Im out of food stamps r9k and wont be reimbursed til the middle of next month

Im out of food stamps r9k and wont be reimbursed til the middle of next month.
I dont think im gonna make it.
I hate the feeling of hunger; Its one of the worst emotions in the world!

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Hunger is not an emotion.

Yes it is.
Its one of the mai human emotions.

Theres anger, horny, hungry, sad, afraid etc

>food stamps
This is what you deserve for being a worthless leech
Starve, you scumbag

you'll get used to it. stop bein a fagget

Pls no
I dont want to starve to death. I have no money and cant buy anything to eat.

The amount of money SNAP gives is dumb. It's supposed to be "supplemental" but they give more money than I spend total on food in a month.
If you are on SNAP, this is your own fault.

if only you were a roastie, die loser

What state/country are you in?


No its not my fault, wadnt given enough to last me a month ad a single person.

A roastie with a kid gets hundreds of dollars worth of food stamps and they make it last for months even without regular payments...

Go and find a Sikh temple. They usually have a free dinner every day to help with community outreach.

How much do you get?

We dont have those in America.
This isnt the UK

Here's the truth about all of these government programs. They're not for adults. The only reason that they exist is to make sure the kids of idiot parents don't have as hard of a life. And having the moms handle the money is just an inconvenience, in their eyes. If they could put all the cash towards kids under 18, they would

145 usd a mo

>Im out of food stamps
They shouldn't exist in the first place. Fuck you, thief.
>I hate the feeling of hunger; Its one of the worst emotions in the world!
You deserve a bullet to the head.

Should've done better in school.

Sorry bro but that's enough to live on if you're smart. Ask around about churches with soup kitchens.

I ranked 9th among the top 10 most academically gifted students in my school though.

Society is a bullshit.

The idea that some humans get to control the water and food on the planet and that you have to be a slave to gain access has no moral basis at all.

It is society that is a thief.

Humans have no moral high ground when trying to create slave classes or control resources of the planet.

What did you study after high school and how well did you do?

Also places like walmart are easy to steal food from, and if you are caught stealing a small amount of food and tell them you are starving they will probably let you go and just tell you not to come back.

People like you say this becaise they never had to worry about buying food on their own and still have the support of mom and dad...
I thought I bought enough to last me until my next payment but it all disappeared after 3 weeks.
And i bought nothing but cheap shit.

>Society is a bullshit.
I agree - only because of society (specifically women voters) does he get free shit others paid for.
>The idea that some humans get to control the water and food
>Humans have no moral high ground when trying to create slave classes or control resources of the planet.
They don't. What we pay for is the system through which water flows cleanly around our homes, not the water itself. You want water? Go to a lake.

I live on my own on an $11/hour job with a roommate. I spend about $120-$150 a month on food. If you're poor you have to learn to buy what is actually cheap in bulk.

Time stamped flacid penis with a pencil in it and ill give 50

>you shouldn't get free food because you might starve your a leech
>You should've done better in school and then you would definitely not be poor
>It's your fault your poor you chose to be poor
How many of you here were actually born in poor and those 'I WUZ POOR BUT I WORKD MUH EAY UP' guys can fuck off we know your lying and it's pretty hard to catch the chances of getting into some high paying internship.

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I don't need to have been born poor in order to know anyone with basic money management skills can get a minimum wage job as long as they graduated high school and aren't lazy pricks. Very, very few exceptions to this (people with extreme illnesses or whatever).

Just make a sign and stand outside of a grocery store. The sign should say "please buy me some potatoes"

I spend 140 cad a month, theres no reason you shouldnt be able to just dont make eat fast food and buy alot of cabbage

You cant buy fast food with food stamps, brainlet

You can at those places in the hood where you technically buy the ingredients and they cook it for you for 1 cent

oh i thought you were low income not no income

I never heard of this before but then again i dont venture to many black neighborhoods

doesnt change the point at all though

They usually look something like this

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Just go outside of a grocery store and beg and hope for some rich fag to buy you potatoes and cabbages.

That was a different guy
My tummy is rumbling for those crumblies

Ive been watching food videos on yt and its killing me
Ill never take food for granted ever again.

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Surely you have a few dollars and spare change to buy ramen and bananas to make it to the end of the month?

Go bed outside of a store then. Go through the garbage outside the back of restaurants and wait till closing. Usually people come outside to throw away unwanted/unused food, and they'll give it to you if you ask.

Are you an overweight bot?

I have like 3 dollars in spare change so I could buy a lot of bananas since they are ridiculously cheap.

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Is there a food bank where you live?

>NEET magapedes voted Republican and now can't get gubmint handouts for their tendies
Loving every laugh

>I don't need to have been born poor in order to know anyone with basic money management skills can get a minimum wage job
You think one minimum wage job will support you in a area with high costs and you can't move because you can't afford it.

When you run low get cheap and hearty things like pasta, mac & cheese, ramen, crackers and cereal.

A box of Saltines is under $4 and you snack on it all the time for a couple days. Something I found out recently is if you don't have any tomato sauce you can cover pasta with vegetable oil and garlic and onion salt.

You can also get a bag of baby carrots for $2 and you'll need that to balance out all the grains in the above list.

And for protein get a couple cans of tuna fish.

I like to make my own bread which is super cheap. Each loaf is 3 cups of flour, and there's 20 cups of flour in a $5 bag so that's 4 loaves of bread for $5 plus $2.50 for 3 packets of yeast.

You active the yeast by putting it in luke warm water for 10 minutes, at a tablespoon of sugar to feed the yeast then knead in the 3 cups of flour. You let it rise for 45 minutes to an hour and a half then cook at 350 degrees for an hour. Oh, and you need to either grease or oil the pan you put it in.

But don't do it too much or you might develop a gluten sensitivity. That happened to me but it went away.

Donate blood or plasma nigger

I tried to apply for food stamps and got denied. I'm not rich or anything only make $15/hr as a lab technician. Meanwhile illegals with 10 kids receive thousands in food stamps.

Where do I get a plasma nigger?