Why is transgender fine but not transracial?

Why is transgender fine but not transracial?

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pick one

Something something cultural identity

It also looks super fucking weird.

White powers demonize transracialism because there would be no more white people because they all would become black

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>tfw when you will never transition to a pajeet

I think "transracial" looks less weird than "transgender." They're both fucking dumb but yeah. Only reason you don't find this as obscene is because the media hasn't decided to shill this yet. Oh, but they will. Make you no mistake about that. Give it a few years, let it stew in the liberal university courses, get a few influential profs behind it and this dumb crap will be a hot topic.

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That's where you're wrong, kiddo

Are these both the same woman? If so, she actually looks better as a "transracial" thing, as ridiculous as the concept is.

I'm a transnigger, shitlord. Check your cis privilege.

>cause there is more to being black than skin color :^)
I've actually seen black people say this. talk about full circle.

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you disagree ? You racist homie ?

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no and yes


but it is logically consistent. They've had debates over it and its still controversial i.e. 'unsettled'. So some hate her even more.

>cause there is more to being black than skin color
This is not what we meant you bastards

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Both of them are not fine and should be condemned.

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>Why is transgender fine
It's not.

Transgender's a serious mental disorder. But we pretend it's fine because we don't have a cure.

Transracial's rare, and politically incorrect. But it is fine by me!

Brains are sexually dimorphic. Trannies are neurally similar, in some ways, to people of the gender they identify with. On the other hand "race identity" is not encoded in the brain.

>live your entire life around black people
>pick up an urban accent
>socialize in a behavior that's consistent with the culture (IE more shit talk, aggressiveness, banter, crazy speculation for laughs, instead of, i don't know, every interaction being an excuse to soullessly quantify others socioeconomic value,)
>fuck the members of another race
>end up fitting in better with blacks than other whites, alienated around "whites," find most white people hokey, scrawny and smug

transracial actually makes sense, unlike transexuality where you mistake wanting to fuck someone for wanting to be someone, and having dysfunctioning genitalia for ((((reasons)))).

transgenderism is just a deep state psyop to trick homosexuals into cutting their dicks off

Just think how awesome it would be if I could racially identify as a black woman, so I could get some free money for being oppressed the the white man.
>get paid livin' tha dindunuffin lyfe...

Imagine getting BLACKED so hard that you genuinely take on the life form that fucked you.

That's interdimensional.