Why tf yall want autism gf / selfharm gf / mentlel lelness gf etc? yall realise they're crazy...

why tf yall want autism gf / selfharm gf / mentlel lelness gf etc? yall realise they're crazy, evil shits just like all women, and the good ones you might hear about are a mix of lucky variance and fantasising?

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I am a human alligator and they're my only hope.

had a mentally ill gf, left me to "improve" herself. now she spends all day in her room while i'm out here improving my life. don't bother being a nurturing boyfriend they'll end up leaving you when they're bored with you.

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but they'll fuck you all you want, they crave attention and love. went to a mental facility at 15, met a wack chik who tried to kill herself over her ex. we hooked up and god damn she was crazy about it

Pic related is all i ever wanted from life.

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>it's okay of you don't love me, I'll always love you

I wish I could find this, I've never met a female who actually had reciprocal feelings for me. One sidedness hurts pretty bad.

Because, maybe it's a fantasy but I honestly feel like I'd need to be with some one at least kind of broken to be able to relate with them at all. It seems like the truth of this is that they are generally hyperwomen and even worse than usual.

People with low self-esteem are attracted to people they think are similar to or weaker than them.

Because those were the girls I really intensely loved and got loved by in my life.
Rapevictims, plain mentally ill girls with sever trust issues etc. They lock on to you and really NEED you, and that is what I crave.
A co-dependency where I am her most important fix point in life and I can make her my most important person in the world. Does not hurt that the sex is awesome and very kinky with 'em. Too bad that I tend to help them improve and leave their shell. Sooner or later they'll get dragged by new made friends into finding better and more social bf once they did.

The normalfag "healthy" relationships I had only felt like coldhearted business deals of smv and resource exchange in comparison. Pale and unsatisfying, like she is grumbling and going through the motions so the rest of her social circle knows she has bf. They have no real need for me, just a passing easily replaced interest.

These are wise words indeed.

People here are hoping that a girl with mental illness can understand things like loneliness/isolation, mental anguish, and other such problems. But they fail to realize that even mentally ill women have more sexual value than an average man and will have had the same Chad chasing sexual history that all women have and will have no understanding about real problems.

Hmmm fuck off normalfag

I think the problem is most mentally ill girls are Cluster B and robots are C or A.

everyone thinks they want a girlfriend like this but then they abandon her like everyone else, you don't really want a girl like this you just want a normal girl that's a little submissive im like this and the only person that loves me yells at me and says im too clingy so please dont get a girl like this if you arent ok to take care of her because even if you love her you'll just yell and get frustrated all the time

Girls in any cluster can get sex and relationships no problem

Chad gets this all the time. Women do anything for Chad.
Fuck off Chadskank.

yeah just got a call from chad actually, he wanted me to tell you to get out from under his desk cos he just came

>hurr durr robots are gay for Chads

Shitty comeback. Go tell your bf maybe he'll pretend to laugh.

low blow just like the ones you give chad

>someone loves them
>they still come here

I hate women

How could someone yell at a girl like that?
That is pure perfection, unless she does drugs or tries to cuck me, i would never yell at her.

i come here for old times' sake and because i have some stories to tell that people here are interested in
i'd also like to mention how guys are always like "why don't girls here give robots a chaaaance" but whenever a girl does and, in turn, gets a boyfriend, people act hostile towards here

idk user, i'd guess its easy to get mad at someone who constantly makes dumb autistic mistakes and acts stupid. it's not like i blame him for it

i want to kill myself over my ex but
theres a mental ward near where i live
went there for a walk and met a girl who called me handsome
they never are nice to me usually
first gf i met in mental hospital and my ex (second one) had bpd
dont ree im 40
before killing myself ill go full desperate cringe begging autist to mental facility looking for gf
mentally ill gfs are the best anyway they are angels

Mentally ill girls always cuck. They're still women and all women cheat.

Because they are a fantasy, like anime girls. Nobody thinks they actually exist so they are perfect in their head,

No woman gets a boyfriend by giving a robot a chance. They just pick whatever LARPing Chad or normie they can find if they pick someone from here. People shouldn't even be asking for girls here, they should always be hostile to keep cunts away

Oh you WILL want to yell, trust me on that one.
Most important time to cuddle her and explain why she frustrated you and find a way that works for both.
If you can't handle your temper right, you'll just pull being another "bad boy bf" for her. Which honestly might work for you, it is just not really a gain for her nor what I want to be. YMMV

good lord. i really hope you're like an underage fag or something so you'll just grow out of this. i can agree most women are kinda terrible but you're so far gone... i don't even know man. i wish you the best

Don't get all soft toned, when I was an underaged fag I believed the opposite of what I believe now. Then I believed that it was only a portion of women who were bad, now I've accepted the truth. More robots need to as well

>it's not like i blame him for it
i guess, i already know how it's going to end

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Do not want but sometimes the sheer loneliness almost makes the risk worth it.

Like if you're so hungry that you start to consider eating that piece of rotten meat even though you know it will probably make you sick as fuck.

no i dont think itd go that far
i mean he doesn't even mean to yell at me it just happens but you have to think about hitting girls right?
he loves me too much to do that, r-rright?

You're just another wet hole to Chad. He will beat you if he so desires so don't worry you'll get your fantasy

I want a vulnerable girl to take care of and dedicate my entire life to helping, if she has sex with other men I won't judge her because her illness made her do it.

>he loves me too much to do that, r-rright?
How the fuck should we know?
>it just happens
Sure ok, you will get what you deserve.

>its easy to get mad at someone who constantly makes dumb autistic mistakes and acts stupid.

Bullshit. Yeah it is exasperating and draining, but only something to be mad or berate about when it was done on purpose or on a cucking.

Honest mistakes are just that, mistakes.
You get on a bench, train 'till your teeth stop gnashing and explain what she fucked up with afterward, not take it out on her to make yourself feel better.

And that's why you will never have a gf

If i can't have her, then i prefer dying alone.