This is unironically the average German male in 2018

>this is unironically the average German male in 2018

Attached: IMG_20180514_165154.jpg (2976x3968, 1.24M)

why would l care about that

>Gadsden flag
what is going on here

This is unironically the average black male in 2018

Attached: 4.jpg (300x250, 14K)

Whats the point of this fag thread

He's cute if I'm completely honest

And that's a good thing

>Nick so enraged he has to spread his homosexual cancer across all threads

Attached: 1530962032826.gif (350x300, 1.99M)

If "he" is actually in germany tell me where, so I can rape him

His legs are so nice.

I fucking wish dude

totally original btw

>Don't Tread on Me flag
But he looks like he'd like being tread on.

reminds me on these threads on biz where they tell the future of cryptocurrencies
>be me
>wake up
>pay 0.00002 IOTA for coffee
>have a harem, they all ask for 0.005 IOTA
>give them 0.01 because i'm generous

Funny how you had nothing to say about the op post, almost as if you posted it yourself.... ;)

I wanna rub my face on his legs

larping libertarian autism spreading to germany

Kek I love Jow Forums forecast threads


I-is the person in the pic you OP?

>robots are becoming gay
>incels are bitching about robots are being gay
>add an user from a /cocklust/ thread
>have him timestamp his chest
>he timestamps his face instead
>hes actually cute
>do this 4 more times
>tfw robots are cuter than the guys i see on tinder or grindr

American influence in Europe. Also I think that people who are not attached to their national community want to get rid of it.

hey tama hows it going.

Attached: link gunjy time stamp.jpg (2976x3968, 1.32M)

>tfw your legs aren't quite there

>he's just now learning that robots are regularly attractive

>try to become a trap
>everyone says I'm too masculine
But I just want to be cute.

lots of americans have german flags in their bedrooms too.

Attached: 15022017063809.jpg (615x402, 35K)

who is this guy and how do I get to fuck him

>tfw feminine body & legs
>hairy like an ape
fucking end me

Moar or gtfo

Let me tell you about actual magic. But be careful, you can hurt yourself if you're a brainlet.

Attached: magic shaving.jpg (784x1500, 137K)

German boys and girls are made for black cock worshiping.

Attached: 1527808608274.jpg (900x1200, 177K)

Become a bloatlord and realise your true destiny, fuck those traps dont be one.

Germans deserve it desu
cause 2 world wars
Some how gain control of europe
bully other nations into take immergrants that they took in but ooopsie we took in to many!

fuck em, hope it becomes a caliphate

im not OP.
I talk to him on discord he is a nice guy.
PS.I normally hate fags and stuff but Tama is really nice guy.

Attached: IMG_20180508_025321.jpg (448x598, 28K)

I'll give it a try, user. If it works I will eternally you.

Attached: 1502150522519.gif (250x286, 58K)

you can be cute but still masculine
just gotta be a dominance-struggling powerbottom
and find a dude who is taller than you
it helps a lot

love you*

What does the rest of him look like.

Read the instructions VERY carefully and follow them EXACTLY! Chemical burns feel very bad. It works for me though, now I'm hella smooth

so is he actually from Germany?

>gadsden flag
I mean, libertarianism is pretty degenerate desu. nice thighs tho

WOuldnt you like to know.
How about you stop being such a fag?

Want to stop being gay?
Take the 2D pill man only fap to ecchi 2D girls for a month or two.

Attached: take the 2D pill anon.png (658x500, 125K)

I wont give away his location.

OP is the dude in the pic anyway ask OP

fair enough
thanks tho

OP if you're still here pls confirm if you're german
(not for sexual stuff btw)

Attached: 1532727959422.jpg (903x1024, 188K)

That's me, add me for proof tama#2614
I'm really angry at the person who posted this.

Where's his boipucci