I have the keys of my neighbor's apartment. 40-50 year-old MILF...

I have the keys of my neighbor's apartment. 40-50 year-old MILF, her 50-60 year-old mentally and physically challenged sister and her 16 year-old 7/10 daughter. They usually leave her sister alone all day during weekdays, but sometimes the daughter stays too. I can enter at any time, except at night obviously.
Trips or above decide what I should do.

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Water their plants

user, if you rape her and she calls the cops after, you WILL be put in jail

In fact, you'll be put in jail even if you didn't actually rape her

Dress up as a clown and repeatedly visit the disabled sister and just stand in front of her smiling, then leave after like 10 minutes. The others will think she's crazy at first when she tells them about it, but as time goes on and she won't shut up about it, they'll start to get freaked out too

Who said anything about rape?
I'm a good boy who makes food and coffee for her sister.

spycam in the toilet bowl.

Why are they leaving her alone. That's a bit cruel isn't it.

This. Fuckers will never see it coming.

Yes it is. The authorities already contacted her once or twice. Her sister broke and arm and almost died of hypothermia at the same time. She already hired someone else from the building to take care of her, but only during the morning. All I can do is bring her food and check if everything's alright, then I go to work.

walk in, fart, leave

I've already did that

Rape the female

Yes do this please I like this

No trips no deeds

Do their dishes, help out around the house, vacuum. Idk

just start going there in wife beaters fresh from the shower the daugher will jump you

I clean a plate or two and take out the trash. Her house smells like shit btw

watch anime with the sister

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take a shit on their kitchen floor or carpet


Enter the building at night while naked and try to get one of them to fuck you.

Piss in the bathroom with the door open and your dick out so the daughter walks past and sees it

hit the retard sister in the head with a hammer

show her tekashi six nine

No reason to. She's already retarded.

Shit in the plants in her flat, amigo!

Make the disabled sister eat pancakes with your cum in it

Piss your pants and blame the mentally challenged sister.

Reroll because missed
Prolly miss again

Microwave poop in their house and then put the poop in their freezer

Put poop in microwave. Don't turn it on, just leave it there.

Steal some of their shit but leave the keys inside and a letter saying "You forgot this."

Don't let the sister suffer any longer

Panty drawer asap

Go to their place, walk in, and swallow the key right in front of them

Walk in and tell WHAT'S NEW PUSSYCAT

Prepare her a milkshake

you ask them for advice on what to do with your life and then ask them if they have someone you can confess your sins to.

Go pee on their lawn


Play a friendly game

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Rerolling with an original smell

Chek these trips.

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Buy a spycam, plant it in the milf's room, post pics here.

Rerolling for this bas boy

say hi to everyone while your balls hang out of your trousers



Bring booze and get drunk together.
>don't have to worry about driving because you can walk back home whenever

offer her one of this

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Have a talk about the birds and the bees then leave

Set up a recorder and record their conversations

Ask for sex and if she resists rape her

wipe your jizz on their pillows

this. also mix your semen in their shampoo bottle

Confess to the daughter
Check these trips kek

Give the mentally challenged sister and the 16-year-old a good night kiss for a week

Shove keys up your ass

jizz al over their clothes

Murder and then rape them all.

give them their keys back

Tell them about Colombine

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FUCKING THIS!!!!!!! OP PLEASE!!!!!!! They probably have such a disgusting toilet too!!!!!!!

Fpbp thanks for the kek never saw that coming and neither did they

Shit in air vent . ASAP

Eat a ton of nasty greasy food and then try not to shit for a week straight. Then sneak in at night and take a massive diarrhea dump in their toilet, when they wake up they will think a buffalo shit in their bathroom. I have actually done this before with a family member, very satisfying reaction I got from them, they actually had to call a plumber afterwards and the total damages amounted to over $200. It absolutely fucked their pipes up and they had no idea it was me, felt like I got away with murder desu.

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Roll for fucking this, OP. This is gold

Play ghetto rap at max volume at night.

Rolling for this original one

dont do anything at all

Cook them eggs

Break down their door, helicoptering your dick with one hand and sieg heiling with the other while screaming "NEOOOOOOOOWWWW!"

Drink a fuckload of water and piss all over their floor.

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You should kill yourself on stream tbqh by this friday. Post the stream link on r9k

Give me half of all the money you have. Intrest free

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fucking underrated, good post user

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I want to fuck a milf so bad

I want her to love me

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>You should kill yourself on stream tbqh by this friday. Post the stream link on r9k
This but unironically

Rolling for this tpqhfamalam