When was the last time you went outside? I haven't been outside since Christmas

When was the last time you went outside? I haven't been outside since Christmas.

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I L I T E R A L L Y do not believe you.

3 weeks only because im forced to go job hunting, not counting those half hour events once a month would be early may for an anime convention

I'm a very withdrawn NEET might as well say I'm a hikki as well now. I haven't had a social life or much to do with my family in years.

I should go job hunting but there's no jobs in my area and I wish I could figure out something to do online for some money that I could stay /comfy/ doing. I don't have any money to invest in a mining rig or to trade stocks / crypto. I think I'm fucked and just prolonging going an hero.

Jeez OP how does this even work

Being an almost 30 year old loser on Jow Forums with no life.

remember when r9k was for actual losers/virgins?

i cant fathom why so many fucking normiefags is here

not op, but here's another one for you normans, i haven't talked to a girl around my age for 7 years, literally no physical or mental contact to any female 5 years within my age, for 7 years, and that was in high school at some project i was forced

sure i speak with my mom, but thats it

now go blow your brains out and leave this board

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where do you get food originally

please off yourself, you already sound like you want to

I've been NEET for quite some time, but I've never been more than a month inside like that. Fresh air outside for a few hours probably feels like heavenly at that point. So, do you live with your parents?

you leave
this is cyborg territory now

I get brought food into my room usually 3 times a day.

Actually I don't. I live with a roommate but my grandma pays my part to live here. My parents are dead.

can i like, ask some questions bc im genuinely interested

or are you gonna tell me to off myself because incel babby sad

does your room mate bring you the food? that sounds like a carer-patient kinda deal

Not him but OP here, I'll answer any questions you may have.

I go outside at least once a day, if not for work I'll meet up with some friends or go for a walk or just sit outside and listen to music. Outside is nice.

Yeah, she does but she only does it when it's conveniently timed as if she's fixing something for herself as well. It feels like it sometimes as I usually just stay locked up in my room and she takes care of me sometimes. I get food stamps which I have given her my card to use since I don't go out of the house. It's too terrible we play video games together and stuff once a while. I've thought about trying to work around and try a relationship with her but I'm worried that things would end quickly and I would be kicked out.

i mean, unless your grandma is paying her she clearly cares about you or she wouldn't be doing this for you. i think at this point youre just conditioned to not see the good, dude

ty desu
just, i guess, how? what do you do when you get bored? how do you function? where do you get your vitamin d from???

Listen up fucker how bout going to the fucking doctor for the annual check up

If she's directly paying her I have no idea about it. I mean I'd say maybe she does at an almost pet-like level if anything. I don't know.

>vitamin d
I'm ironically drinking some Sunny D right now. But I do drink a lot of milk, juice, and eat fruit with vitamin d in them. I still have a deficiency as I've barely went outside since I was a teenager.

I have social anxieties and depression that I suffer from that creates a stigmatization with living in a small town with a lot of people I grew up with. I got to the point where I'd break down and couldn't function around people that I know. I went through some IRL mob mentalities with being chased down and threatened with death threats and more. It's given me almost a PTSD like effect. I need to probably see a therapist but I haven't brought myself to go out of the house and I'm unsure as well as nervous about making an appointment. I have a lot of mental problems that is really hindering me from living my life.

>what do you do when you get bored
I mostly sit on the computer, play video games, watch anime, reading, work on some projects with my soldering iron along with modding games ETC, beginner's level hacking, and watching films.

>how do you function?
Not very well but I need to work towards a solution and try to get to a functioning sustainable level in my life.

By the sound of it, you really should visit a therapist as it would be your first step to getting some direction into your life. You're stuck in your current situation and getting professional help would help to break that. Speaking to other people helps you to bring perspective into your thoughts that you would have never even considered before.

My situation was never as bad as yours, but I can remember when I visited a therapist for the first time in 5-years, I could feel a small sense of relief in my chest a little while after the meeting. Almost felt like some basic need was met that I had longed for so long.

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