Don't do what you want boyim, just get married and slave away at some job you hate for some woman

>don't do what you want boyim, just get married and slave away at some job you hate for some woman

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it's probably true. marriage is a sign of success.

I wish someone wanted to marry me. I'm just an unattractive wretch though. I guess I got one over on da joos this time, heh.

Is this article actually trying to tell me a 50 hour work week will make me happier than doing the things I enjoy?

Once you swallow the blackpill its astonishing how obvious the lies are, how blatant the manipulation is.

>marriage is a sign of success
And a ticking time bomb to fuck over the guy.

>Why married men work harder, smarter and make more money
Because they forced themselves to, by taking care of a fully-grown woman that will probably cheat on him and however many children they spawned.
He'd have way more money in the same position if he wasn't married.

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>Years and years and YEARS of constant articles about the single life, the bachelor life, and the child-free life, and how great and amazing and financial they are
>Oh shit guys aren't manning up and marrying roasties and having kids?
>Uh uh uh.... d-d-don't be a bachelor!

But it's still ok for women though to life the single and child-free life right?

I know a guy that is married but doesn't want kids. I don't know too many people but not everybody wants to live life the exact way they are told.
I am very turned off by the idea of marriage for many reasons, but if I do meet a good woman (lol!) then that may be all it takes to change my mind.
But then someone can always reply and say I'm a neckbeard and I'll never get a woman, virgin incel blah blah blah, we all know the script by now.

>But it's still ok for women though to life the single and child-free life right?
Jej of course. Can you even imagine an article telling roasties to stop fucking around, be real women, get married and have kids?

>Can you even imagine an article telling roasties to stop fucking around, be real women, get married and have kids?
There was one like that recently and the roastflaps lost their shit over it and made videos literally crying about it. I think the article was called "No one wants to marry a +30 year old non-virgin in financial debt" or something like that.

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does this article acknowledge that marriages are increasingly taking place only between the wealthy while occurrences are dropping for the poor and middle class?
>earn slightly more money
>increase expenses at least 4 fold
Yup, definitely ahead. Wont deny the importance of companionship though, I'll probably die early from all the stress and sadness of constantly being alone/alcohol.

I wonder why western society has such a hard time accepting that men don't appreciate certain disgusting traits in women.
Can either of you explain to me why that is? Why does the west have such a problem with men, especially young white men, turning away from women when the women have been degenerate sluts?

It's not "the West" that has a problem with it, it's literally the women with those certain disgusting traits that have a problem with it, and they bitch and moan the loudest. The problem the West has is that it tends to pander to women.

The end goal of feminism and gynocentric society is removing all consequences from female behavior. Women want to be able to do whatever they want from 16-30 and still settle down with a pliant beta provider. Men who have standards and hold women accountable tend to upset this goal

But I have fought with vast swathes of people, all of differing types, who have a severe hatred of what I mentioned.
I can even lurk and research this stuff myself and again, there is widespread hatred toward what I mentioned and this only happens in western society, nowhere else.

Huh well not what I've seen. Women who aren't sluts don't like sluts and sluts HATE women who aren't sluts. Guys don't like sluts either so the only ones who would defend them, I'm betting are white knights or are pussy whipped by sluts.

even Wilt Chamberlain said marriage has no place in today's society and that was like 30 years ago.

This is the doing of all of the good guys constantly whiteknight in hopes they will get some pussy.
They act as if women can do no wrong, and it bled this idea into the general consensus

I've dealt with the complete opposite and I wish I'd rather not, but those are some tribulations I had to go through.
>Guys don't like sluts either
Is this a reddit-tier "omg guys are slut shaming" thing? I've seen more men defend sluts than women - besides, the guys are the ones fucking the sluts and dating/marrying them anyway.
Men by far validate wicked women more than women do. I wish men were still as rigid and hardcore as we're made out to be, but we're not.

>married men work harder, smarter and make more money
correlation =/= causation
getting married doesnt make you get paid more, doesnt make you smarter, it might make you work harder once you have children tho

all this really says is that people who are smarter and make more money (successful people) are more likely to get married than unsuccessful people

I'm speaking more of recent trends, years past guys might have stood up for sluts and even accepted to being beta providers.

By now though that trend I think is waning as all those situations have imploded, and guys are either realizing that white knighting doesn't work, that the situations where they settle for a used goods roastie most of the time results in getting cucked or divorce, or just in general that they can say sluts are ok but when it comes down to it and the time comes to actually "man up" and settle for one they realize they don't really want one and don't really like them.

5, 10, 15, 20 years ago I would agree with you that guys were probably the biggest slut enablers and defenders but I've noticed I think the trend reversing. A slow process, and long fucking overdue that should never have been in the first place, but happening nonetheless.

but sluts are okay
for fucking and nothing more, never settle down with a whore

dunno what's surprising about men doing anything in their power to not spend time with their wives, kek. specially if there are annoying brats running in the house

This reminds me of the Jow Forums "le based Gen Z" meme they've been trying to push for the past couple years.
I don't think you can deny that western men give women so much, and expect so little. Men are the pillars which support the existence of women in every way. Lots of other metaphors but that will cover it for now. Just because a few guys like me don't like this stuff, doesn't mean that all the degenerates out there magically don't exist, as much as I wish that were the case.

>Here's how you can earn more money with a different lifestyle.

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>work harder smarter and make more money

Are they sure that does not mean that the poor slubs simply do not want to go home?

>work harder, smarter
I thought the saying was "work smarter, not harder? Are we throwing that out of the window now?

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fuck that shit
im a selfish fuck in reality i cant even be bothered holding down a gf, how do people decide to get with some bitch for life is beyond me then when it all fucks ups its entirely in the mans disadvantage

Even if they make more money a good chunk of it is going to the wife and kids, so it all balances out in the end. Bachelors don't have to work as hard, that's the whole point.

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Why would I want to have to work harder.

It's not ideal but my 37 hours a week job with 30+ holiday days, no overtime and all weekends off suits me just fine. I don't want to work harder than that.