Hows nofap going lads?

Hows nofap going lads?

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I don't believe in nofap, nor any of its dubious, christcuck claims.
I believe in cutting down, which I should do? But stopping entirely?
That's a good way to wind up in jail, which I hope a lot of these Jow Forums faggots do.

>I don't believe in nofap, nor any of its dubious, christcuck claims.
>t. masturbation and porn addict

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>t. reddit memes MEMES MEMES MEMES

This is your fucking brain after decades of destroying it through playing video games and swalling le crimson candy.
Fuck off you brainlet freak. You're obviously someone with an agenda and don't even try to hide it.

im 20 days in boys. dont count me out

we never counted you in
get lost

Day 3. Once I get my T boost i'll stop. Need to find out if it's a meme or not myself.

bad day at home?

Too weak for no fap so I do the watered down version (no cum), basically the rules are I can fap/edge as much as I like as long as I don't cum.

Record is 20 days.

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I both started and lost today.

I have absolutely no self-discipline, I'm a slugman.

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I love no cum. It's like playing russian roulette with your cock.

>edging for 20 days
please do not do this if you want to keep your prostate.

Even if nofap does nothing for you, it's better to set some goals for yourself than look forward to another 12 hours on a dead board on Jow Forums.

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On day number 2 going for a third.

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Im an opiate addict. Dont even have any sort of sex drive. Have masturbated maybe 3 times in the last year. Just never horny.

I've been clean for two months and one week, aproximately

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Just fapped like 2 minutes ago

i didnt fap for like 2 weeks just because i got really busy. didnt notice much change in terms of energy confidence, etc. but i had a bigger erection

nofap is a meme. The people saying that aren't just giving you bants. The majority of people and other animals have always masturbated, it's not some loser thing, and punishing yourself for being human with sexuality is insane. Just be smart with it and don't spend hours looking at porn, rotting your brain. Cumming doesn't actually deprive you of potential Chad powers, and making yourself sexually frustrated will not help you, even if feeling proud of convictions does. Find something else to be proud of, and you'll get the same benefits, without trying to ruin your body and mind and encouraging others to do the same.

I quit weed and fapping a week ago
This shit is easy when you have other stuff to distract you

No fap is fucking retarded. I just participate in No Fap November. Its a nice break but doing it all the time long term is stupid

Nofap is bullshit
I used to fap anywhere from two to three times a day
Nofap did not change this
I have intrusive thoughts that used to be so bad that I would think of suicide as a way out
Nofap did not help me deal with this
All nofap did was make my thoughts worse and increase my anger
All it is is broscience and places like reddit pol and fit push it as some great thing like it will make you this shining example of what a man should be
Waste of time
If you want to stop watching porn and fapping you will do it through your own sheer will
If you want to fix your mental financial and physical status you will do it through your own sheer will
Nofap is bullshit
But please tell me how I am a jew trying to destroy white men

>werks on my machine ;)

don't you people ever get tired of it

Involuntarily doing nofap because my antidepressants destroyed my sex drive. I used to fap 3 times a day, now I'm lucky if I can do it 3 times a week. It takes over a fucking hour to cum, this is such bullshit.

can't cheat on nofap if my dick doesnt work

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Those antidepressants would make you useful to a girl. Too bad your looks wont allow any of them within 50ft.

Eh my looks aren't too bad. Unfortunately my social anxiety is.

Either way, sucks man. You tried different meds?

holy blue balls

I was originally on Zoloft, then my psychiatrist put me on Prozac, and now I'm taking Welbutrin with the Prozac. It's somewhat working, since I haven't attempted suicide in little over a week, but I hate not being able to jerk off.

Betwenn coding and video editing, I can't find a moment to blow off some steam.

Started on 00:00, 1st of July 2018. Have not fapped, edged, stroked or cum since. Despite this been looking at porn, sexting girls, exchanging nudes.

The temptation... has been immense. But I have persevered, and I am all the stronger for it. I've just passed 1 month, time to make it 2, brothers.

Trust me, things get better. Nofap works.

Going strong origino

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good. for those of you who say nofap is a meme means your brain is wired differently than those who do choose to do it.
speaking from experience, i really believe that porn and masturbating to it messed with my neural wiring. my brain seems like its going haywire when i do perform such acts.
i would also say consuming porn and masturbating to it has an effect of information overload for me. it basically overstimulates my brain to the point where its working hard, hence the social anxiety, depression, low energy.
therefore, i believe the theory behind nofap/noporn is due to stimulation and brain circuitry. our brains arent the same, which also explains why we have different personalities, but that is another discussion.

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idk man I'm doing the no nut ever challenge wish me luck boys

As a "it's a meme" poster, this is a good and thoughtful post. I can see what you mean.

I relapsed after 14 days. Starting fresh today. Edging doesn't help FYI