If you had to get a tattoo, what would it be?

If you had to get a tattoo, what would it be?

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Mark of sacrifice
since we are all just meat

Attached: 710182_1.jpg (630x630, 21K)

I would get this shifter pattern on the inside of my right forearm

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i want stars on my fingers right before the nail and a simple design of an eye on my chest. maybe even the seele logo? definitely want something eva related

My name originaltlyyyyhrbtrb

Peace, diplomacy and freedom

Never want one.
If I had to, I would go full edgy and get Mark of Torment. Maybe with staring eyes replacing the smaller holes.

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A penis on my forehead, because fuck if I ever had to get a tattoo I've fucked up.

that looks so gay dude

I would really like to have
'>tfw no gf' on my shoulder. I already have a feel sticker on my car and belt. It would be really cool to have one on your own body.

unironically just the drum faced girl from the itaots cover

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*worlds tiniest violin*

to be honest pic related
most people won't know Jow Forums and i'd just say it represent's im lucky to be born

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a freckle

The brand from Berserk

Man you would get so much hipster puss if it was still 2011

You could just tell people you really like Yotsuba&! or Ann from Persona 5.

Oroboros, or the mark from berserk like a couple other good taste anons posted.

imagine being this much a fuckin loser. this is comparable to a basic grunge/emo tumblr girl in 2012 wanting to get the tumblr logo tattooed. grow up idiot

if i were forced to? a single skin-colored pixel.

tattoos are degenerate

An oni mask, a mitsu-tomoe, a skull on the back of my hand and an ouroboros are all pics I plan to get inked.

Pic related.
And some vidya related shit.

Attached: Laurel-wreath-tattoo-around-the-neck.jpg (640x588, 83K)

All along my shaft.

Id get nasa on my peepee

nigger i said it represents that im lucky to be born
you're probably right though