let's talk about whatever's on our minds and why you'd rather make friends with a fellow fembot rather than a robot
let's talk about whatever's on our minds and why you'd rather make friends with a fellow fembot rather than a robot
Fuckoff to crystal cafe slut.
>///no boys allowed///
what could possibly go wrong?
What if I don't want to make friends with anyone?
You know how girls go into male spaces and ruin them? Well I'm here to make all the girls fight over me.
Lmao can we quit this garbage meme? The tranny larping is getting old.
I'm totally NOT a boy, other NOT boys please hit me up, WINK.
i'm a gay man can i date you
also NOT men
Then you can fuckoff and leave.
or give me your contact and be my dick sleeve girl(male) or female(female)
Jow Forums is a girl's website dummy
l e a v e h e r e c u n t
Is it just me or has there been more men on Jow Forums than usual lately
Hey fembot here :))) OWO I'll suck dicks
>only malebot i've kept in contact with is an ex trip what turned prison gay.
p good friend.
>i'm a huge faggot please give me your address so i can give you aids.
post dick or gtfo fagolino
If you're not a guy, my contact info is in the chart. I can send you dick pictures if we talk and emotionally connect.
you sound like a fag and should post your wiener to prove how straight you are. unless its small then dont bother chinkarino
"Fembot" threads like this are all made by thirsty male contactfags, why bother trying to make friends in current year arcanine or Jow Forums in general?
It's not just you. This board is dead these days and basically all underage reddit incels with no OC. It used to be one of the most female boards years ago.
What trip?
>why bother trying to make friends in current year arcanine or Jow Forums in general?
who else am i supposed to talk to when i don't get those (you)s fast enough
how long of a ban do they give for posting pics of one's self?
hello gellow fembots i am here to discuss the life of us women and our issues.
We don't want you, attention whore.
hey girl does your dick also get really itchy sometimes too??
i "have no penis" fellow femanon ;)
wtf how can you be a girl then
uhhhh i got it removed in the transition..... i need some space right now for my period....
man the fug up or youll have to post your boipucci to make it up to me
>tfw no fembot friend to talk about boys with
you guys sure like your roleplay
what did she mean by this
fuck that shit. i'm not a faggot.
>half chub
go kys for real.
>that dick
>moving the goalposts
your mom didn't seem to mind it.
timestamps are implied you dumbshit.
Even though 90% of this thread is male, I hope you females find who you are looking for!
>thread is probably going to be filled with trannies
i literally don't have anything to write with dumbshit.
your assigned sex at birth doesn't determine your gender
But user I don't see why you would be stating the obvious
i guess you will forever be proven to have a small dinker. enjoy
i pass the toilet paper tube test. that's good enough for me.
my mom only likes big dicks
>no evidence, only anecdotes
okie dokie teeny tiny toddler twinkie