Does it amaze anyone else how prevalent autism is in our society...

Does it amaze anyone else how prevalent autism is in our society? I used to never even think about it but after coming here I've started to notice spergs everywhere.

Is autism on the rise or was it always like this?

Attached: 1532874441796.png (749x1022, 945K)

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It was always like this but older generations grew up without internet and learned how to socialize because they had nothing better to do.

it was always present.

This. Fewer shut ins because there wasnt any way to entertain yourself as a shut in

It's resultant from big pharma and lifestyle/ diet elements to a greater extent, and social and cultural factors including social media, to a lesser extent.

That makes too much sense. Seriously without the internet and computers my life would've been way better.

>big pharma
Care to expand?

J. Mascis doesn't have autism, does he?

Attached: 1531365830725.jpg (1451x945, 151K)

Look, all I know is, I don't like 'em putting chemicals in the water.

Attached: alex-jones-super-saiyan-gif.gif (320x234, 1.68M)

"I think you're a guitar god, would you agree?" "um... no."
"well I think you are."

How can you look at OP's picture and tell yourself he doesn't have autism?

What screams autism to you? The eye-catching street wear or that he's not smiling?

posture and facial expression

Dinosaur Jr is the shit

Autism chances increase with each year over 25 a woman gives birth.

i've never watched any interviews with this guy but this makes him seem like such an asshole... is he always like this?

There were books and TV

The current generation is too socialized though. Look at how sensitive they are to differences and freak out over them.

But with the internet and vidya autist shut ins spend all their time on those instead of recording Speaking in Tongues

>too socialized
That couldn't be farther from the truth. The only socialization that the current generation really experiences is superficial and online, hence they are more sensitive to irl differences and it freaks them out.

I had both internet and real life interaction. The internet back then was less connected. It was more about information and less about comments. The forms were about niche interests and you had to know your stuff to debate. The average person didn't take it over yet. I used lots of my internet time to read for information.

If this is the case why are the normies sensitive and not the autists, shut ins, or schizoids who socialize less than they do?

Because the normies have self esteem and are generally unwilling to admit to faults within their own thinking and dig themselves deeper and deeper into their ideal way they think the world is or should be.

I don't understand why they hate depth. It's like they all collectively decided to be assholes behind my back.

I remember my home always having kids there all the time. I always remember cousins, siblings, neighbor kids all the time. I was surrounded. We always played and did things together. We knew each other for years and I always has people there. People came in and out of my house and we were always thinking of you ways to entertain ourselves.

Then I encounter these assholes who hate every little difference. Someone had to condition them to be this way. Because I'd rather not socialize than have to deal with them. I never had to work to get interaction so socializing with them has no reward.

i wish it was more prevalent. im sick of this neurotypical dominance. i hate how we "weird" people have to hide in the shadows for fear of ridicule.

This is why I unironically believe it n just be yourself now. If they are that sensitive to differences they should be forced to deal with them. Pandering to them gets you nowhere.

>Autism chances increase with each year over 25 a woman gives birth.
No that is downs. Autism is strongly associated with advanced paternal age.