/drugfeels/ Take me away from this Hell Edition

Another night, another degenerate druggie thread.
What are you up to tonight Bots?

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im going to work soon. but when I get back im just going to get drunk as fuck.

I picked up 10 grams of good indica from the dispensary earlier, thinking of going to the park and sparking a j. I've been smoking literally (literally) every day for the last three months, and I'm still enjoying it surprisingly, but my tolerance is through the roof.

Sitting out on the porch rn smoking a bowl and drinking Bacardi

After I've finished Maps of Meaning, by my boy Peterson, for a second time I'm going to drop 3 tabs in celebration.

Considering 4, but, having done it once before I found it to be uncomfortably intense.

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I feel good just really bored rn I wish I played sports as a kid

wanna get high but weed is weak, alchy is nauseating and ketamine sucks balls. coke isnt great for solo use. im out of ideas

I should stop.
I always end up having a breakdown and cutting myself whenever i'm drunk and/or high.

been smoking 3-4 times a week for the past 6 months. Fucking dealer is dry right now tho and its pissing me off. I love getting baked

why do you cut yourself

I've heard that buying weed online is dumb because the smell makes it easily detectable. My dealer sucks and I think buying online is the way to go. Is it safe?

Are you in Canada? If you're close by I'd love to smoke you up user.

Just rolling a j then ima smoke it and mong out with fallout, what you guys up to?

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CBD is the best

Fellow Canadian here nice!


>Fellow Canadian here nice!

Haha are you in the GTA in Ontario?

toronto yep, what a place eh?

Anyone ever take LSD on an airplane?

Gonna do dxm again tmr

anyone tried fluoroamphetamines (2/4 fma/fa etc.) before? share your experience thanks
stay strong /druggies/

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Any buddy got a link on k or h?

All my links died

heroin doesn't solve my problems, but at least i stop feeling empty for a few hours

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Boutta go smoke more

ive tried most drugs
does heroin mimic the feelings of love?

Coming off heroine to get my life back in order so just weed.
Doing good. Feeling pretty normal. One user said to quit cold turkey and delete numbers so i cant get more and it actually worked. I was too ashamed to hit up a middleman for the numbers again so i sat there, sweat 20 gallons and cried 30.
But its working bros. Already bought new tires for my car with the money ive saved. Wouldve never done it on drug. I wiuldve let those bitches burst and it feels gross looking back on several times i willingly emptied my saving jar for more drugs after blowing my whole paycheck.
But to anyone else still using stay safe bros. Just be smart, yknow?

A few days ago I took 3 hydrocodone. I had a period where I couldn't breathe and then got really sleepy. I still woke up in the morning.

No oeople say this but its not what you think. You just get warm and comfy no matter where you are/how your positioned.

right im stupid
i got into vicodin for a while
i guess its like that but 100x right
i just want to feel safe and loved

About to smoke ice what am I in for

its like a power up from a video game
also u will masturbate a lot

Good job dude, it's not easy kicking the habit, you should be proud of yourself

Its like vicoden times 10000 my friend. One line of ron and i was good for hours. Thats why itll fuckin kill you. As soin as it starts to let off you want it back cuz you were sooooo comfy. Then you do another line, even tho your still high and dont need more....then you get sick, sleep 24 hours then wake up and wanna be comfy again. Its a trap if ive ever been in one.

I am friend, thanks. I really recomend cold turkey and deleting contacts. That is , if one isnt so far down the rabbit hole theyll legit die if they stop.
I almost broke tuesday, i woke up at ficking 11 at night DRENCHED in sweat and crying in my fucking sleep. I stayed up till five groaning, clinching every muscle i had and shivvering. All you wanna do when its really going away is squeeze every muscle you have real tight. Like your whole body locks up and you cant do anything but whimper. I fell back asleep from exhaustion. Woke up 70%normal. It was a weird feeling. Like breaking a fever.

I did a wake and bake but didn't get as high as yesterday. Debating if I should risk smoking some right now

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Did you smoke the same amount? When I used to smoke a lot, regardless of how high my tolerance was, I'd always get blasted on a wake and bake. I hope you did it on an empty stomach. Not even water.

i already live like that without heroin
at least im familiar of such a position
it is a trap

Stay on vics then man. Dont move onto this hard shit. If you wanna move up, move up to actual percs and roxy. I would say those, as dangerous as they are, are safer than ron. Ron has the quality of making you want more while your already on the fuckin moon. Perc will make you barf before that. They did to me anyway, id always blow chunks before i got toooooo fucked up.
Idk man just dont do ron. Allot of robots do it and any smart one will tell you "its good, but its evil" and the evil bits start to outweigh the good is as little as a month.

I did do it on a empty stomach and smoked the same amount. I guess my tolerance is getting bigger.

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Buy wax you lummox

Entire area is dry of thc wax/oil so I guess I'm going back to vaping bud for a while, been on break for almost 2 weeks. Also gonna pick up Vyvanse tomorrow. I tried 30mg and it didn't have much of an effect, thinking about taking 50 or 60mg instead - anyone use it and can chime in?

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>DXM shills every thread
>Drug elitists who think they're better than you because they've done harder drugs than you every thread
>unironic dude weed lmao posters every thread
you'd expect a drug general to be pretty chill but it's usually quite shit

Wtf is wax?

Ironically I haven't seen anyone here post their drugs so for all we know no one here does drugs.

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Honestly this, we need more people sharing their drugs

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this is the heroin i use from the darknet

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goddamn i wish i wasnt a brainlet
buying drugs off the darknet sounds great

Thoughts on suicide by h overdose?
Any better options? Hypothetically, of course

Fucking ass of a darknet dealer PleasureIsland, why the fuck have my drugs not arrived I ordered them fucking ages ago

Never done LSD how is it?

I just see a empty baggie, did you get scammed?

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just google how dude, totally legit

I'm learning it right now. Bought my bitcoins and just gotta download Tails and stuff.

I doesn't sound that complicated.

Are you the user I argued with about trams causing hallucinations

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Any aussiebros here? What are some drugs that you can get relatively easy? DXM gets so boring after a while.

here's some bud unsee.

You do know you can upload pictures here right?

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Yeah but I don't wanna cos I suffer from paranoia

Who are some of the largest (most transactions) vendors on Dream Market?

>I just see a empty baggie, did you get scammed?
You must be looking at it wrong

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smoke as much weed as i can before either a panic attack or pass out happens (its always one or the other)

I haven't fuckin' taken a real drug in months, nothing but fuckin' kratom, taimajushi, alcohol, and tobacco. Really want to hit the DMT, the crystal x, the cocaine, the heroin, the LSD, but legal marijuana and personal laziness have completely eroded my network of plugs. Pisses me off. Fuckin' want to take some cocaine, some LSD, some crystal x, some taimajushi, and then fuckin' hit some god damn pussy all fuckin' night. Fuckin' saw angels the last time I did that shit. Night of the Pulse nightclub shooting. Really cool night, felt like I was actually there seeing the massacre at one point, although what I experienced in my mind and what actually occurred were markedly different.

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not an aussie but you could order drugs domestically through the darknet

Any of you lads fellow britbongs?

Absolutely great method of suicide, probably one of the best ways to die. Cowardly though.

I haven't tripped since I was 17 or so. I'm 21 now and I'm thinking of doing acid again but idk. I've got no friends and my life is pretty low. Hoping that acid could potentially fix my shitty personality, but also I'm worried it'll be the final straw that makes me snap and lose my mind.

I've done ketamine a few times this year, I smoke weed all the time, and eat pretty powerful edibles. I've also done a bit of DMT 3-4 times this year, but I never blasted off.
I still feel sane, but it's possible I'm just too far gone to realize I lost my mind. I guess no insane person realizes they're insane, so how can I be sure?

Should I risk dropping acid again?

Concentrated thc, doesn't smell you need a dab piece though, look up dabbing wax since you dont know

You can also vape wax really easily. I prefer it because you aren't destroying your throat and lungs every time you want to get high - it also seems to be more efficient. It's also portable if you wanna take a stroll somewhere and smoke, I've always found smoking in a new location to be the best highs.

Plus hitting off the banger made me feel like a crackhead.

Learning how to use tails was my best decision ever. So quick and easy

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wtf is taimajushi?

half a tab then work your way up?

tfw still tripping on DXM after 27 hours with internal hallucinations

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>want to do MDMA and use more psychedelics but my eyes are light blue so the large pupils stick out like a sore thumb
not fair ;_;

I used to do MDMA. Then it stopped doing anything for me ;_;
Also, unless you live with your parents, nobody is going to be staring into your eyes

Welcome to subjective space. Population: (You)

i suppose a roommate probably wouldn't put that much thought into it

Ask him to cuddle with you. He would never know you were high.

meh, it's fine. anything up to multiple ounces won't be very detectable unless the stealth is shitty. and don't order weed internationally.

2FMA is my favourite study drug, lasts like 6-8 hours of focus and stimulation, not distractingly euphoric but still nice


PI has always been shit

on dream at least ones i know... PartysquadNL, onenation, drugsUK, m&s

kind of hard to find super big ones now the markets are split up. a lot harder finding good price/quality ratio since the alphabay times imo


I want heroin so fucking much. I had a brutal day at work (electrician) and i would seriously consider trying to talk my friend into giving my h back right now. They took the dope and most of my other drugs after seeing my endless, distinguishing shitposts here.
I just need something to take the edge off and really leave this realm for a happy one. besides weed, xanax and the occassional dxm or kratom. those are light drugs anyway

I would just buy alcohol but im still not fuckin 21 yet REEEEEEEEEEEEE
my mom walked in on me passed out on xannies, antidepressants and beer with a bottle in my hand and has stopped buying me beer on occasion. I finally figured out how to chug it too, what unfortunate timing. I think I might have left Tor open w/ a ketamine search on dream market that night, I hope she didnt see it but she wouldnt tell me if she did.
I really want to try out just using h once or twice a month, maybe i could get him to just give me small amounts so i cant get myself addicted again.
In the interim im so fucking bored. vidya sucks, all media sucks, most drugs suck anyway. ive been sitting around for a half hour using MRE matches to burn, basically trimming my body hair with fire. I need a hobby or something,

I wish i could just not exist anymore, without any of the consequences for people i know in real life, especially the ones who might feel slightly responsible. I dont think I can do it though. Ive got a 12 gauge right here and I know I just cant do it. Its too overdramatic. I wish I could redact my life rather than end it
For me it just allowed me to ignore my problems and feel comfortable being who I am, even though im a piece of shit loser

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God I miss the days when I could get high. Wake and bake was my favorite thing, always chilled on my balcony early in the morning, and you get "glow" during the whole day. I really don't understand how it lost its magic

Got any good alternatives to Pleasure Island?

I don't really get high either anymore because I smoke too much, but I'm too addicted to take a meaningful tolerance break

That's where it gets really wrong dude. Fix your life while you're still young. Go to a therapy or something. Don't waste everything.

not really. weed is the one thing i can get sufficiently irl.

you took tavares

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meth or MDMA?

you want love or do you want power

MDMA, meth will fuck you up.

different situations

pic related is the hazy memories i have of using h
yeah so it turns out cigarette lighters are def the ideal way to trim gooch and ball hair. the things that you can accomplish sometimes.....
PartysquadNL is selective scammer apparently. streetpharmacy is a scammer ime

If anyone can confirm a NON DUTCH legit ketamine vendor pls lmk.

I am already wrong senpai, something about growing up or whatever. I will not post some massive greentext like usual complaining about my life this time but the jist is that im a fuckin loser, failed school, severe social anxiety. you know, the regular autism before the influx of newfags lately
i went to therapy. still go actually. they actually just made my life a lot worse by telling the police they thought i was gonna shoot myself and then the cops told like fucking everyone i know without any discretion whatsoever. Im afraid to show my face in public cause everyone knows who i am around here. the fuckin paranoia is so irrational yet i cant escape it. I feel like 'they' are reading my damn Jow Forums posts.

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Can anyone give me some tips to prolong my high with amphetamines? I have some but not enough to really go at it, I'm planning on staying up for 24 hours then taking it for fun

I've heard acidic urine will cut down on the length by quite a bit, is this true?

Is death even real from a subjective standpoint?

uhh what country?

and yeah i don't trust PSNL for big orders.

just get some sun glasses mane MDMA is beautiful
it cures my mental pain and resolves nagging regrets and anxiety about my future

MDMA could cure this board

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oops meant to reply to this guy not myself.
shipping to US but prices here are insane so i need a legit vendor who isnt from fuggin NL. p much anywhere else.
if the forum search function worked on dream it would be so much easier to vet vendors

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Then we are in for a surprise i think..

somehow managed to forget to reply fuckin twice in a row. I swear im not a newfaggot im just autistic

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bigphil is good in the uk probs doesn't ship to US though

Where do I buy fentanyl online? None on dream market

About to take these bad boys then game.love all you opiate bros.

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