in feces. Come on, safe space much?
A safe space would be somewhere where opinions you don't like are not allowed. Filtering something means you do not see it, not that it is unseeable.
>Ignoring faggots is hard work ;(
>I like blue elephants
You have poor reading comprehension.