ok, she officially lost it.
press F to pay respects.
Ok, she officially lost it
lmao anzu literally looks like a 12 year old boy now
no one fucking cares you stupid normie dramafag
we just wanna see the nudes
I know, and my penis can only get so erect!
Holy fuck, now I understand the reason she wears all that make up, she's fucking ugly desu.
she looks like a young sigourney weaver
When did Britney have a meltdown?
around the time Justin Bieber became popular I think
Has there ever been a time when she didn't look like a disgusting creature?
>that pale, delicate, SQUEEZABLE little neck
Easily her best feature
What the fuck Anzu
When she's caked in layers of makeup, photoshop, and wigs.
why did she fuck up her eyebrows that bad
when she shaved her head, 2006 i think
I would overlook her insanity if I could take out my frustrations with her on her pussy
Yeah, reading about it now.
Lol she has Tommy wiseau mandibles
She has chubby little chipmunk cheeks and I want to pinch them!
Puffy cheeks are a sign of swollen salival glands due to anorexia/bulimia
She's in some sense a model, not surprising
Too bad though, I know some sticc girls that just simply don't eat like americans and look like that
>ywn relieve her swollen salival glands like when a dog goes to the vet because he has swollen ass glands
Now I'm curious, what do they do to dogs?
Uhh who is this dude?
squeeze their ass glands
I asked her in the last Q&A, she genuinely thinks it looks cute. Disgusting
Who is this, and why should I give a shit?
while this is true, its not always the case.
she had those cheeks even when she wasn't that famous and definitely not as skinny as she is now.
Not to mention how a lot of girls have those cheeks with absolutely no correlation to any sort of eating disorder.
my younger sis always had that kind of cheeks, still has them, and doesnt have any eating disorder
What glands are there in the ass
Scent glands
It's why they sniff ass
is that a femboy