Fembot bingo

stacy or fembot

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not really a fembot, but more fembot than stacy

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>9 points in stacy-tier
>10 points in fembot-tier

do i win?

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cyborg :> ahaa

>member of a male hate group
But why? Which one?

male-hate group not male hate-group

mostly just my friendship groups

I know what it means it's just sad because women hate men now

this is r9k, is it really that surprising that the women here hate men

everyone hates each other on this site lol

Most originaI bingo

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I didn't check "stands in the corner at parties" because I don't go to parties and I didn't check "can't handle alcohol" since I don't drink and have no idea.

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I don't hate anyone desu but to each their own

You are the first fembot of the thread.

it's ok user, i dont really hate men, just nasty e-boys and degen males. It's half a reaction I have to the woman hating crybabies around here, and half that I have some bad experiences with the male species.

anyone have a male version of this?

But males arent a species were the same species. What is a degenerate male in your opinion?

guy whose main priority is sexual or hedonistic

>a tripfag

Jesus, Indigo. This is just embarrassing. Silly non-thot.

I agree, those people are bad both male and female. The world is too degenerate lately

Thanks, I guess. I achieved something in life.

Damn we're almost the same

Only thing I got going for me is boobs

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Smother me in your funbags, fattiechans!

>excessive body hair
its not growing all over the place but where it is it tends to be dark and thick.
>facial hair
there are some thin dark hairs on my upper lip, but its barely noticeable and i use removal cream when it gets too much for me

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I am of the very unpopular opinion that the defining quality of a normalfag isn't having lost their virginity

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I dont interact much outside of my online friends and immediate family

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>member of a male-hate group

Enlighten us, femanon. What group might this be?

>spent >$100 on makeup in one go
this is actually really easy to do. Everyday I wear $24 mascara, $20 brow pencil, $47 foundation, and $21 lip cream, so that's $112 if I replaced everything at once - not counting brushes, eyeshadow/eyeliner/lipstick that I wear for special occasions, etc.
and that's really minimal makeup; most people don't think I wear any.

i dont think these are very good criteria
im neither

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>falling for the makeup meme

I got kinda lucky with some genetic stuff like ance and body hair thankfully

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Someone needs to make a better one, not very good.

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>All these femanons who have not only lost their virginities but also done anal

Holy fuck and to think I ever wanted to date any of you.

Actual cis female
(I'm even authentically menstruating currently)

Stepford Stacy Answers:

> Lost Virginity
I lost mine to a satanist in high school

Caffeine is a drug. You'll pry my caramel machiatto out my cold dead hands.
(Or, possibly, you won't)

>Spent $100 on make-up in one go
Like says, not hard. My big spending is at Christmas for cramming in people's stockings. I'm a glamour-puss though, I love slathering myself in luxurious creams, or attempting to look pretty. I'm more "old hollywood" vintage glamour than modern bling blang however. I just don't have the energy for it, so I never do it anymore. Those days are gone...

> >D cup
I'm a D, so whether this counts?

Wallflower Fembot Answers:

>Excessive body hair
My mother and her family are naturally hairless. Whose werewolf arms did I inherit? My fathers.
Boo, kids. I'm wearing my Halloween costume year-round.

>Doesn't wear heels
I'm disabled, why bother?

Yeah, I'm probably unattractive.

>Poor posture
Getting insulted and criticized all your life tends to wear you down. At least I'm not alone in the "depressed and poor posture" club.

>Nervous in social situations
I almost said no, because I just literally don't socialize, I'm a disabled shut-in.

>Doesn't care about clothes
I'd like to, but why bother when you never go out and no one sees you?

>Never been on a date
I haven't. None of the romantic dinners on the patio under the stars, roses for valentines day, none of it ever happened to me. I used to buy myself roses, the cat usually ate them, so I did too. They're not bad.

>Dresses modestly for fear of being a slut
When you combine this with >D cup, you almost have to.

>Spends too much time online
Yeah...case in point, here.

Oh, look, my answer's too long...oh well.

Dropped image, of course. congratulations, lame-o.

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Bloomp, wanna see more

Some of the fembot ones were loaded. Like, "believes compliments are sexist". What do you mean? "You look pretty today" is different from "nice tits". Calling attention to someone's looks can be rude depending on the social situation. "Male hate group"? Does the author mean "left of Mussolini"? And what about "fat"? My BMI is 26 something, which is overweight but not obese so I checked it.

Anyway, I suppose this neurotic "well actually" styled post is why I got bingo.

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lose the weight and id marry you immediately

this made me feel pathetic

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Are you over 30?

If so, perfect woman.

By definition, you can't hate someone you don't know.

What side am I on then

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I don't go to parties so I can't check the "stands in the corner" box. I lost my virginity to my husband and I don't think I've ever been rejected because I never went after anyone else before I met him. I'm far from a Stacy but I'd never call myself a fembot.

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How does one define "godess status"? Not that I've achieved it, but even the most egotistical woman will never consider herself perfect.

Do I get bonus points for being 28?

>Never been rejected
only because I've never asked anyone out

> >1000 insta followers
it's an aesthetic account

>never been on a date
I was on exactly one date when I was 14

>stands in the corner at parties
the last party I was at was four or five years ago but yes

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Why do you feel the need to attention whore?

This thread has absolutely no interactive value for me whatsoever except for this post.

So basically from this thread alone "fembots" are just attention whores with only a very few acceptions.

Dude, your commercials are hilarious.
Can I have your autograph?

Hey whore. You're looking pretty nice. Yeah you're so pretty. I bet you wear nice clothes, and you seem really intelligent.

Enjoy those sexist hate-compliments you dumb tumblr slut.

>all the roasties on here are over 120 lb
There ya go.

>all the stacies ITT who lost their virginity
I want it to happen to me too ;_;

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pls let me take your virginity and you take mine

Literally one in Stacey and 14 for Fembot

Guess I am fucked

based on your graph you're gf/wife material

test bingo bongo hahaha

I'll go back to /soc/ now sorry.

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how did any of the fembots get more than 1 or 2 on the stacey side

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