That kid thread

I'll start
>that kid who snorted Koolaid powder
>that kid who sold you a master key to the school
>that kid who traded you a box of matches and a free coffee coupon for your pencils
>that crazy emo bitch everyone hated
>that autistic kid who's only talent was telling terrible puns (spoiler alert: everyone hated him and his puns)
>that kid who puked on the gym floor twice (was me)

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i've never seen any of this

but I never went to highschool because I was homeschooled

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Rarted, also look down op, another thread

>That obviously autistic kid who had no friends at all in high school and had to hold back his tears so at least no one would see him crying.

[eyes full of tears while writing this, fuck me.]

ik that feels bro orangeioli

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>that kid who commited suicide by jumping from the top of the school building
I wish I was that kid

>that edgy fat kid who the chads thought was funny but he still had nof riends and all the girls hated (me)

How high was the school building? How did he land?

>That kid who picked a fight with a dean and coach in the same year of school
>That kid who played alabama nigger on a speaker
>That kid who was blacker than night and went up to the white kids and said, "hello my fellow whites, i'm white like you."
>That kid who forgot australia was a continent
>That group of kids who picked so many fights police permanently patrol that school for 1 hour after it lets out
>That kid who took a 15 inch shit
>That couple who was caught having sex in the bathrooms causing them to have no entrance doors
>That kid that was suspended for casting imaginary fishing rods
>That kid who picked 8 fights within 2 school years and never got more than 3 days suspension (me)
>That kid who said fuck off to a dean (also me)
>That kid who never stopped asking to press buttons in the classroom
>That kid who was muslim and tried to prove in a school project 9/11 was an inside job
>That gay jewish kid who saluted hitler and said gays need to be eradicated without getting in trouble
>That kid who got away with grabbing a girls ass multiple times
>That kid who pretended to be gay so girls would become his friend and then date him
>That black kid who was nick named slavery
>That kid who always debated teachers so nobody would have to do work (me)
>That kid who would sell drugs in the back of the bus
>That kid who got a bj on a school field tip while high
>That kid that tanned his ass to moon the class
>That teacher who pushed a kid out of her class while they were in their desk
>That kid who brought a pocket knife to school for no reason
>That kid who couldn't do a single push up even with knees down
>That dean who was chill with all the students and let us out of punishments early
>That kid who hit in the balls by a kicked volley ball
>That kid who smelled his own burps
>That kid who let out the largest fart possible during a teacher's speech on consideration for others
>That kid who would only draw dish washers as women
>That kid who had a 0.5 GPA

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>that kid who tried to get attention by telling the hs staff that he was hearing voices and wanted to school the school.

Why am i such a loser!!!
(i'm seriously crying in my room right now, I don't know what was I thinking. Thank god, no one took me serious)

>that kid who loudly made an assassination joke in class the day vice president Biden was visiting and secret service was swarming throughout the building ready to drag off anyone they perceived as a threat.

>That kid that said Heil Hitler in class and was arrested
>That kid that came from a rape baby family
>That kid that fell in love with the at lesbian teacher. That was me
>That kid that drove in Mercedes-Benz into the police car
>That American kid that thought he was white
>That immigrant kid that thought he was one of us.

>rape baby family
What the ever living fuck

>heil hitler

>that kid who used to shove his fingers up his ass and lick them
>called it butt seasoning

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Pretty high, like five floors high.
He fell on a street next to the school, it was recess so most student didn't see anything, me included, we just heard the sound of him hitting the ground and screaming. School was closed for a week.

I was that kid who had a psychotic episode at school and believed I was being possessed by ghosts

>that kid who was with all the smart band Asians despite being the textbook definition of a brainlet and terrible at playing instruments

Yep you guessed it Germany. I lived in what once was East Germany. So there was a family that was cucked by the Soviet Army during their stay.Btw that kid ended up having to write an apology to the entire school.

aw man i just had psychosis. Shit sux.

>that kid that was a bit slow but not slow enough to be retarded
>that one popular kid that wasn't a total dick
>that one kid you just new was going to make a living selling drugs to people
>that fat kid that everyone pretended to tollerate
>that kid who was the teacher's child
>that kid bragged about CoD k/d
>that ugly ass kid who over compensated with weird clothing choices
>that kid who you just knew wouldn't be back next year due to summer break shenanigans
>that kid who got charismatic and confident after school (me)
>those white kids who bragged about having 0.00001% other race in them
>that one girl who was the 2nd girl to get pregnant in high school

>that kid that wrote shit all over the walls of the school with invisible inc.

>that kid who called a teacher a pedo and got a restraining order against a girl

>that minecraft and that pokemon kid that fucking hated each other from 3rd to 12th grade
>that kid who tried and was allowed for one day to play his Xbox in study hall
>that autistic black kid who could recount nearly every day of his life from memory, I quizzed him good and I don't think he was bullshitting
>that kid who got all D minuses in all classes on purpose