Tfw you cant even tie your own shoes

>tfw you cant even tie your own shoes
who else here too dumb to live

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just buy slip ons

I hope you're not a dude

If you're a girl it doesn't matter you can get nice shoes with no laces

That's so cute, I want to fuck you in the ass.

i already do but they don't look as good as normal shoes

im not a girl!

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You wanna learn how to tie your shoe?
It's a very easy thing to do.
Just sit on down and I'll give you the scoop...
What's that? It's called the loop-de-loop.
You put your laces in each hand,
go under and over again, take your loop-de-loop and pull,
and your shoes are looking cool.
You go over and back, left to right, loop-de-loop and hold 'em tight.
Like the bunny ears or a Christmas bow, lace 'em up and you're ready to go!
Take your loop-de-loop and pull, and your shoes are lookin' cool.

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Just learn OP, the only reason you can't and the rest of us can is because we learned young and got a head start

LMAO!!! too dumb!!!

I'm 28 years old and still can't tie my own shoes. But I figured out a way that works for me. I figured out an alternate way to tie them that's good enough anyways.

Looks like YOU need a lesson! Watch this!

it's just learning certain steps, user
I didn't learn until I was 16
for me it was mostly from lack of trying
I hope it's like that for you too, otherwise you are dumb

>im not a girl!
aw fuck and this was a cute thread

ive tried a bunch but the knots always undo immediately or it looks weird.. when i tie off a plastic bag or something with a knot it ties fine though. it's really frustrating!

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StiIl is

>tfw the school psychologist had to teach you how to tie your shoes when you were 7

I don't think my parents had a lot of faith in me to be a normal person.

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Off yourself you retarded faggot
Do you know how to tie an overhand knot?
First tie an overhand knot.
Then make it like pic related.
Then tie another overhand knot.
Secret technique that looks right even though it's not the "correct" way.

Attached: step.png (640x480, 3K)

OP is cute, I would like to teach you stuff like how to ride a bike, tie a windsor knot, how to tell the time, and then I would gently fuck you in the ass, to be desu.

>can't swim
>can't ride a bike
>can't tie my shoelaces
is there any hope for me

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Yes, become qt twink hubbies.

I can't tie trash bags unless it has the draw strings.

i might try this one later... thank you!!

same, the landlords always yell because trash starts to spill out but there's nothing i can do

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Come on dude you have no excuse, there are ton of YouTube tutorials. When I was a kid I was such a brainlet I invented my own way of doing it because I couldn't understand it the way other people were showing me.

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I really really hope you understand this.
My mom showed me how to do this and I didn't learn the correct way until I was 12 from my father screaming in my face to get it right. Also I work really hard to explain things so people can understand it because I believe the ideal teacher can teach anything to anyone and that other teachers are just not resourceful enough in finding a method that works for their students.

Just get ones with velcro and things similar

Yeah, I've had that problem too. When I lived in an apartment it wasn't too bad as I just threw it in a dumpster which didn't matter.

However, I also suck at a lot of things as well like driving a car which I can't understand for the life of me. I don't think I'll ever end up being able to get my license. I wonder what makes us adults now days struggle to adapt in today's society and world as far as basic shit. Yet we have other intelligent features that far extend past that of normies. It infuriates me that literal normie tier brainlets can just live life with no problems yet someone with an above average IQ and understanding has so much trouble adapting to basic aspects of life as well as basic motor skills.

google it you dumb fucking nigger
I can't believe how mad this post actually made me

>bullied in high school for wearing velcro shoes
n-no thank you

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I was bullied in middle school for wearing them.

you deserved it for being a faggot

This is a better picture to explain that step. Please excuse my autism

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looks like lady parts to me desu

In the most non-homo way I can say this, I unironically find shit like this to be cute & endearing. I would gladly teach you how to tie your shoes, OP, if I were with there with you. Though I'm not, so just keep practicing and watch some youtube tutorials.

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why is this thread so gay? like literally gayest thread on earth, get a life you stupid desu using fags OwO

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>tfw you post dumb shit like this on a mongolian basket weaving forum to try and get attention

i didn't even make this thread with gay intentions uwu

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another secret
learn tap dancing to learn how to ride a bike
do united taps tutorials until you can do good pullbacks/staggered pullbacks (practicing on carpet with socks helps, the friction makes you drag in bursts instead of slide)

then riding a bike is as simple as
1. knowing how the breaks work
2. sitting down
3. pushing off with both feet
4. getting your feet on the pedals
because you know how to move your feet while in the air, positioning your feet quickly enough after you push off will also be easy

you obviously did you lying faggot piece of shit
if you didnt why would you use an anime image huh dumb cunt? fuck off or ill kiss you

Fuck off right now or I'll hold you down in front of the entire thread and kiss your tummy.

Yeah same. I still don't understand the bunny and tree (or whatever the fuck they call it) method everyone else seems to know. I just tie a square knot with a bow inside it so it can be undone.

>be me
>still not potty trained

Let's be dumb together user! I just dived in tmy pool with my phone and now it's beyond repair. Being useless is cute!

is that not the right way? thats how I always did it.