Fuck you pol

helo pol

my name is The Beast of Iran and i will have 100 christian women as my wives to give birth to islamic babiees

Attached: 1884.jpg (1109x614, 197K)

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>TFW excessive body hair obscures gains so you turn into a fucking monster to see any progress


Iranian Zangief

Attached: 1.jpg (1427x775, 91K)

whoop dee do

Attached: 1882.png (565x596, 734K)

I don't know why this made me laugh so hard. Like he has this weird gruff slightly high pitched voice that drags out at the end.

you are a fucking bitch. You seem nice, but you also seem like the kind of guy that I bend you over and fuck in the ass then would procede to lick your own shit off my dick.

Fuck you, little cyrus wannabe bitch.

100 black Christian women are still 100 niggers

Convert to Zoroastrianism self hating persian cuck

steroids make you sterile though, sorry dude

Attached: Capture.jpg (737x205, 42K)

>my name is The Beast of Iran and i will have 100 christian women as my wives to give bir-
>dies of heart failure before 2020

>That feel when you will never be a synthol warrior and leak fluid all over your enemies while posing with weights to indicate you're strong while hiding the number.

That guy's name is the Irianian Hulk, shill

>the delegates dahnald

Can you use your kids as an army to invade israel? :3

Tell that to Ronnie Coleman


imagine the smell lmao

arms so big can get even bring his palms together?

Attached: neato.png (425x282, 134K)

Thats just a fat guy with photoshop, he's just a weak tub of lard without adobe gains

>What is photoshop?


Should have figured. That chest to waist-ratio is ridiculous, no normal strong-men look like that.

I'm not even that good a shot and that is a target I could easily hit from 500 yards.

Come at me faggot.

Attached: images.jpg (302x167, 14K)

why he standing on tiptoes. Thats rights h'es 4ft10

>fat shitskin with (at best) mediocre lifts

>islamic babiees
Better make sure they're not kuffar, asking them to site Quran will reveal truth.

Ya right, like he can get it up after those roids

How does a thick guy like that leave no footprints on a wet beach?

Is you look to the left they dragged him like a statue. You can see the stuff marks.

gets taken out with a headshot

Hey you Bongs, send your guy Eddie Hall to fix this issue, ok?

Attached: Eddie Record ESM 2016-2613.jpg (3177x2121, 1.6M)

>can't drink alchohol
>inject-able steroids available in every corner store

saged for your mothers health

You can't beat this. To this day there has never been a better male physique regarding proportion of muscle distribution and height.
This monkey in your picture looks like an animal literally.

Attached: schwarzenegger810pumpingiron_1_X.jpg (792x792, 2.38M)

>tfw you gained so much mass light bends near you due gravity
oh no wait that's bad photoshop, faggot

>want chest like that
>don't want to roid
I'm not gonna make it am I

hey detectives, walk one way on beach, turn take photo.

Ta DAAA no footprints.

>t. watched fbi special agent test video on youtube and got a question right

better to be natty then lose 60% of mass and get organ failure, cancer and become tranny.