My opinion on abortion is kind of like a double-edged sword. I mean, I like the idea of killing babies, but I do not like the idea of giving woman the chance to make divisions.
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Abortion is not a right of itself but it is a form of medical autonomy. There was this dude whose ex-wife tried to make him donate an organ to their dying kid and the courts sided with him that she couldn't make him do it. You can say he's a dick or whatever, but any society that starts letting the state cut someone up (or refuse to cut someone up when they need something cut out) is a society I don't want to live in. From that perspective, whether a fetus is a baby or not is a nonissue. That kid was obviously a person but that doesn't mean his dad owes him his organs. Similarily, a woman doesn't have to sacrifice her time, energy or medical best interest for some fetus.
Also it keeps the crime rate down because it kills niggers. Do you really want more single moms?
I wish I had been aborted.
Of course this post wasn't original.
l wish l had been aborted.
It's original for me
If you are anti abortion I hope you are pro people leaching off the government and having awful parents and getting into selling drugs and getting pimped out as a way to make money because their single mom is not sharing her welshare checks.
I say the fools who are against it in the US fail to realize most people who use it are single black and Hispanic mothers. It's better for the state to terminate the pregnancy then and there rather then make another life-long fuck up everyone else has to deal with and the state waste millions upon.
Why did it mute me for typing that then?
Because it can tell you was just being an edgy faggot.
yes we shouldnt give women the chance to make divisions they might make an army out off those divisions and take over the world
if you are a women and reading this and have formed a division i am willing to negotiate and give you maybe an island the size off the vatican
l wish I had been aborted.
I am a woman and my division can easily conquer a strip of land twice the size of your negotiated acreage. No deal.
I wish l had been aborted.
What the fuck how is this possible?
If we didn't have abortion, we'd have so many more retards, thugs and other undesirables. You can't ruin the country just because you don't want women to get any upper hand.
What the fuck how is this possibIe?
e-z, just insist upon mandatory abortions
If you ask me,I say that the world would be better if everyone is pro abortion. Hence, if a female were to become pregnant, then she will be required to get an abortion.
Abortions but only the male parent has a say in the matter.
I'm pro welfare and anti abortion. I'm a mix of Christianity and Socialism.
>mix of Christianity and Socialism
that's digusting
Capitalism is disgusting to me. So is lacking morals. I want free homes. I also want to ban abortions.
The parents should be put into free labor camps and the government shall provide all the child's needs.
I'm a Socialist so I don't care if it costs more. Babies must be taken care of.
We can put criminals in free labor camps and redistribute the goods they make to the people. We can also use them to build free housing.
Become a Christian corporatist/fascist like me
Are you for sterilizing people or exterminating them?
i want to ban Christianity because it produces retards like you. a bunch of dumb fucking moralfags who can't think for themselves. you suck the governments dick and you would suck Jesus' dick. faggot.
If the government gives us free things and we all get to take the fruit of our labor other than prisoners and own production it's good. How can you look at yourself and think it's right there are empty unused homes? The government should make them free. Yiu have no morals and that's sick. You think babies who are innocent should die. It's wrong and must be banned.
No. It is murder of babies. Babies must be saved.
you're an actual retard if you think a baby and an embryo are the same time. look at you being an emotional faggot. your shitty politics are coming from your pussy, Jesus-loving heart and not your brain.
Fetuses move around and feel pain. They have arms, legs, and organs. They are people except younger.
okay, and now you're talking about fetuses when I specifically said embryo.
fetuses don't feel pain until late pregnancy. like 28-32 weeks. nearly 100% of abortions are performed before then. you're just an emotional faggot, projecting your emotions and your feel feels onto a fetus.
they are people, except they don't have citizenship and they're not accounted for until they're born and they don't have rights either.
Then the government should give them citizenship. That fixes the problem.
well, if they have citizenship, they have no right to take a woman's body hostage and therefore, women may protect themselves against the immediate threat and end their lives.
The baby has a right to live in the uterus. The baby has a body too.
lol what? nobody has the right to live in my body. you're stupid as fuck, my friend. why would a fetus get even more rights than the average citizen?
It should have the same rights. If you don't want a baby get your tubes tied. In my government the babies would be provided for so abortion wouldn't have a reason to exist except select few cases like the mom's life being in danger.
but, if it has the same rights, then it's not allowed to use my body against my will.
you're an idiot. i had a baby that had Trisomy 13. i terminated it, because i'm not a religious retard who wants to bring mutants into this world to suffer greatly. i had the option to give the baby up and be provided for until it died, but i chose not to. why the fuck should i risk my life in childbirth for a child that isn't going to live anyways? why the fuck should anyone risk their life in childbirth for a child they don't want?
your government is stupid and wouldn't work because you're a moralfag who's deluded with religion. you would have niggers and retards rampant when you don't allow abortion. and then you're gonna give all those thug niggers and retards free housing and food and then what? those retards and niggers are going to contribute to society somehow??
good points
in the end I'm pro abortion for the same reason Sanger was pro abortion
My government would develop automation technology to do a lot of the work. Also people in prison would do free labor to build the things the nation needs. Lots of the people you think are scum would be in prison so they would be used to build the great country. Your baby could have been happy if we as a people decided to love him. If challenged people were more loved they wouldn't be miserable.
my baby would have died regardless, retard. Trisomy 13 is a fatal fetal anomaly and not compatible with life. they usually won't live more than a few hours in the unlikely even that they are born.
It's mainly leftists pursuing abortions anyways, so more abortions = less leftists. Completely fine with me.
Weird, I use this joke in a stand up comedy routine that I'm writing.
Who gets the biggest homes? Who gets the newest homes? Who gets the rickety trailer versus the 500,000 dollar home?
user, Trisomy 13 is fatal. 90-95% of children with it won't make it past the 1st year, and that's if they're lucky enough to make it through the first day. You're thinking of Down's Syndrome which is Trisomy 21.
Picture related is Trisomy 13. It's not Trisomy 21. People with Trisomy 21 are likely to live, yes. Don't confuse the two.
that's a nice picture of Trisomy 13 too. it gets a whole lot more graphic than that. cyclopia is horrifying.
Also, other user, his use of the term 'challenged' was a tip-off he was thinking of Down's syndrome. He's not a 'retard'. Most people really don't realize that other forms of trisomy exist because about the only one they have experience with is Down's Syndrome (for good reason).
I just wanted to show a picture since I realize most don't know it exists. My condolences to you. My step-sister just lost her child for the same reason. They were trying not to abort, but she miscarried 7 months into the pregnancy. I don't know all the details other then the condition followed by the wording, "There were some really bad things wrong with the baby."
thanks user, that's very nice of you. i appreciate the understanding and i'm sorry it's affected your family as well.