List your 3 most favored substances as well as your 3 least favored chronologically, I'll start

List your 3 most favored substances as well as your 3 least favored chronologically, I'll start

>Mirtazapine(For hypnagognic effects)

>Cannabis(Post panic attacks)

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>3 most favored
>3 least favored
tramadol (no comfy opiate high but all of the constipation that comes with opiate use)
benzos (made me embarrass myself on so many occasions and ruined my memory)

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>(post panic attack)
Why are there so many accounts of the lovecraftian mind warping powers of cannabis? Am I not smoking enough if I just get calm and hungry?

I'm not a heavy drugs degenerate but a degenerate nontheless

1. Caffeine
2. Tobacco
3. Don't think there are any other substances I'm addicted to unless Vidya and internet are substances

Chronologically? That's weird user. In the order I first tried em I guess.

1 is sugar and anyone who doesnt list this first is lying

2 is weed I've been a reefer head for 15 years and nothing is better

3 is caffeine I guess, easy to abuse but so very useful done right. And coffee is the most delicious thing, though it took some time to really acquire a taste for it

And now least favourite.

1 nicotine, fuck you so much nicotine, I am lighting a smoke as I write this

2 SSRI's, boo-urns.

3 meth or anything like speed. Except cocaine of course and clean mdma those are alright.

Honourable mention to alcohol, which I love very much but also hate



>t. normie
Benzos you just need to start small, then work your way up. Also idk man tramadol to me is the shit. 100-150mg and I am set for the entire day

I like you.

most fav
>weed (indica strains)

least fav
>weed (sativa trains)

i want to try LSD, but im honestly kind of afraid of it

pretty sure i'm not a normie just because i don't like benzos. i have no friends online or IRL, never had anything close to a gf, and i've been a NEET for over a year now. i've used benzos in dosages small enough that its basically microdosing, and i've used them in massive dosages that would render most people unconscious. the period of time when i was using benzos was the worst period of my life. i lost a ton of weight and reached a BMI of 16, i crashed my car on benzos and spent some time in jail and got my license suspended, i made an ass out of myself in front of my family members, i could continue.

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least favorite

I think some people must simply react to it differently. Every time I have been legitimately high was fucking terrible and I can't imagine people doing it to themselves on purpose. Obviously I am experiencing it differently than my several stoner friends do. God knows I gave it a few attempts and tried it several different ways. The verdict is always, "if I ingest enough that I can feel any effect at all, that effect is going to be an unpleasant one." There is probably a genetic subset that just shouldn't use it and I'm one of them.

Only called you a normie due to drug use
I dont see why you would use it besides for talking and fucking. The one time I used it I was dehydrated and tired, sweaty, needed to pee every 5 mins, and my stomach felt like it would explode until I threw up. Also felt like I wanted to fuck my bed
>crashed my car on benzos
kek same, only times I have driven while slightly barred out (taken the night before, still feel sedated in the morning) I have crashed my car. Never again.


I like pretty much everything and I'm struggling to pick my 3 least favored. I'm not much for heroin or opiates though.

What said. Using cbd>weed now. I get no head high, but on weed even smoking a 1-2 gram blunt is enough to get me feeling anxious and scared. Doesnt matter if I am home alone, I start to feel like I am being watched or someone will break in.

i used mdma a few times in highschool when i went to concerts with friends (back when i had friends). we always ran it through a reagent kit first to make sure it was legit. i didn't do much talking on mdma and i did absolutely zero fucking on mdma but i felt like a god just standing around chain-smoking cigs and grooving to the music. dehydration is definitely an issue though, especially for newer users like i was. i almost fainted from lack of water, only a generous stranger with a spare water bottle saved my ass.

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>mtn dew
>monster zero ultra

>ginger ale

>cyclones or alcohol
Least favorites

Yeah to be honest I have no idea how legit it was, but if you look up donald trump molly, I had those exact pills. Looked up on erowid experiences with mdma, and felt everything that they all felt. Every website told me to throw up at the beginning, as you always feel like shit, but as soon as you do, you feel back to normal.

The best thing about any MDMA/MDA/ecstasy is shoving it up your ass - it's a shit drug.

Oolong tea

>Least favored
V8 juice

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