holy shit why the fuck aren't you faggots Jow Forums yet? I started taking my working out seriously about a year ago, and I can honestly say it's definitely worth it. Even if you don't manage to attract any girls with your new Jow Forums body, it's visually aesthetically pleasing on it's own to look at, makes you feel like a greek god, and less of a loser. Plus I feel over all more healthier and stronger. So get fit right now, like pic related.

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Cause I have a ingrown toenail atm, so it kinda hard to do that.

>Get fit so you can delude yourself into thinking your life has somehow gained any value
>Lifting totally fixes crippling social anxiety and years of building resentment toward women bro
Nah Im good

how do l get started

dude you got the best excuse to not do the hardest part (legs)
go to the gym and shred your chest and arms

go to the gym
most gyms have trainers and starter programs

Because it requires force-feeding yourself which is a much bigger challenge than picking things up and putting them down again.

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For what purpose whould I do that?

I'm ectomorph and have very fast metabolism. I need to consume around 2800 calories to bulk, I can barely get to 2000 without feeling like a stuffed turkey. I'm at 123 pounds which is my minimal "healthy" wheight and it takes a lot of effort just to keep it. I can lose 5 pounds in days if I skip a meal or wrongly sleep. I tried to get fit and feel healthy but I got tired in a few months. Simply couldn't care anymore.

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Stop forcing people to conform to your hobby. Back to Jow Forums

There's no such thing as an objective value to life, we give our lives value, and it doesn't have to be one particular thing either. We can value our lives based on many attributes of life, being in shape is just one of them. So you're not "deluding" anything.
Also I never said lifting would fix your anxiety and resentment towards women. Those are topics for another day, but it would just be a plus to add on to your life. From my experience if it helps, I used to have SAD (social anxiety disorder) as well, and I'm not saying lifting fixed it, but it provided me with a nice stress reliever after I got home from a long and anxiety filled day. What have you got to lose man? Just give it a shot.
When I said get fit like pic related, I didn't mean your body had to look exactly like his. He was just one example. As long as you're some what fit and look somewhat aesthetically pleasing that's considered being fit too.

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Have you ever watched a hamster in a wheel? It's a great metaphor for your life.

but originally

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Not interested faggot.
Original comment

I do other things too user.

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I can't go to the gym ATM. I have neck and back pain problems. I wanna start going to the gym again, but not until I fully recover.

im on benzos. i feel tired and exhausted 24/7
its pain

protip: exercise unfucks muscle and back pain

take it easy but letting your muscles atrophy only makes it worse

I actually tried but my body isn't made for it.
I went 3 times a day for abou 4 years.
granted atleast 2 of the 4 years I had no clue.

I got definitley fitter and healthier but I never really put on much mass.

in my prime i was 75kg at 175cm with maybe 10 - 12 % bf

now adays I just cycle alot and do a very minimal work out every other day.

75kg at 1.75m is more than ideal you fucking manlet

I keep losing motivation. I was doing so well up until a month ago. Now I'm back to getting fat.

Could you imagine if every board shamed everyone who doesn't want to follow their culture? You are a cancer to Jow Forums because of your inability to realize no one cares about "getting ripped bro". Besides, in the long scheme of things history, politics and business are for more important than fitness

but it's nowhere near the guy in OP

steroids my dude

Because I have a bum arm that I fucked up a year ago. I can do cardio and legs just fine but I'm damned to have soft skinny noodle arms for the rest of my days.

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I worked out for 2 years straight and got tremendously fit. Didn't attract any women and I always felt tired and weak as shit however, the benefit was that when I walked into a store or in public, people would move the fuck out of the way. That was the only enjoyment that made it worth it.

No reason. I am. Doesn't help with autism but the high is nice and muscles feel nice.

kys serisly kys pls this shit isnt right

How the fuck did you not attract any women if you were fit? Muscles are one of the only things women care about (as long as your face isn't completely ugly)

Here you go for start

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can i still be Jow Forums if i'm well muscled but also have a big belly? my BMI is somewhere around 25 to 30. doing cardio to burn the fat off makes me feel like im dying.

Because I don't give a fuck and hope I eat so much i explode

how many calories does body weight exercises burn?

I really don't want to commit to it. Like I'll swim every other day and lift dumbbells and do some calisthenics at home but I'm not going gym all the time and stuffing my face with calories and protein 24/7 and isolating and all that wank. If it practically becomes a part time job to look ripped then its not worth it and I can't be arsed.

No motivation. Even if I'm ripped I'll still be poor, ugly and have no personality.

Crippling social anxiety isn't a real thing. You just choose to not learn social skills.

You can only get fit easily because of you warrior Gene, user.

Here you go anons break the cycle and get out of here

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I'm cut off from society 95% of the time and I'm happy the way I am. Why should I bother going through all that?

because face, frame, height and status are more important than looks, fitness is a cult

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*more important than fitness

originaisnd, lifting can't even make your wrist bigger or neck thicker, genes are everything.

holy shit look at this tremendous fucking faggot

For what?
I am past my physical prime as a wizard and even my prime potential was pathetic.

I cannot gain fame, I cannot earn money, no social status or anything by being fit.
All the effort would be in vain. I am not playing sports or anything that requires being fit.

no amount of good looks can fix some of your personalities. better yourself from the inside out you will see results.

Fuck off, dumb roastie cunt. Go be an attention whore somewhere else.

no one knows, it's all magically factored into TDEE calculations
it's primary purpose is to build muscle

Snns sjsk sjske

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Sjs sjjss sjsk

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Jsjs snska wjwkek

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it's only Jow Forums
>get ripped bro, you need it to be an artist on /ic/
>get ripped bro, you need it to be a well rounded citizen on /lit/
>get ripped bro, you need it to fight in the race war on Jow Forums
>get ripped bro, you need it to be fashionable on /fa/
>get ripped bro, you need it to not be a virgin loser on Jow Forums
I'm really really sick of it, they need to stay in their fucking board and maybe bleed out a bit into Jow Forums

I'm pretty much already there from construction work and lifting most of my life. I just don't have the resolve to drop a little bit of weight because I don't really have a reason to. I really should sometime though. Wouldn't take a lot of effort on my part.