>no stds
>weighs less than 125 lbs
>innie vag
What are you minimum requirements in a bf/gf?
>not a whore
>can look at without feeling sick
>loves me for who i am
-Any gender
-Virgin [so we can have our special time together, I would value it]
-Believes that at least /I/ can make LDRs work
-Saves me from my /own/ abusive parents,
That's about it, I usually devote myself to my partner fully, I haven't felt attraction to anyone lately though.
Gender doesn't matter to me, actually I would prefer a trans partner, I already had more trans partners than cis partners
>Within driving distance of DC.
>Biological female.
>Not fat.
The possible dealbreaker.
>Willing to put up with my Asian work ethic.
>not fat
>we should have something to talk about
>not deformed
>will be loyal and nice to me
>not a slut
>not too fat or too skinny, but it really doesnt matter
>not fat
>taller than me
>Not deformed
Why an innie OP? Did you fall for the roastie meme or do you just prefer the aesthetic?
>not aidetic
>not pregnant
>can cuck in moderation
>girl (female)
>attractive to me
>not fat, not retarded
i just prefer the way it looks desu
Are you trans yourself?
is this the male version of
>6 feet tall
>big cak
I'm born female and I question my gender, so yes I guess?
other requirements-
-can cheat on me, if they tell me about it, but only sending nudes, and no emotional cheating
-Has big hands
-dotes on me
>attracted to me
>isn't batshit/doesn't randomly go batshit
>Biologically and mentally male
>Has decent job
>can cheat on me, if they tell me about it, but only sending nudes, and no emotional cheating
Did all your previous partners cheat on you or something?
And got any contact?
>big tiddys
Ya thats it
>Her face doesnt make me puke
>Not fat
>Real woman
>Actually likes me
>Looks similar to me
>not fat
>have cute feet
>be biologically female
Send your contact info here, discord preferred
And yeah I guess all my partners did, eh, its all right. its none of my business? if they did or not? I think my partners should live their own lives
this but a tolerable personality
>she is lynn minmei
Lowest standards for bf -
>not conservative good 'ol boy
>willing to crossdress
>not a racist/sexist
>average looking or twinkish looking
>is loving to me
>respects service/retail workers
>not super dominant in bed or otherwise
>Within 2.5 years of my age
>Has a penis
Woah this is the first time I see an Jow Forums description that it's the exact opposite of me
Good thing I'm a British Fascist and not a conservative desu.
>Not fat
>Decent looking face
>6'3 minimum
>12 inch dick wide girth
>Makes six figures a year
>Doesnt make me work
>Provides for my half black son
>Owns his own house, at least 2 stories
>3 car garage
>Doesn't mind me being over weight
>Has a cuck fetish
-not overweight
-no religion
-no kids
>not overweight
Good luck
>an actually healthy weight for her height
>no CRAZY deformity
>sense of humor
That's it. That's all I'd need to be happy. Still too much to ask apparently.
Don't forget the part about having to be fine with your alcoholism and/or drug addiction.
why dont you respect retail workers user?
where do i sign up?
my standards are probably too high, which is why i'm still a virgin at 32
>not obese
>likes anime
>female or very passable trap
>weighs less than me (155)
>likes cuddling
thats all folks
>Not retarded
I've got terrible news user....
except for the fact that three things he listed are explicitly things that are a choice or are a result of choice
Very nice (((original pasta))).
>not fat
>no deformities
>don't be crazy
>don't be a womanlet
That's it. That's fucking it.
>White or very light skin
>Catholic or willing to become
>Not liberal
>less than or equal to my number of partners
>(regarding above) No niggers
What sold me on my boyfriend was that he had worked the same job for six years and didn't have kids lmao. By now he's held the same job for nine years. I thought that if he can keep a job, he can keep a girlfriend.
my personal preferences
> no kids
> and doesn't want kids
> facial hair that isn't weird and patchy
> brown eyes
> not blonde
> taller than me but doesn't have to be a specific measurement
> disgustingly skinny like tim burton character skinny I wanna eat chinese food with them chopstick legs
> thick dick (bcus no matter how long it is in inches no one likes a pencil dick it's the girth that matters ok)
> owns video games that I don't already so I can play them lol
all of which were met so. there's hope. I mean, I prefer brown hair and I ended up with a ginger but I'm a redhead too so I forgave it.
I forgot to mention older by at least 8 years and prefers cats. Occurred to me as I was feeding our cat.
>looks like a thot
>not a thot, instead pretty based
>motivates me
>not fat
>no stds
>reasonably attractiveish
>not a huge slut in the past