If a girl had your ideal personality but was slightly chubbier then what you'd like...

If a girl had your ideal personality but was slightly chubbier then what you'd like, would you still love her unconditionally and consider her attractive, or would you consider her someone you're "settling" on?

I'm not saying fat, just a little tummy to grab

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Already happened and we were together for nearly 4 years.

>slightly chubbier then what you'd like
I like a pretty broad range of broads so "slightly chubbier" wouldn't even be noticeable. But you shouldn't listen to what people here tell you: they're much more likely to try to tear down any self-confidence you have than reassure you, and what they think is irrelevant. You'll find someone who likes you for who you are.

You didn't answer the question

Did you still find her more attractive than other girls or did you feel like you were settling?

Oh, I could definitely love her. I could just help her lose it, but a little tummy is what I want though.

of course you doofus

im also fat, so that really skews this answer a bit

>If a girl had your ideal personality but was slightly chubbier then what you'd like
Your image isn't even chubby enough for my preferences
>I'm not saying fat, just a little tummy to grab
Make up your mind

Fatter than what I'd like would be morbidly obese

I'm an user curious about opinions. I'm not a female.

I have no concept of 3D attraction so i want to know how robots who do like women feel

A few pounds doesn't matter. If she gained the weight after us getting together and she seemed insecure about it I might encourage her to exercise with me but it'd be for her self esteem, not my tastes.

Don't go by the op pic
I just liked the image

My ideal personality and being fat (for that is what it is no matter how you look at it) are mutually exclusive. The mindset of a person who could become overweight disgusts me. Someone with so little self control and such poor care of their own body, no matter how little its effects, is no one I want to be partnered with. And we would never get along anyway.

I didn't say fat

Are you guys really that dense?
Is this what happens when you like 3D women?

That's something she can lose, so of course I would. I have some myself so we could lose it together.

No. If she had my ideal personality then she would know not to be fat.

This proves females do post in Jow Forums because no male would be stupid enough to ask such question.

i have a chubby tummy myself, so i don't really care as long as she's not overweight status

Current gf is like this but quite a bit heavier
Want to help her lose weight, but it's a touchy subject

I already like chubby girls so what you describe is my ideal girl, OP.

if she had the personality I liked she would get in shape in a year

I wouldn't feel like I was settling at all.
I'd love her, and she'd definitely be attractive to me.

Thinking about this has made me sad because it'll never happen.

I would enjoy any range of gf from skeleton to chubby
But actually fat girls, like 240+ lbs, that's where I start getting turned off

No you didn't but a couple pounds overweight or chubby is still gross to me. I like girls to be thin.

Slightly chubbier is alright but depends on what you really mean, a fucking landwhale isnt okay

I wouldn't be that worried about her body since I would intend to impregnate her several times as soon as possible

Who cares.

She'll just turn out to be another cheating whore, regardless.

as long as shes willing to lose it

If she was ideal she would be willing to work out with me. So there wouldn't be a problem.

of course what kind of mongoloid tier question is this.

well I'm one of those degenerates who's into fat chicks. So I think a better question is what would happen if we had each others' ideal personality, but she was heavier than she'd like to be while simultaneously also being thinner than I'd like her to be.

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Does this hypothetical girl also look attractive to me, in way not related to body fat composition?

The answer to your strangely narrow question is, being a little chubbier than I would like is not a deal breaker, and I would be able to look past it. A little chubbier in this case meaning, fairly obese, as I like chicks that would be considered overweight by others, including you it seems.

Now....if a girl had the ideal personality, and was incredibly stick-like and thin....that might be a problem