Tfw friendzoned by your own wife

>tfw friendzoned by your own wife

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huh ?
Greentext pls

>tfw own husband won't fuck

There is not really an elaborate green text story. My wife just informed me in no uncertain terms that she is no longer interested in sex and wants us to sleep in separate beds.

Sounds like you're going to break up soon

She's cheating on you
Not saying you should, but if I was in your position I would probably kill myself

topkek, do you have kids?

Move all of your money and shit into an offshore bank account, or withdraw everything as cash and keep it secure. Look into moving overseas, come to Melbourne, we're full of cucks and you'd fit right in.

lawyer up asap
she's about to take the house

did she give a reason? what do you think changed?

>what do you think changed?

I wasn't emotionally available enough

She was sexually abused as a kid and is not comfortable being touched. I guess she finally decided no more.

touch THIS

*unzips erect cock*

Ah alright so there is a chance she still want to be with you , show her support and be nice then everything will be fine

sign off your assets to a trusted third party who will return them to you after the divorce. Its happening.

You just got cucked

>le abused meme
Thats a lie to make you think she just doesnt want to fuck you.

Was this an issue when you were dating? Or she withheld sex a lot during then too?

this. it's over user

Attached: JUST1.jpg (779x935, 119K)

>tfw you have a wife


Yeah, she's probably down on all fours fucking Chad secretly. OP, never trust a woman. You've really fucked yourself.

That is her warped logic just to act like the victim. Woe is her burning pussy.

She is for sure cheating on you.

My friend has the same problem but his wife never leaves the house and locks herself in the room all day.

she may not be cheating but she doesn't see you as a man no more, and will get gang banged by 5 college brats at the first chance

t. married

Women have almost no sex drive. They just have sex for money.

Women hate having sex. They just do it to get money or status. Most women are prostitutes in that sense.

Nah, she's fucking chad. Enjoy your divorce rape faggot, I hope you're a yuropoor or a mutt.

Keep telling yourself that

Pic rated is (you)

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You're not better in status than the guy who fucks prostitutes. Women hate sex. They just do it for money even if they're married.

you are either baiting or you are 13
women love sex, they are just as thirsty as men if not more
they just don't want to have sex with you