Daily reminder that if you don't look exactly like this guy and are ATLEAST 6'5ft tall OR make 7-figure income, you will NEVER get laid without an escort.
>Protip; you literally can't
Daily reminder that if you don't look exactly like this guy and are ATLEAST 6'5ft tall OR make 7-figure income, you will NEVER get laid without an escort.
>Protip; you literally can't
Wrong. I'm ugly and fat and I still fuck supermodel tier "foids", work on your personality bro
are you the guy that sent his suit pic?
Nah this is some other LARPing faggot that's been posting the same fucking thread on and off for a few weeks now
OP kill yourself
Nice LARP faggot now gtfo my board
You fuck off summerfag, u don't deserve to be on MY board
pic related got laid so it isn't that hard
>but muh-BLACKED
just ask out a girl fresh off the boat
I think it'd be a hassle to look like that. I wouldn't fit in going to card shops or D&D sessions.
Niggers CANNOT be incels you fucking retard, that's like calling a femoid an incel. Fuck off
Lol wtf I'm a chink and I've got a pretty hot 7/10 russian gf
quit larping you're on Jow Forums for a reason
lol get over it kid, some of us have sex here
Nice LARP faggot now gtfo my board
Whatever helps you sleep at night buddyboi
Just take off the glasses and you've got another average nigger who can have it's dick sucked on demand by a line of white hoes
Are You tall?
Are You white?
If the answer to both is 'Yes' then fuck off
Why do you post this same ugly guy every day? You must be gay for him.
Op is a LARPing fag confirmed
No and no, you fuck off summerfag
>Projecting this hard
If he's ugly to you, you must look worse than fucking Rocky dennis
There is no way around it. Look at his square face. Way too tanned skin. Empty stare. He is not physically attractive.
uh-huh. keep telling yourself that
>Being this in denial
Cope moar
but my dad's ugly as shit and he's poor and he still got married
No clue what your talking about
escorts are probably raking in the dough
Jesus christ, just go outside more, it's not hard to get laid.
Fuckf off Chad, I know its you
I've fucked many girls and I've never made more than $14 an hour. I'm not tall either.
its always the chads who said its easy.
I don't wanna look like him, I want to be with him.
Nice LARP faggot now gtfo my board
gtfo literal faggot, this is a hetero board
its some weird psyop.
BLACKEDposters spam this board every day.
The original picture has the guy the same skin colour as the girl. But every time its reposted, the guy is a slight shade darker.
I dont know what they think they are going to achieve by this but it is noticeable.
Why is R9K 90% baits these days? Why can't you just fuck off.
>race baits
>small dick baits
>chad baits
>tranny spam
>"misogyny" baits
>"a woman said this on twitter so every woman is like that" baits
Where did comfy threads go? Where did normal conversations go? What the fuck happened to this board?
Kill yourself OP. Saged.
Too scared to accept the truth
>hetero board
There are trap threads 24/7
I am the living proof this is absolute bullshit and you know it. You're the one scared to admit you're not worthy of anything because you will never work on yourself. Not even that, I was a 10kg overweight piece of shit with bad skin and I still found someone because I knew my situation was cause by me and didn't blame anyone.
You're a boring piece of shit user :)
Just because the shit mods aren't doing anything about this cancer doesn't mean this is a faggot board
Nice LARP faggot now gtfo my board
>now gtfo my board
I've been here longer
>Make me
Because it objectively is. The only people that complain that getting laid is hard are the people that do not want to get laid and make every excuse to fulfill that prophecy.
No one asked for your either.
Use your brain you absolute wanker
The problem lies in their crappy personalities and bad habits, they will literally blame everyone but themselves
these are things a fucking normie from leddit would say. fuck off and die a painful death you faggy onions cuckolds, gtfo my board
Why is his girl so ugly though