Chinese are the future.
It's like investing in Apple stock in 1992, but for your genes.
Breeding Chinese
They don't even have enough women for their own men, why would we get one?
to upgrade our sub-human white piggu genes
very few chinese girls look attractive. even the rich ones who come over to america as international students and can afford to buy everything they want. some are plastic and obvious while others compensate for their awful looks by just throwing money around desu
Still a more glorious dawn awaits. Not a sunrise, but a galaxy rise.
make sure to breed out all your nasty white genes and continue as a Chinese legacy
Hello Xi
The average IQ of China is purportedly 105 according to Lynn, Murray, et al. They have a population of 1.379 billion.
Based on a standard deviation scale of 15 points..
We can roughly estimate that there are just over...
225,000,000 (!) people in China with an IQ of 120 or higher
For comparison, there are 325.7 million people in the US total. There are only a little over 7,000,000 people in India with a 120+ IQ despite a population of 1.324 billion.
The Chinese will inherit the earth.
I would certainly mix my mutt genes with most any asian to produce superior mutt children.
But alas, I'm robo for a reason. There shall be no breeding in my future.
I'd rather impregnate a Japanese girl
But let's be for real, that's not happening because I'm frequenting this board and I'm a fat black NEET.
Also isn't this thread more suited to be posted on Jow Forums? That's where yellow fever is on an all time rise, also make sure to juxtapose this traditional beauty with an ugly fat white girl so your proselytizing is even more effective.
You people couldn't handle mixing with Chinese. Chinese do well wherever they go but that's because they have a sink or swim mentality. You were raised in an everyone is a winner PC affirmative action culture.
the genes don't matter, the upbringing and values are your best bet for securing your descendents
Are we going to have Chinese problem user?
how are mainland girls compared to hk and taiwanese women?
The women of Hong Kong: (good looking but most of them would be considered gold diggers in the west) can look nice but are kinda clingy, also if you don't make six figures or are not white they probably won't give you a chance unless they near the age of thirty.
Southern China: (darker shade of skin and shorter) is kinda a mixed bag depending on the upbringing they had. If they have wealthy parents expect something like the chicks from hong kong. If not you can expect something from northern China.
Northern China: (lighter shade of skin and taller) they are all either 1/10 or 10/10, dike or beauty. The ideal wife would come from northern China, they typically have a more affectionate type compared to their counterparts, they are also quite skilled in housework. However, they can be quite dominating and less submissive, but if you're into that kinda thing by all means. Also if you're not Asian getting one of them is unlikely.
As for Taiwan:(mixed bag) can't really say, it's kinda like southern China with a little Japan sprinkled in.
This is pretty accurate. I have a Northern Chinese girlfriend and she's a great catch.
>works hard, though she asks me to help clean dishes after she cooks
>independent, so although I do pay for things for her (I make more) she tries to make sure she pays for a lot of things
>unreserved and aggressive in bed
>solid 8/10 looks and body, with small tits and a round butt with thick muscular thighs, never even wears makeup so her beauty is natural
She's hard-working and aggressive but INCREDIBLY affectionate. I'm also the first non-Asian she's dated and she was really hesitant (we were "just friends" for months before she decided she could see herself dating me).
I'd love to breed her. Really hoping this doesn't fall apart on me.
Don't tell me what to do, you miserable faggot. I come here because it's the only "general" board that isn't a cesspool of trap/fb/cock threads and spamming bullshit memes. If we got an /r9k2/ board I'd go there in a heartbeat and leave you fellas alone.
If you hate it so much, go to wizchan like the rest of your kin did years ago.
Good luck when you meet her parents.
June 4 Tiananmen Square Massacre
Do they still have that 1 child 2 parent law? China doesn't have innovation and steals technology and makes cheap clones, but that's why they are getting rich. We prefer cheap knock offs over quality.
Go back to farcebook you unfunny faggot
>I'd love to breed her. Really hoping this doesn't fall apart on me.
Nah, you'll be fine
To much normie talk, I understand.
If it has autism it'll fix itself, great.
how did you get one roboto?
Tinder originally. We somehow matched and started texting and like six months later we finally met "as friends", got dinner a few times, then one night I missed my train home and she invited me to stay over with her.
She really likes how empathetic and sweet I am to her, and that I put a lot of effort into understanding her despite her accent and clumsy word choices, and patiently explain words or phrases she doesn't understand. Basically, I do my best so she doesn't feel like we're from different cultures.
Oh and now, thanks to /f/ teaching me to work out my glutes, I fuck her so hard her body starts quivering and she forgets how to speak English, despite me only having a 5" dick
Teach me user. How do I get beast like fucking power?
>Trusting statistics sourced from China
Firstly, you have to realize that
Yo retard, Lynn and Murray are not Chinese.
It kinda looks like chairman Mao dying of an ulcer.
Damn, bruh. SHieeeet mang. Dat rely changez da fact dat the statistacks came str8 frm China, bruh.
The additional fact that the Chinese populace is controlled by "communists"/state capitalists with an authoritarian government means the Chinese people are practically a hivemind. Albert Einstein unironically said it best, the Chinese way of life must be avoided at all costs for it is filthy.
I'm currently smashing a cute Chinese girl granted she was born here and has never stepped food in China it's pretty good. She let's me nut deep inside her and has big ol tiddies