Oh no! Everyone in the world suddenly swapped to the opposite gender! What are you going to do now?

Oh no! Everyone in the world suddenly swapped to the opposite gender! What are you going to do now?

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I'd probably be pregnant before the night is done

Laugh and cry because it's what I wanted but I didn't have to take any pills like a mentally ill fag.

Lose my shit because being a woman in an Asian family(especially Chinese) is about the same as committing mass murder.

Wouldn't it now be the opposite?

Kill myself for being a retarded f*moid

Molest the nearest Chad.

Find some black guys to fill me with cum.

get fucked probably and act like a total bitch

Continue playing video games and fucking around

wait, would trannies become actual females?

No I'm a dude, which is a pride for any Chinese family.

be a condescending bitch and oppress my male counter parts for having ignored me

Transgirls become transmen. and vice versa.

Complain about being a 2/10 incel

>Transgirls become transmen.
f-fuck you

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Not too much of anything different really though. Might start shilling for feminism just for societal brownie points.

Play with my new pussy as former prominent feminists immediately turn into hardcore fedora-tipping cargo shorts-wearing MRAs without the slightest hesitation and start filling HuffPo with articles about the merits of visual novels.

I also have a massive pregnancy/lactation fetish and would like to do something about that but I also hate children with a firey passion which puts a damper on things.

>Join the army
>Let boys do all the work
>While I earning some money on the side by blowing guys somewhere secluded
>Become fulltime soldieress
>1 year before I get sent to Goatfuckistan
>Fuck every guy in the barrack atleast once per week
>Become pregnant before actual deployment
>"Lel, how could this happen, lol? ;P"
>Get gibs from gobernment
>Give birth, get some more free time to be with child
>Repeat the process until I grow old and can live of my pension.
There you go, I get the best trained dicks in the nation, can be a slut, get 5 children and barely have to work. So easy.
Also me on the left.

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Go kick a chick(now man) in the balls as hard as I can. Start complaining about muh glass ceiling. Immediately demand (((equal))) pay.

Me on the right, ready to succ.

start a streaming career and get a girlfriend

Even better!
>Find out who the father is by forcing the whole army to take tests to determine who is the father
>Demand alimoney
>Cucked government allows it and I get alimoney from 5 different guys
>Checkmate, u mad boys? ;)

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>Checkmate, u mad boys? ;)
As if you think soldiers like that are the type of people who browse Jow Forums

Yes but if I were a woman I could literally fuck over those soldiers in reallife and make fun of them get it?

Honestly I'd probably kill myself unless I were cute.

>initially spend lot of time exploring new body and experiencing orgasms that seem to be much more intense
>try to find a boy that lacks confidence, is kind of shy home potato, but also seems loyal, has potential and is just good looking enough to pass my standards when he takes care of himself, but not good enough to be desirable by fucktons of other girls so no one tried to steal him from me
>first mold him with care, affection to attach him to myself so much he won't even want to be with other girls when I finish with his improvement
>then encourage him to to be better and reward him for improvements by improving my own care and support for him, as well my own looks and being more kinky in bed, including his and my fantasies that involve only two of us as active party because I'm jealous and slightly possessive bitch
>I'd want him to be completely devoted to me
>make couple children with him to bind us together even more and give him a reason to turn from completely devoted to the point of boredom and slight disgust to father figure that leads and protect not only out children but also me
>finally have perfect man and family so I can get satisfaction from my own achievement knowing I was force to mold him into what he is now, knowing I tried my best being the best girlfriend, wife and mom and knowing our home is so well maintained in huge part thanks to me
>get old and watch my children grow and find their own partners, tell my girls the secret of my success and tell my boys to be manly and just, not gentle and weak, because man should protect and lead

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I would have some coffee and watch the shitstorm as the news tried to cover what just happened. Also masturbate with my new vagina.

I would finally call myself a lesbian unironically, life goal get

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what a fucking troll lol

Workout, start a career, and live life alone.

I would first flick the bean at speeds breaking the sound barrier, then I would proceed to have lesbian smex with every guy->girl that agrees. I can't imagine I'd have to search for long

If everyone in the world swapped genders the army would primarily be female you brainlets...

Then for the first time in history, women would run the world.

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>this entire post


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Mind that robots don't fall into that boy category. Robots are horny degenerates driven by spite and grief, with no values, and are beyond repair. Just look at this thread.

Id play with the puss for a solid week. After that idunno same old same old I guess

If everyone in the world changed then it's possible people will still enforce the gender norms of their original gender.
Your buddies aren't gonna be like 'let's get our eyebrows done and choke on some cock' just because they are a girl now unless the switch reprograms everyone's brains but then it becomes kind of meaningless

Uhh... I don't know. I guess more or less the same stuff except enjoy every thing about my life being easier except for periods. It'd be like taking off weighted training gear. I wonder if women would bug the fuck out and demand they still be treated better and like princesses despite being guys now. This is thought provoking user.

The only downside is all the guys are now shitty girls with guy bodies. Can't they be futas at least?