Sperm Donor Meets His 19 Children All Together


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this is what a new-age chad looks like

I'm thinking of doing something like this eventually. I'm pretty decent, genetically speaking (6'4, 7 inch cock, blue eyes). But I think they like it when you've got a pretty good education but I'm not very good with the school.

AHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA the ones who are the least attractive are seated furthest from him

imagine if he would fuck the girl with white pants

you need a good academic career or at least a good job like doctor, lawyer, mathematician

>that awkward moment when you realize you gave birth to a whole army so you could score a few hundred bucks

Quite pungent indeed chad

I do this (pic related is an email from years ago)

In the uk you can have children with up to 10 people, who om average have about 2 kids so I'm going to end up with 20.

Although it's not a strict requirement, to have lots of kids you do have to be tall and well educated.

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do you look like a model and are highly intelligent ? congrats on winning genetic lottery man

The Jews only allow sperm banks to exist as long as they're dysgenic not eugenic.

That's retarded. Sperm banks turn down 99% of applicants bc women want Dr., Lawyer, Engineering types plus high IQ, athletic, and have heavy racial preferences.

Why aren't people rioting over sperm banks and saying they're being racist and body shaming by labeling "ideal" sperm by height and weight of the donor

I have below average looks, but would probably be average if I put more effort into "male grooming"/haircut.

I'm 6'4" and went to a variety of good-exceptional unis though, I know I'm the most in demand person at the hospital.

If you aren't picky about the recipients (I have quite high requirements) most people can do it.

Because it's the people who impose the requirements. If you were a roastie and could choose between a donor similar to your husband or a donor who is just a better version (taller, more educated, no illnesses) who are you going to pick?

>and well educated.
That's retarded, genuinely intelligent people don't bother pursuing "higher education" because it's a complete waste of time.

You can learn anything on the internet and you can do it for free in a fraction of the time.

Is it well paid? Is that why you're doing it?
I'm not exactly the best looking guy and 5'8 but I'm an accountant, went to very good unis and have an iq of 134

Holy shit this opened my eyes I might actually do this.

Too bad there is no cheap DIY way to freeze your sperm. I would throw a bottle in a glacier or w/e, maybe some vagina has a use for it in the future.

What a good goy cuck

Look at how women ruined his genes LMAO

I've got 37 so far and growing. Only a few here in my own country but the clinic sold my sperm to Brazil because I was stupid with the paperwork, and they went nuts with it.

Discrimination isn't discrimination when it benefits women

How do I go around selling my sperm in the UK?
I'm 22, have a degree, a standard office job and I'm 6'2". Would anyone even want my sperm or is the competition too big?

The most attractive and popular students in a classroom tend to pool towards the center of the room, rather than the corners. Assuming they didn't have arranged seating, it's just how nature plays out. The more outgoing individuals will be in the spotlight.

Proof? That sounds quite wild.