Here is why girls are so mean when they reject you

Normie female here. I've been coming on r9k for years and I deeply sympathise with you guys and your insecurities regarding women. I've seen many shocking stories about horrible rejections and can't imagine girls really being that awful, but now I understand. Moments ago my roommate, objectively an ugly dyel neet with rotten yellow teeth from literally never brushing, came into my room and flat out offered to eat me out. After I denied him gently then tried to play it off as a joke and change the subject, he remained in my room for ages talking awkwardly. Now, in the aftermath, I really do understand why girls are so mean to you when you ask them out: it's because it's insulting as fuck to be asked out by someone so far below your league. It damages a girls self esteem. I'm average height, lift and play tennis so good body, young, pretty good face, fairly popular, put the effort in, and here's this fucking ugly cunt who literally can't be fucked to brush his god damn teeth and he thinks he can get with me? He really thinks I'm that desperate that I'd ever consider it? That I'd let that fucking diseased mouth anywhere near my virgin pussy? Hell no. I'd like to tell him this, but I'm not that mean. I can see why many women would tell you this after you asked them out though.

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blah blah now be my gf you whore

Youre not out of his league sweetie, stop over inflating your value.

Shut up bitch and suck my dick whore
>virgin pussy

tits or gtfo

>It's an "ugly femanon with an inflated ego thinks she's too good for some uggo" thread
Just because Chad let's you suck his cock doesn't make you a stacey
In reality he's 100% your leauge

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Stupid cunts post tits

it took you that long to find out huh? not surprised. anyways, what kind lifts do you do?

>woman refuses to tell the problem in her life that he's a problem and instead lashes out to large vague populations
this is how you actually know its a girl because they have no backbone when it comes to their problems. If she had a boyfriend she would of vented to him about this and tried to paint it in a way that she could get her bf to beat up the bf instead of just talking to the autismo directly and i don't mean
>speak to guy and then in vague ways reject him
you have to be direct and tell them no and why.

women don't have to do this, so they won't do it. obvious reasons

>I'm average height, lift and play tennis so good body, young, pretty good face,
This is where I stopped reading. Either this story is 100% fabricated, you are not a femoid OR you are ugly.

He's baiting you faggots and you're all proving his point. He's 100% right as well.

He isn't right, because in real life the dudes who get rejected aren't some caricature of a slob who doesn't brush their teeth or something, they are literally just normal dudes who just miss out one one or two things which immediately makes them undesirable.

Anyone less than a top 20% Chad is "some caricature of a slob" in the average woman's eyes

I am legit a girl, so you're right about that. I do need to vent, women tend to do that. I was clear with him that the answer was no, and tried to move on, what more could I have done to be nice? Also as pissed as I am I'm not scum that'd get him bashed up. If he's getting bashed I'll do it myself and he'd have to do something to deserve it more.

>all of you dumbfucks getting absolutely toasted by this bait thread

stfu fag at least let me think im talking to a girl

Found the future single mother of a niglet. Only a mudshark could be such an arrogant prick

All true things about me. They aren't even remotely impressive either by normie standards. 5'7", gym 3 days a week, just turned 21, been told I have a nice face.
It sounds crazy, I know, but he really is that much of a slob. I've been asked out by your average ugly bloke before and it's kind of irked me, but this time it was a bigger deal cos he's that disgusting.
Basic powerlifting shit. Squats, deadlifts, bench.

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Also because being mean is the only way to get them to leave you alone. I also had a roommate offer to eat me out (well, sex first, the he bartered down, lol). I said no, I don't believe in casual hookups, but he just kept lingering. Men do this thing where they just sort of stand there and keep fucking talking.

If you're nice and indirect ("haha, sorry, no thank you, not interested, I'm bust, haha") then they keep trying (I stil get daily "good morning"s from a fucking tranny """""lesbian""""" every day). If you're mean, you're a nasty evil cunt bitch whore who trumatised them and the subject of many a greentext. However, in the latter, at least they take a hint.

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21yo virgins are truly the best. matured to their prime age yet still pure. wifey material right here gentlemen

>wife material
not this one imo

Maybe he fellt awkward (rightfully so) and figured he'd try to shoot the shit to lessen the impact. Honestly that's what I'd do in that situation since you do live together

>It sounds crazy, I know, but he really is that much of a slob. I've been asked out by your average ugly bloke before and it's kind of irked me, but this time it was a bigger deal cos he's that disgusting.
What would you describe as an average ugly bloke? You seem like an average girl so you should be with an average guy

What is even going on in that gif? What was the plan?

what benefit does this provide for a girl. id be working on core and arms instead of chest. toned core and arms are more appealing and usefull

Yeah, I wouldn't fucking do that. Standing around in a confined or isolated area after a woman shoots you down sends major fucking creep vibes.

I get rejcted by men all the time. I smile, say sorry or make a quick self deprecating joke or "hey just thought I'd try" comment and bail. Next time I see the person (if I see them, I try not to shit where I eat and hit on people who will be forced to be around me afterwards because that's a shitty thing to do) I act nice but not overly friendly. There you go. No need to fucking drone on about the weather after offering to suck my taint.

I am literallly autistic and I figure this out.

le random crazy shit

Low quality bait but it does warrant at a reply, if only to see other robots sperg out. My issue is not so much a lack of attractiveness being a fairly average Vatnik that lifts, but that I don't like talking to people at all. Could I get a woman if I tried? Quite possible, women have hit on me before so I can't be that hideous. In my eyes however its not worth my time or dignity to shop around and get mocked/demeaned by others, I've gotten too much of that in my life already.

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>I try not to shit where I eat and hit on people who will be forced to be around me afterwards because that's a shitty thing to do
That's some prime advice right there. Chances are you aren't autistic, just a bit ugly

Yeah, that was it. Poor guy was just shit at coming up with stuff to say to exit that whole conversation.
Well I mean like during high school I had a couple nerdy guys ask me out. They weren't disgusting like my roommate, they were just unfit and below average in everything looks-wise. I'm at least more genetically gifted than them as well as putting in more effort and being less autistic so it's still a bit of an insult.
My thoughts exactly. Did she/he think the bike was gonna go up his/her crotch like a ramp then run over his/her body and face? That's what makes it so funny to me
Mm. They can be persistent. I've suspected he's had a thing for me for a while, but he's never been so overt about it. It's not even that I don't believe in casual hookups, tragically.

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I surf so bench is very useful with that. Core get's worked out with all the main lifts but I work it out too especially on accessories day. The only arm muscle I don't focus on ever is bicep.
What mainly pisses me off about it is that he's making himself feel less awkward by sitting there talking but making me feel more awkward. It's a little selfish, especially because if he were a bigger guy I'd be a bit scared since he's sitting on my bed having just propositioned me and acting evasive while no one else lives with us. I would've been more stern for him to gtfo if he wasn't so skinny and unhealthy, as he is I feel like I could take him in a fight.

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>it's insulting as fuck to be asked out by someone so far below your league.
>would likely also be insulted had the guy never shown any interest either
Woman logic.

Saying no to unwanted sexual advances is one thing but the fact that you're offended because he's not in you're league is kinda fucked cause obviously that implies that if we had been at you're level than a random offer to eat you out would have been welcomed. I just don't see how youd he offended, if an ugly chick asked me to fuck I wouldn't be offended by that even if she had no chance in hell I mean fuck. I ain't even and incel and I still agree you're being kinda a cunt

Nah, I went to see a doctor because my family practitioner thought I had anxiety (I went because I needed a general checkup) and my specialist is currently investigating a 'tism diagnosis because of the intensity of my special interests, learning curve re. social matters, and stimming behaviours. But I am ugly, ye.

>crush on you
I always get the feeling a guy likes me, and then dismiss it as my lack of tact/overthinking, but then I'm always fucking right.

Well, to each his own. I actually would have dated my roommate, he wasn't bad looking (a little more left than me, but whatever) but he just offered to eat me out and then...just...kept...talking....

>Well I mean like during high school I had a couple nerdy guys ask me out. They weren't disgusting like my roommate, they were just unfit and below average in everything looks-wise. I'm at least more genetically gifted than them as well as putting in more effort and being less autistic so it's still a bit of an insult.
that doesn't answer the question.

Based falseflagger, have a sage on the house

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Yeah, basically. That's why I don't shit where I eat.

When I was a teenager I asked this guy in my school band on a date while we were doing a "tour", of sorts. He sort of shot me down but I didn't pick up the cue, so I kept lingering around. Eventually one of his friends said there was a party in his hotel room but I wasn't invited because I made my crush "super uncomfortable". I was really mad at first (he actually came onto me). Then I realised I should have waited until we were back home because I basically trapped him with me.

I see these fucking robots who are...what...twenty something? And they don't get this. They hit on women in their classes, at work, their own ROOMMATES in your case with no concern for how they just trapped someone in their own home or workplace. Like yeah, I'm sure you're going to feel comfy making pasta at 3AM in your nightgown now. This is why I choose to live with other women now. Even the lesbian I live with demonstrates more respect.

It's based on this fundamental belief that their desire to ask you out, their "chance" is more important than your comfort.

Take the bed thing. You sound like a tough chick, but I am not. I was injured in a car accident and am prone to fainting. If a guy - even a lanklet or manklet - came into my room and wouldn't leave I'd be petrified because I wouldn't stand a chance.

I was madly in love with a barista near my old place and I only asked him out via note quietly right before I moved to my new place (and I mentioned that) That way I knew he wasn't feeling nervous, or getting bullied by his coworkers because "that" girl asked him out, or whatever else. I'm a fucking autist. I shouldn't be demonstrating more empathy than these normalfags.

Not at all tbqh. I'd be insulted if I gave him a lap dance and he didn't pop a boner I guess.. but that's the only situation I can think of there and obviously I've never done that. Guys started showing interest in me when I was about 15, and it got old fast.
There's nothing wrong with having a go in my mind. If a guy who was in my league asked to eat me out I'd laugh and say nah and that'd be that. It's just the sheer entitlement this cunt shows. I know it's a bit different for you as a guy regarding your dick, but with chicks one's vagina is a pretty exclusive place in the sense that while most guys are fine having anal sex, I would never want any trace amount of shit getting on or in my vagina. So this guy has absolutely putrid breath, rotten fucking teeth, and a disgusting scraggly low-test beard, and thinks I'd ever consider letting him eat me out? As if I couldn't go down to the club and get a guy that wasn't fucking filthy to eat me out? That's what bothers me...

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If this guy truly was this nasty I get what you're saying but the way you're wording it is like "all men I don't think are "in my league" should never ever talk to me because that's insulting to my ego". That makes you sound pathetic. You're not special, you're not worth the 6'2" handsome intelligent Chad.

I too like larping on Jow Forums etz really fun no?

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Sorry, I thought u wanted me to explain my definition of average ugly bloke. Average guy would be not super fat or skinny, no unusually large or small / pronounced or recessed facial features, between 5'7 and 6'1, mentally normal, not an incel, showers once or twice a day and all the normal hygiene things like washing your hands after you go to the bathroom, brushing teeth daily, making sure hair isn't too greasy and keeping beard relatively under control. And not a neet. That's all I can think of right now. Average woman is basically exactly the same in terms of effort except she has to shave her armpits and legs daily and trim her bush instead of the beard thing.

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Being a 9/10 with a big dick and good height, I would assume you wouldn't complain if I asked you to show your tits

not all of Jow Forums is slovenly.

yeah but like... he doesn't brush his teeth. Surely you can understand the gravity of that.
I'd prove it with pics but I'm too lazy rn, you'll just have to believe me. Lot's of women browse r9k. It makes a lot of sense considering how much pussy worshipping goes on on here.

What's an incel? I dont understand what that is, I see reddit retards use it but I still dont have any definition for it other than "virgin male" which isn't a bad thing.

incel is short for involuntarily celibate. I don't think being a virgin male is a bad thing either, it's just that the average guy is not a virgin at my age. Also my roommate is in his late 20's, at which point being an incel, particularly one who has had no success whatsoever with women, is a bit eh.

I love playing and watching tennis, femanon. Will you be my online gf? I brush my teeth twice a day.

I know the term but I don't see any relation between being a virgin male and being bad in any way, and definitely shouldn't be used as some sort of filter to say "you're not a virgin? nope not going to be with you" or something like what you're saying.
Everyone seems to say incels are entitled or angry or violent but I know guys who aren't virgins who literally beat women and yet they aren't considered bad just because they're not virgins. I lost my virginity at 19 and I learned that women for some reason really just don't like virgins which makes absolutely no sense.

I browse Jow Forums because it's fucking hilarious, girl.
On the topic of your thing. I honestly wouldn't feel offended. I'd be flattered in fact. I'm pretty average as well but kind of strange so I'd be happy if any guy asked me out.

I mean "you ARE a virgin" Im sure you understand what I meant

Sure thing. The question is... two handed or one handed backhand?
Women, especially those who are unsure of themselves, generally expect men to take control during sex and know what to do, so that's why a lot of women don't like virgins. I have nothing against them and it'd be hypocritical af if I did.
There's nothing wrong with being a male virgin, but in the case of my roommate he did sort of imply (joking or not idk) that he saw eating me out as a kind of practise which really added insult to injury.

Yes, it's like a bad job offer to me. If one guy who has ZERO to offer, like he's an neet beta virgin who I lead on. I can get a guy 10000x better easily, who also has a better personality and loves me more. Just cause I lead you on doesn't mean you have a chance.

stop roleplaying, it won't make the shame of trying to eat your tennis-playing roommate out go away.

New pasta ??? Mm boi

Not you're gross roommate though, surely. I mean, you've gotta have around a couple guys a month ask you out. It's not like most of them aren't flattering, some are just fucking wrong.

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Like every guy who grew up watching Federer, I use a one-handed backhand. It's pretty mediocre and I start missing a lot sometimes, but I love the aesthetic of it.

what did op mean by this exciting thread?

Do not be nice, aside from maybe for the first nope. Most of your niceness attempts are fucking lies and ensure false hopes that only makes it worse.
But do not be a fucking social dramaqueen and make sure that everyone in the vicinity knows you shot the guy down so your status can improve either.

The above is aimed at talking a shy robot guy down btw, if you catch some insisting "yes means yes and no means yes, she just does not know yet" asshole, feel free to pull the harshest guns you can lay hands on. Those fuckers only make BOTH genders life more difficult. They are also those most likely to be dangerous about it imo.

On one hand I'd be super flattered if I ever saw this again on here, on the other I'd be afraid eventually my roommate or someone who knows me might see it.
Hell yeah. Shame one handers have basically died out now, it's so much more graceful.
Empathy isn't a hard thing to work with. If I asked someone out I wouldn't want everyone knowing about it, if a guy asks me out I tell no one unless they have no connection to the guy. Also, for normie women, getting asked out by a guy - particularly a guy as low-tier as my roommate - isn't gonna boost your status at all.

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I've noticed that one-handers have been making something of a comeback, relatively speaking. Obviously nothing like back in the day, but a lot of younger players have taken to using it again. I'm all for it. Do you use one hand? That's rare for a woman, I can only think of two modern women's players who do.

That's interesting, the only person I've played with who uses one hand is my dad, who taught me, hence why I use it

>unless they have no connection to the guy.
So every girl in your circle already knows he asked and you rebuffed him, giving him even less of a chance on ask your gals.
Lovely, now I remember why I prefer antisocial loner girls.

>for normie women, getting asked out by a guy - particularly a guy as low-tier as my roommate - isn't gonna boost your status at all.
Not from what I know. Maybe it is only something girls who are not all that far from being insecure themself do, but "Can you believe that ugly dweeb xy asked me out?!" is something I can overhear quite often from some gigglehive table behind me.

>Normie female here. I've been coming on r9k for years

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That's cool, I've rarely played against them as well. Played in high school, haven't at uni thus far, but I was the only one-handed player on the team. Everyone said my backhand was the team's "secret weapon" (when I was hitting it well, I guess).

Ahaha damn. If I were him I would've just played it off like I was joking and left. You could've been a lot more rude but you weren't so that's actually commendable. I say this because I'm pretty much a normie, I mostly come here for the depression and meds threads. I like to hear how other people deal with their depression and what meds they take.
(inb4 kys normie)

Well it happened like an hour ago now, so no. As I said, my stacy friends wouldn't be interested or impressed. I'll likely never tell them because many can't keep their mouths shut and they might mention it to him while drunk one day and embarrass him. I wouldn't tell my family either because they would worry about me living alone with a guy like that. So yeah, no one to tell but Jow Forums really. Pretty much every guy I've ever met has at some point told me of a girl who liked them that they didn't like back. Often just randomly with no relevance to the convo. I honestly think it's more of a dude thing or a seriously ugly girl thing.
My bro introduced me to Jow Forums when I was like 15 and was more awkward and less of a normie. Old habits and all.
Sounds like you're doin pretty well, why'd you like r9k?

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reminder that op will end up as a single mother with chads baby
also remember dont ever date single mothers lads

>Why'd you like r9k?
I'm basically a normie, save for the fact that I'm a kissless virgin. I started coming here for phat XDs in 2013, but have been led on by a couple women in the past, and it made me kinda depressed, so r9k became cathartic as well.

>women for some reason really just don't like virgins which makes absolutely no sense

Not this "femanon", but I can probably help shed some light on this. For the longest time I had no success with women once I was "found out" as a virgin, and I could not understand why. From the point when I started giving a fuck (~20) to the point where I finally got laid (~24), it was something that plagued me. Eventually a slut friend of mine from high school told me why virgins give pause to many women.

I'll start of with the secondary reason, according to her. Like alluded to, most women don't like to take charge during sex. There are some exceptions, and in fact one of her friends was a self-professed "rose picker", meaning she ONLY went after virgins and her goal was to deflower as many virgins as possible. Generally speaking though, a girl is turned off by a guy who is kind of clueless, and a lot of virgins sort of beat around the bush and keep asking things like "does it feel good" and other nonsense. To avoid awkward sex, a lot of women will steer clear.

The primary reason, according to her, is that virgins are clingy. Once you've had sex with a virgin, they put you on a pedestal, and they won't stop bothering you. But a lot of women just want to have a bit of fun, and then not really see you again. She straight up said that this was the reason why she just didn't offer to give me "practise" before going out to find a girl, because she didn't want me to become this clingy 1-count boy always at her side (but added "once you've had sex with at least two other girls and you've seen it is not a big deal, I'd totally be open to something"). She also claimed there is a lot of pressure when you are someone's first. She believed that taking someone's virginity was a big responsibility, because the way their first time goes could possibly influence them for the rest of their lives. It was "too much responsibility" for her to bear.

So basically, they make up a bunch of bullshit that they use to filter out something that doesn't matter, like they do for so many other things? color me shocked.

That's why I waited to ask out my coworker until she was quitting the job cause I didn't want her to say "yes" just to keep things cool. She ended up saying she was busy then later inviting me to go to some swanky club place with her friend and I said no cause I'm not into that beta shit. I deleted her from Facebook and she's dating a chink now, which is fine cause she was out of my league anyway.

Sorry to hear you're feeling depressed recently. I'll dump some dream teams for your phat XDs

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>She also claimed there is a lot of pressure when you are someone's first. She believed that taking someone's virginity was a big responsibility, because the way their first time goes could possibly influence them for the rest of their lives. It was "too much responsibility" for her to bear.

Been telling that one to the >muh pure virgin girl
crowd for ages. It is a show of trust from a girl yes, but feels more a hassle than a reward.

Even if you're larping, this is true.
Move aside boys, leave the fairer sex to men like me.

Either she was interested in you or she felt sorry for you and wanted to hook you up with someone. Either way you should've gone lad..

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>you degenerates still keep replying for validation
jesus christ this board is pathetic

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>If he's getting bashed I'll do it myself and he'd have to do something to deserve it more.
Imagine getting beat up by a girl
Imagine being a girl and thinking you can beat a guy up

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what do they need validated?

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She wasn't interested in me, she wanted to let me down easy.
>hook me up with her uglier friend so I have to hang around with a girl I actually wanted while fucking the girl I didn't want and being dishonest to her.
No. And it doesn't really matter cause I didn't have a car at that point anyway. still don't but at least i have my license. I could borrow my dad's like I do for work but that's no guarantee. I'd buy my own but half the reason I'd want it is for girls and spending 10k on the off chance I'd even get one of those feels like a waste of money.

>Standing around in a confined or isolated area after a woman shoots you down sends major fucking creep vibes.
How is it creepy? The guy was clearly nervous and trying to play it off cool, he was probably sweating bullets under the facade. If you weren't autistic you would have noticed this

Thanks. I think I know Hordor in real life.

He literally weighs less than me and lives off of mostly energy drinks, chips, and the occasional takeout. He sits down for at least 12 hours a day at the computer, has fucked up knees and a bent spine. I can beat him in an arm wrestle, and probably any other contest of strength or stamina. Despite this we're probably still only on equal footing fight-wise since he's a man, however I think I would win since I'm more naturally aggressive.
10k is expensive for a car. My car is 6kAUD and it's lasted me since I was 17 and goin strong.

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>He literally weighs less than me and lives off of mostly energy drinks, chips, and the occasional takeout
So do i but i could give any fem*od the smackdown and you too
>Despite this we're probably still only on equal footing fight-wise since he's a man, however I think I would win since I'm more naturally aggressive.
But that doesn't make any sense you fucking moron.
Btw hhow are you more aggressive.

Thanks for the dream teams femanon. I'll save them and repost them for some sad soul someday.

Holy shit bottom left guy looks exactly like Timmy from south park. Is he the OG?

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I think there is a mix of both bullshit and valid points.

If you plan to stay with a girl, then the virgin thing is not a hassle. My parents were both each others' first, and they seem so happy together, like they were made for each other. It kind of makes me sad that I won't have a relationship like that because I was so focused on getting laid. But yes, if you just want to get your dick wet, then bagging a virgin is a hassle, both male and female.

That's good of you.

Why?? Her bringing her friend is odd, though. You should have kept talking to her.

>gee user, why is creepy to hear "no", but stand their ominiously in the doorway, prolonging an interaction that the other person desperately wants to end, because you want closure to make yourself feel better?
And you're making fun of my 'tism?

>because you want closure to make yourself feel better?
First of all. How is it creepy to want to alleviate your own internal cringe? Doesn't make sense. Secondly, implying he was doing that with that intent in mind. The guy was just cringing hard as fuck and trying to play it off cool to not be further embarassed/emasculated. You are very special i can tell

>because you're doing it for your own benefit it can't be creepy
>implying intent matters when you're being creepy
With the exception of genuine sadists who enjoy terror for terror's sake, nobody who is creepy means to be. It's still creepy because creepiness is in the perception of the subject. Hence, what is normal in some societies becomes creepy in others (ex. Pajeets staring intensely at women in India is commonplace but in the West it's on par with "open vagene" - by the way, you think those guys are trying to be creepy or just trying to flirt? Still creepy nonetheless).

You lack of theory of mind is the most special thing here.

>>because you're doing it for your own benefit it can't be creepy
What is "benefit"? Benefit implies gaining something, this is just saving your ass. Creepy implies being predatory.

>With the exception of genuine sadists who enjoy terror for terror's sake, nobody who is creepy means to be.
Thick coming from someone who says i lack a "theory of mind". Plenty of people are predatory and they intend to. Some are predatory and they don't intend to. Some don't intend to be predatory and they are not predatory, but may be perceived as predatory, which is what happened in your case, as you said yourself.
>It's still creepy because creepiness is in the perception of the subject.
As i said, you just misintepreted the situation because you have the autisms.
>Hence, what is normal in some societies becomes creepy in others (ex. Pajeets staring intensely at women in India is commonplace but in the West it's on par with "open vagene" - by the way, you think those guys are trying to be creepy or just trying to flirt? Still creepy nonetheless).
Lol i can guarantee you it's still seen as creepy except no one gives a fuck because no one respects women in India and men are told they can do whatever they want really. I don't think they necessarily intend to be specifically creepy/predatory but they're probably aware and just don't give a fuck.

>That I'd let that fucking diseased mouth anywhere near my virgin pussy?
As an user who recently got his teeth fixed after months of walking around with an orc-like mouth, this just blew all the confidence I struggled to build up to this point.
>tfw you'll always be the disease ridden mouth dude

>saving your ass isn't a benefit
>creepy means being predatory, he said, oblivious to how others might find said behaviour in question predatory
>happened in your case
Duh. Still creepy.
Where is my misperception? And the other, nonautistic female user said the same thing. Lingering is creepy.
>probably aware
If you have to make assumptions for your rebuttal, then it's shit. Plenty of people think they're leering stealthily when they're really not, or think it's socially acceptable.

Anyway, it's clear why the other femanons and I discussing this creepy behaviour triggers you. You do it, and yes, your oneitis does find you creepy and is happy when you leave the room.

>>saving your ass isn't a benefit
It's fixing a fuck up rathet than gaining an advantage which is a benefit. Like going from -10 to 0 instead of going from 0 to 10
>Duh. Still creepy.
No it's not. Creepy=Predatory. The behaviour is not predatory but you may have peceived it that way which made you think it's creepy. Understandable, but that doesn't make it creepy.
>Where is my misperception?
I said misinterpreted. I explained above
>And the other, nonautistic female user said the same thing. Lingering is creepy.
How do you know she isn't autistic as well? This is r9k after all. Also i love how you stoppee trying to defend your autism kek.
>If you have to make assumptions for your rebuttal, then it's shit.
You're right, i shouldn't have said that. I'm 100% sure infact.

>Plenty of people think they're leering stealthily when they're really not, or think it's socially acceptable.
Well if you're leering as well as doing it stealthily it's obviously fucking predatory. Different thing than some autist trying to desperately cover his ass after embarassing himself massively.

>Anyway, it's clear why the other femanons and I discussing this creepy behaviour triggers you. You do it, and yes, your oneitis does find you creepy and is happy when you leave the room.
Wow why do you hurt my feelings like that. That's not true and i dont do that

>all this arguing

I just wanted to date a qt normie femanon

Shut the fuck up you retarded faggot

>she thinks she's helping

Attached: 1532987831389.jpg (719x807, 63K)

I would just like friends is all, please and thank you. Male or female, but they all treat me the same no matter what.

Attached: 1479321075924.png (175x175, 54K)

this is definitely a man btw

op came here to justify her feelings of attraction despite the hiddeousity of her roommate. she's a beta fem and was hoping to hook him itt. well roomie, YOU'VE got what YOU wanted! I'll be in your room in 18 seconds, and heave on top of you with your legs behind your head thrusting in your ass for the next 15.75 hours and 1 secs. I'm gonna squeeze your tits till they pop and ooze all over. your face is going to be covered in hickie welts. the condom will be vegan with spermicide inside and once we're finished i'm gonna have to ask you to to take a plan b pill. ifn' you're pregnant I will follow your lead: 1)if you abort I will suicide 2)if you kill yourself I'll suicide 3)if you keep it, I'll be a caring father (unless it's a cretin)
i'm also gonna fist your mouth while I shove a 13"xbig dildo in your cunt with a wet vibrator on ur clit