Where do you find 2.5D girls?
Where do you find 2.5D girls?
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No idea. I will ask my friend Jerry and see what he says, he has a ton of Stacy orbiters, and a real Stacy GF.
I love Ciara
Also her zuirp acount is back
Jerry says that any girl can be 2D if you just close one eye
My man! I was wondering when you were gonna get here!! Do you have any new spicy Jerry pics? I need more Jerry in my life!
jerry is watching anime now, you don't want to bother him when he is watching anime
Fractal girls? That is a new one for me.
t. mathematician, who doesn't get laid much
What do you think Jerry's favorite anime is? He blocked me on Instagram when I asked him.
shit... i heard he likes lain, but i don't know if its his favorite
God! I just wanna be Jerry, or Buffy, or Frosby...IT ISN'T FAIR! At least I can look at their amazing pictures for the rest of my life.
maybe you could look for one at the graveyard, i heard guys like buffy like hanging around at graveyards
That is a good idea! My therapist says I shouldn't really leave my house or go outside more than necessary because I'm a "danger to myself and other people". What do you think Buffy is doing right now? Watching anime, beating up kids? talking to his Stacy GF?
He is probably punching some nerd...
w-why did your therapist said that?
That sounds like something Buffy would do, what a cool dude! Long story short my therapist said until I can take my daily medication like a "normal person" I may have another psychotic break. Last time I had one of those, the last thing I remember is running through a grocery store asking random people if I can pet their horse. For some reason I thought everyone had a horse, and no one would let me pet it....I just wanted to pet the horses. Well, needless to say cops were called and I had to do some time in a mental hospital, but that's a story for another day!
Well, be sure to check out your local graveyard for buffys when you get your meds. If i had a horse i would let you pet it.
Thanks Fren! Do you think Buffy and Frosby get their glasses from the same place? They look so great! I also love Frosby's mustache! No wonder he has a Stacy GF!
yeah they bought it from a hot new store that only the coolest guys know about. They are top fashion
God! They just get more cooler the more and more I learn about them! Maybe Frosby and his bro wouldn't have to sleep in the same bathtub if they didn't spend soooo much money on fashion. What do you think Frosby is doing right now? I bet he is looking smug, and hanging out with his Stacy GF.
he is probably buying more clothes, he spends all his salary with clothes, i think thats how he got a gf so cute
I gotta ask man, how do you get all these rare Frosby, Jerry, and Buffy pics? Have you thought about making a book, and selling them? You are sitting on a gold mine fren.
nah, everyone should have the right to look at frosby, jerry and buffy pics for free, I would never exclude people from it
back in time
Hey user I made some artwork, do you like it? *insert pepe here*
good job user, it looks really good
Your a good man Fren! When you die, God will surely let you into heaven!
It isn't bad, but it isn't smug enough. Study up on some Jerry pics for reference, and I think you could be onto something!
Who is that dude in the pic?
Nice beard
Howd he put that cigar under his beard
You would have to ask the other user about that. I can take no credit for all these sweet pics. As for how Jerry does it, I have no idea....I'm sure it has something to do with anime though.
>he doesn't have a floating neckbeard
Can i post a video of someone who reminds me of her singing?
>Can i post a video of someone who reminds me of her singing?
Post that shit
I don't know man. This thread is for Jerry, Buffy, and Frosby. I feel posting Muffy related things could possibly derail the whole thread.
It seems my worst fears were confirmed. From now on this thread is for BUFFY FROSBY AND JERRY ONLY! I made the mistake of clicking that link, and I want those 10 seconds of my life back! Naw, I would just waste em anyway. Nevermind....
It seems this thread is dying, so I too shall take my leave. To the user that keeps sharing all the rare Jerry, Buffy, and Frosby pics you really are doing God's work. It is always good to talk to you fren, until we meet again!
s-sorry, i fell asleep, good night to you too user
what was it? the post was deleted