Neet feels

>feeling pretty grimy
>decide to take first shower of the week
>takes 2+ hours, thoroughly wash everything so i'm squeaky clean
>30 minutes later
>take extremely messy hot sauce fueled diarrhea shit
all my hard work
all gone
for nothing

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Oh man, I wish I were you. You know what you can do when you are a NEET? You can become a fucking demigod with all that free time!

but i can't fucking afford ANYTHING are not a welfare leech neet?

tahts why you always shower after you shit.
im a hikki but im claen as fuck, nice loli btw

>2 hours to clean a week of not showering
you're a fucking pleb lmao

welfare is a meme for single moms and black people
it takes me 30 minutes minimum to shower
i don't like that

>all the time in the world
>get lots of autismbux
>too miserable and depressed to do anything

If you want money get a job

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oh i want money but i'd kms before working

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Unfortunately you can't have a decent amount of money without becoming a wage slave. That is unless you have rich parents or if you are a woman and whore yourself out etc.

If you would end it all before working you need to accept being a poorfag then I'm afraid. That or become a trap gold-digger or something.

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I honestly don't understand this, I'm a NEET and cant go more than 24 hours without a shower because i start sperging out cause of the feeling of filth all over me

There is nothing quite like making yourself all clean and soft and then changing into a Victorian nightgown.

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Shut the fuck up you faggot

At least you post cute anime girls on the virgin board of Jow Forums, you're alright in my book diarrhea-bro.

You're a trash NEET. Real NEETS aren't forced into the NEET lifestyle due to being socially inept autists, they chose this way of living because they're not ready to waste their life by doing the same monotonous shit over and over again 40 hours per week just so they can afford the newest iPhone or whatever. They are ascended human beings that have come to the unrefutable conclusion that life is not about "contributing something to society" by becoming literal slaves, but enjoying every second you get on this earth by doing things they actually like doing. If I could I would trade my gay-ass job as a software engineer full of pointless stress and social drama for a stressless NEET life full of joy without hesitating.

>they're not ready to waste their life by doing the same monotonous shit over and over again

Like coming on Jow Forums, using the internet and playing vidya you mean?

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>be NEET
>basic needs met
>start getting health problems
>cant afford doctor
That's how they get ya. This is how they kill us off.

i have neetlomatic immunity

Sounds like my life exactly right now. The warm shower always makes me push out a big shit afterwards.

Just because you're a NEET doesn't mean you have to only shower once a week, I take one every other day. Hot showers and feeling clean take the depression away for a little bit.

Not OP but also another fellow Jow Forums NEET here. I was that way for the first 6 years of NEETdom. But afterwards I felt like what's the point since I was losing all of my friends and only sitting inside of my room all day. I went from once a day to once every other day to now twice a week. I'd probably be once a week if I didn't have long hair as I can't stand my hair being extremely oily after 3-4 days. I was wearing a hat but my hair just started getting way too long for that even though I looked like a Wayne's World spinoff character.

how do you shower for 2 hours

alternate between crying and fapping

>he doesnt take a shit before showering

you can in Canada but i guess it depends on how much you get and your rent

but there is always other things that can suck money out of you without you thinking aboot it

like booze, drugs, coffee, bus fare, time with friends(money to get to them or spend while with them), bills, expensive food
also not having any form of savings or control with your money
i got 7500$ right now

Is that because they have high paying benefits?. I don't understand how they manage to keep a workforce then considering.

Not him, but I just stand underneath the warm water and relax. It's fucking amazing.

just like every other cuntry
they use all these foreigners and pay them cheap while all the people who have better skills dont get the jobs because they want to be diverse instead

>Just get a job :^)
Fuck you, I've been trying to get one for months now, even a trash tier job like cashier but no one want to fucking hire me. I'm going to an hero like elliot i think

My Dad just made me mow the overgrown lawn using a shitty old mower that stops when you mow tall grass. My hands are covered in blisters now.

Our lawn isn't even that large! It took two hours, though

>by becoming literal slaves

You say this about working? Where the whole point is, literally, to get a salary?

This happens for sure, but lots of jobs require high levels of skill and training that imported workers do not have.
Well that's fair enough, sometimes the hunt for jobs can be tough. Going on a killing spree is not the answer though.

Real NEETs aren't employed, in education, or in training. Your autistic ramble means nothing

they still hire those imported workers regardless of how many people have better resumes/skills then them

tons of people in Canada that do have college/uni education still cant find jobs because company's still prefer diversity hires because it saves them money so they either have to get lucky with any job or they cant even get shit jobs because they are OVERqualified
so most of the pure Canadians have left because other cuntrys can pay for their skills

I don't blame them honestly.

As long as it brings joy to you there's nothing wrong with that.

I know I'm not a NEET and I fucking hate it. I hate being a slave that has no realistic chance of ever living the life he wants to live

Salary only gives you the illusion of freedom. In the end, there's close to no legal way to live the life you want

I shower 5 times a day.
You just jump in and wash ass man after you shit.
do it for a week and you wont be able to go back

I really wish I had a bidet.

Sure, but to be clear, slavery literally means to be forced into work without financial/material compensation. Just because the compensation only gives the illusion of freedom doesn't mean there's no compensation being given.

Lie. There is no way anyone shouldn't know this by now.

>1 shot at life, born an ugly spic

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