So user, why aren't you reading The Story of an Onee-San Who Wants to Keep a High School Boy? It's so perfect...

So user, why aren't you reading The Story of an Onee-San Who Wants to Keep a High School Boy? It's so perfect. Literally perfect.
>tfw a pretty, big-boobed lady who lives nearby will never stalk you and daydream about you all the time
>tfw she will never take you in and want to make you happy
>tfw she will never constantly gush and coo over how cute she thinks you are
>tfw she will never be so pure that she can hardly touch you without feeling dizzy from over-excitement

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Has made me feel things.

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You guys are really missing out.

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I always wanted to get into manga but ehh. I don't like it. Maybe I'm too autistic. Also I don't like the way you're supposed to read it and I don't like how slow they are

>Maybe I'm too autistic.
I think the issue is that you're not autistic enough.
But I mean look at this shit, she's so cute.

Attached: 英貴 - 男子高校生を養いたいお姉さんの話⑤~⑧と番外編 (68440173) 29ペー� (650x921, 157K)

I know I know. I've read a couple of mangas because the art style was just SO GOOD that I sad to. But I ended up skipping through it because all the the speech bubbles and events were so predictable. If you already see the look on their face you barely need to read what's said.

It hurts, but it feels good at the same time.

Attached: 英貴 - 男子高校生を養いたいお姉さんの話⑤~⑧と番外編 (68440173) 11ペー� (800x565, 97K)

"no matter how you look at it, it's you guys' fault i'm not popular" aka Watamote is required reading for posting on Jow Forums my man

How do I into this? I need more

Link pls user? Tree

the mangaka better make a spinoff where they actually fuck

God damn it you guys, I literally gave you the title, but I'm commencing spoonfeeding anyway. You can read it in English here.

If you know enough Japanese you can read it here, which I prefer especially because the translation is a bit shit at times, though the site only lets you read the most recent chapters.

Also if you know some Japanese, you can read the original webcomic version from before it got serialized on the artist's Pixiv. The scenes are all the same, but there's a little bit of extra art, and also you can read it all in Japanese rather than having to bother with the translations.

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Why would i want to read something like that? I bet it would just make me more suicidal.

I mean, it does hurt when you contrast it with the dismal reality, but slice of life manga like this that centers around a cute girl being cute is basically the only thing keeping me going at this point. Would recommend.
>no one, let alone a cute girl, will ever love you this much

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pls user
use this instead

I considered linking to that one instead, but I like the dark background of the other site better. I've just been reading new chapters as they've come out on the Shonen Magazine site anyway.

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The first volume apparently releases on the 17th, I hope somebody scans and uploads that right away since I've been too lazy to save the chapters as I've gone along. Get hyped with me.

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any mangoes like this? she seems too kind though

i don't like anime, manga, doujinshi, whatever that thing is

I'm reading it but goddamn there is no development, feels like reading a 4koma about frogs

thats the bad part about this mango, but i think that it is too early to say that. i think the development would be like tomo chan wa onnanoko albeit slower

hopefully. I'm also reading that banchou-san one, with the delinquent girl and stuff, its quite cute but it suffers from bakacouple

These types of things never have much development, that's just how they go. I agree that an actual story would be nice and would make it more meaningful and engaging to see where it goes, but it's mostly just about indulging in a fantasy, plot be damned, which I like in its own way.

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>A woman like this is adorable and precious.
>A man acting like this is seen as a creep and a loser.
Born in the wrong timeline.

I remember thinking this too while reading.
>Wouldn't this seem really fucked up if the roles were reversed and it was a guy who was obsessively stalking and worshiping a teenaged girl, having her stay in his house, and doting on her in a romantic way constantly?
Extremely appealing if it's a chick doing it, though.

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You're welcome. I'd actually seen a page or two of it spontaneously posted here not too long ago, and I figured I would make a thread on the comic to bring attention to it and share it with all the those here who I figured would be able to appreciate it, since it matches an ideal that I've seen discussed here.

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Wattabout NHK

Does he ever fuck her? I got annoyed with him and quit reading.

It's understandable and natural to get annoyed by the gutless and thick-headed self-insert protagonist, but if you're looking for the characters to fuck in a romantic slice of life comic where the people involved blush just at the mention of holding hands, you are going to be very disappointed. Even though there's basically no progression in this kind of comic I like this sort of thing for what it is.

Attached: 英貴 - 男子高校生を養いたいお姉さんの話⑤~⑧と番外編 (68440173) 16ペー� (800x565, 91K)