Go to beach

>go to beach
>girls dressed like this everywhere

What ever happened to modesty?

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go live with the Amish, faggot


No joke. Porn and hypersexuality are being exposed to kids younger than ever

Nothing really matters since we could all be nuked tomorrow.

You're at the fucking beach.

You mean the modesty of the 1700s where everyone thought they'd be sent to Hell if they showed their ankles? People seem to correlate modesty with morality, even though they're not related.

hell yeah dude fuck (((degeneracy))) all girls should wear burqas at the beach

god youre such a retard

too bad ur born in wrong country kek

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There's no need to have your ass hanging out though. It screams thot.

And you're on Jow Forums, not reddit.

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Inshallah brother
These girls are asking to be raped

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>we live in a social media age now where it is normal for thirteen year old girls to post shots of themselves in revealing swimwear on social media for the thousands of likes

Is humanity beyond saving?

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>Showing her ankles
Be gone you filthy whore

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>tfw no 1930s hungarian gf

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It's a part of an international agenda. The goal is to transform humans into the perfect wageslaves, or cattle. It's not really as sinister as it sounds, it's just what is most profitable.
Part of this is sexualizing culture. If you go back just a 100 years, there would be a huge gap between a 12 year old and an adult. Not just superficially, but in their mentality. Today "adult culture" is accessable to younger and younger people, because it's been sexualized so much there only requirement for being "an adult" is reaching puberty.
This really struck me when I have been interacting with zoomers. They are really incredibly ignorant. "What's an aqueduct?" one asked me. He didn't seem stupid or slow, just so engrossed in "adult culture" that he didn't know anything else. Like a child, bereft of existential curiosity.

sooner or later theyre just going to walk around everywhere naked and probably get fucked by chad in the middle of the streets and we are all going to have to deal with it because its empowering

Check ur privilege shitlord she dresses that way for comfort even though she feels uncomfortable and unsafe doing it

its the beach, thats a swimming costume

what is logic?

I kinda agree. It is a huge trend and especially females are very quick and willing to follow trends.
They get indoctrinated with false feminist propaganda very early on, if not by their parents allready, then by class mates or the media and social media.

if you go back 100 years a 12 year old would be considered working adult

in 1910 there were 2 million child workers in the US

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Child labor wasn't about children being equal to adults. It was sold as a positive way for poor children to contribute to their families. It's totally irrelevant to what I wrote about.

>What ever happened to modesty?
They're not naked, so there's still some modesty left.

The only thing wrong with this picture is that some creepy weirdo took it.

You sound like a fucking retard who thinks big words is the same as being smart.

>b1g words

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Or maybe your grasp of the English language is the same as a fucking preschooler you dumb tool