The new Terminator movie is looking pretty good. What do you think, fellow bitter and cynical woman hating incels?

The new Terminator movie is looking pretty good. What do you think, fellow bitter and cynical woman hating incels?

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The media liked it too.

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But where is the terminator

Wtf there is no way this is real

How many god damn times are they going to reboot this series? They still haven't concluded it after over 30 years, I want to see the fucking ending already stop going backwards!

I think they've discovered a way to add a cool action woman to a film without being getting mad, just make them old, everyone likes cool old people

Daym straight, cuz.

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>Franchise created by a man
>Franchise successful because of the male lead
>Franchise written and directed by men

>It belongs to women now because we say so

imagine being a kid now and growing up on literal kike brainwashing propaganda full of forced politics

the next generation will be completely fucked wont they?

imagine being a kid and growing up on Jow Forums lmao

I hope it inspires more women to try and imitate art and get blown out by savage minorities.

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Looks like the Islamophobic chick from Britain. Katie something.

Oh fuck I thought op's pic was shopped for lolz, this is much worse

>Oh fuck I thought op's pic was shopped for lolz

Couldn't make it up if I tried.

I don't really care but I really want Mackenzie Davis to peg me

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Astroturf thread or do you also think that it sucks?

i like how the left is trying to create a femdom paradise full of strong wymyn and effeminate males, suits my degenerate tastes well

if it weren't for the crotch, I seriously woulda thunk the thing in the middle was a boy

All are ugly specially middle and right theyre like trannies

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But thats your waifu from Bladerunner.

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Whooops, that one was already posted. Have a new one.

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Women do not build

Because Arnold wanted this. Now what?

How is this brainwashing anyone?

It's shit, it's all shit. Every one of our childhood favorites will be dug up from its grave and given a shallow, soulless, hollywood-feminist make-over. Everything that made it good will be gone, there will be no true content. Just 'representation', and a social expectation to love it and gush over it because OMG REPRESENTATION! LIKE, FINALLY :^). All the women will love it or pretend to, and all the numales and soibois will also pretend because they believe that women will like them then. But everyone will KNOW in their hearts that its SHIT.

I don't mind powerful female leads. Alien was great. Buffy was cool. Whatever. It's when they make "the lead has tits!!" the only selling point as if the same thing once considered blatantly sexist is now 'empowering'. And then I'm the arsehole for pointing out that the new Ghostbuster had a shitty plot, no funny jokes and bad actors. "No, they're WYMIN, user! You have to RESPECT them!". Fuck you. I respect Charlize Theron in Monster because she was DAMN GOOD in it. I'm not giving out respect to whatever rich white bitch that decides to pretend she can act out some hastily written Jewlywood propaganda. Fuck you. You have everything. But you can't make me like this. I'll hate it. You can't take my hate away.

This movie literally has Arnold Schwarzenegger. What the fuck are you talking about?

Terminator has always been about Sarah being a strong woman, dipshit.

Star Wars and Indiana Jones movies from the last decade don't have what you are talking about, yet were the pioneers of this same tidal wave of soft sequels, reboots and re-imaginings.

Did you miss the previous shitty reboots?

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He was too busy hating things on the Internet to replace his lack of a personality.

Exactly my point. I didn't might Sarah Connor. She was a badass. And a return of Sarah would be badass. It's not about me not liking badass women, because I do.

It's when it's the ONLY thing the movie offers. Plot sucks, most actors suck, dialoge is cringe, etc. etc. BUT YOU HAVE TO LOVE IT BECAUSE WYMIN!!

Take the original Ghostbusters and replace the cast with women, but keep the humour, plot, talent, etc. and I'd love that movie. Take the new Ghostbusters and replace the cast with men, keeping everything else the same, and I'd hate that movie. Not about women - it's about MUH FEMINISM being the only selling point.

Yes, thank God. Refuse to see it.


The racially ambiguous thing on the left looks cute, I literally cannot tell what the thing in the centre is and I'm keen to see if they bring back the T2 Sarah, if indeed that is what I'm looking at on the right, though I thought she died before T3.

You haven't seen the new terminator tho. So you're sperging out over nothing except your virginity.

This is a direct sequel to 2. The other movies didn't happen.

Now I'm no fan of nogs, but why did this stupid girl put him through that?

Well then, they have my attention.
Nevertheless, I fully expect to be right and I'll wait for the reviews to come out before giving the kikes any of my money.

Because she's a cracker with a huge ego and probably said I can beat you up even though I'm a girl they ain't uncommon

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She watched too much star wars force awakens