ITT:Postgrad feels

ITT:Postgrad feels

>masters degree isnt over yet
>everyone is on holiday
>still have my thesis to do

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>tfw you're a uni dropout and wasted 3 years of my life for literally nothing.
>can't afford to go to uni again
>need to move out the house and find a job that will employ a skillless idiot like me

It could be worse user

I'm just going to an hero

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>tfw just finished second year
>havent passed any class, no friends or connections
>no energy to try anymore
What do i do. I went in so happy and full of hope. I was gonna be a master of my subject, get a gf and friends, turn my life around

I don't have any answers user, I'm sorry.

I'm tired of feeling like such a fuckup. I'm just killing myself. Waiting till my dad leaves the flat in 3 days time before ending it.

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Op here, feeling like this is gunna be a uni feels thread

user tell me are you on the right course? i mean deep down are you?

Im chem engy, man.
Chemistry was the only class in HS i didnt want to pull my eyes out on. I dont like it, but i cant think of an alternative either.
I have nothing im good at, no talents, nothing.
I did well enough to get in the uni thats top notch in my country but since then i just feel like a monkey in a lab suit.
I dont understand shit. Everyone around me is successful as fuck and i just exist.

I'm about to go to grad school but haven't decided if I want to do a thesis or not. On one hand, a thesis opens up the gate to a PhD. On the other hand, fuck a thesis. wat do

I never understood what a thesis is

>went to a top 30 (global rankings) school for undergrad
>after graduating spent 2 years NEET
>3 weeks until i go to some shitty local university for my MBA
kind of intimidated 2bh. even though the school i'm gonna be attending is crap compared to my undergrad alma mater, i have no experience in business-related studies and i'm concerned i might be getting in over my head.

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>finish undergrad at shitty local uni
>don't know what to do with life so apply to med school at same uni
>struggling with rote memorization

What the fuck do I do now? Everything sucks and I hate my classmates. How do they stay so motivated and how can anyone actually like this?

>have to decide on a grad school very soon
>not even sure what I want to study
Kill me any time.
>inb4 normie advice like just go with your gut

Starting my last year in law school in september. I'm fearing the amount of shit I will get once I enter the bar. I've heard is much worse than your average wageslaving

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Perhaops user youre not on the right course. youre not nailed to this you know. move around a bit to something more up your alley or failing that, explore other subjects my man
i had the same i went from geology at uni to Psychology and never looked back./ i was in the same boat as you

also OP here

entry level job user and climb?

You cant hop from subject to subject in my country.
You give a fuckall huge exam in the end of HS, pick a couple of schools from a list and you get admitted to the one highest but under the score of your exam.
I picked that, which is a real bitch to get into and here i am, almost 3 years later.
My only choices are wageslaving, which is just slaving in my 2nd world shithole or an heroing.
I get nauseous and my heart races just by trying to study for september.
Therapists are a meme and my parents are already pissy and will disown me if i give up

I see

what are your viable options user? theres gotta be something

Still debating about whether I should drop out to pursue my dream. My plan right now is to just keep going to college (changed my major 3 times), try to make music 8 hours a day and then move to LA when I have enough cash.

There aint none.
Why would people an hero if there always is a better way?

god i fucking feel u man. basically in the same situation

Oh no, not intelligence and potential

Sorry cunt, I don't see the dilemma

>tfw senior year of undergrad
>havent even applied to grad school yet
>3.3 gpa so far
>got straight b's this semester
>literally .50 points away from an A
>group project fucked me because i was paired with retards
>worried grades arent good enough now
>anxiety has been kicking in
i want it all to end

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What subject do you wanna go to school for user? Also master's or PhD?

I would advise against doing that. If you could, I imagine you would regret that more than anything you've done so far, if feeling unsuccessful gets you in such a tizzy

>masters degree starts in a month
>2 days of classes a week
>don't work on the thesis until second half of the semester

Just what in the fuck am I going to be doing with all that empty time?

You can do it user i believe in you

Also user, take it from someone whos finishing a masters degree

THAT IS NOT FREE TIME a masters degree is like a full time job 7 days a week
its brutal man do not under estimate it

>Shitty bachelors of science in a science major
>Stuck in temp hell making $20/Hr
>Tried to go to grad school but got anxious and stopped replying to professor

I don't know what to do with my life. I'm so lost. Feel like I'm floundering

Gonna start my bachelors in physics
Is pursuing a phd worth it?

>graduated 2016 with a shitty Bachelors in history and a bad 2.8ish GPA
>this was after starting in fucking fall 2008 after graduating HS. (went 2 1/2 years first go, dropped out and neeted 1 1/2 years before going back for four years to finish though at the end I was only taking 2-3 classes a semester because I couldn't cope with a full load)
>neeted every since graduating
>mom is now talking about attempting to get a masters and eventually a PHD.
>Have utterly no desire to step foot on a university campus ever again, would even wage slave instead.

who /done with school/ here?

Fucking this.
Uni is so fucking incomprehensible and hostile compared to even the worst wageslaving.
In 2 years of university i never felt like i knew what i were doing. Nobody tells you nothing, you dont know what to do or where to go and i barely talked with other students.
For the last two summers, i wageslaved for some cash, minimum wage, warehouse and hotel restaurant.
I always had something to do and was commended when i did good, the people were always friendly, shared food and smokes, bantered generally good feels.
If it wasnt so physically straining, id honestly consider giving uni up for a slavejob

>tfw daydreaming about starting undergrad from day 1, with older me giving few tips to undergrad me.
At least these always end up with "listen to Jow Forums and mine bitcoin, and cash out at 19k". Then I realize how stupid is it to cry over spilled milk.
And I start daydreaming about it few days after anyway.

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you have time to decide that lol

if you love the subject then hell yes it's worth it. but you have to really love the stuff. i did a BS in physics and while i love the stuff i didn't love it enough to want to do just that for 8 years. at this point i'm just considering doing a masters in math instead.

my advice is definitely try and do some research. it'll give you some cool experience, a reference, and hopefully give you an edge in getting a job in the field. i didn't do any research and it was bad.

Starting a physics teaching qualification this September. I get a decent grant for starting the course. It will be hard and teaching is depressing, time-consuming and, often, soul destroying. Hopefully, it will be worth it if I can just can some money together doing it, then either do a masters or get a comfy job in an overseas international British private school.

>tfw thesis due in two weeks and haven't done a literature review or introduction yet
I-I'm gonna make it, r-right?

>got Bachelor of Science in HR because too dumb to do math
>shitty summer internship, 0 supervision, didn't learn shit
>finished both September 2017, mediocre GPA, didn't retain shit
>unemployed since May 2018
>got FIRST INTERVIEW this past Tuesday after job hunting this entire time, probably won't hear back anyways
>little bro 2 years younger than me but already has his bachelors, studied abroad, and works in his field
>tfw fuckup
At least I can be the sibling that makes my bros look good in comparison. I'll take a call center job at this point, fucking hate HR anyways and I'm desperate for a paycheck. I feel like an overgrown child leeching off of my parents, every day my shame grows stronger

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> be me
> promising student until HS
> ok student in HS
> enroll into an engineering school, the best in my country
> get BSc in 4 years but with a shitty GPA
> try my luck and apply to one of the top schools in the world
> somehowgotaccepted.pdf
> after extreme grinding psychological help get my MSc
> try much luck and apply for a PhD funding
> they fucking accept it
> not to embarrass myself initiate extreme grinding
> people actually like me, publications, citations and shit
> now that I know what it's like, I want to continue but I feel like I was lucky all along and won't make it in the long-term

Writing my PhD thesis right now and grt anxious of what's going to come after. Nobody would accept a wageslave with a PhD.

Find 2-3 good review papers and recycle them. You can do it user.

Not op just another burned out grad student. Only do a thesis if it's funded or if you plan on doing phd. i don't want to tell you how to live your life but coming to grad school is one of the only things I regret. If your future prospects require you to have a graduate degree go, if not don't university is a scam

>failing masters
>thesis to write
>spent whole summer shitposting
>got a month left

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>finished masters
>absolutely hate the field now, refuse to do a PhD
>shitty thesis
>mediocre marks
>no job prospects (not even in the field due to economic fluctuations)

Unemployed for a year now. Oh well. I should never have fallen for the STEM meme.