a couple years ago my girl dated an asshole "for like a week" because he threatened suicide if she didn't date him(in highschool of course). he also tried to start a rumor that she sent nudes to his friend, after he had moved to Texas. after learning those two things she told me I don't even know the half of it. I feel a hatred for this guy more than I've ever felt for anyone. what the fuck else has he done?? I think I know his current address. I don't want to ruin his life or anything but is there anything I can do to anonymously give him hell or fuck him up slightly? I actually want to murder this guy but obviously don't recommend anything too bad I just need some help with this guys
Help with revenge
>what is shitsenders.com
>what is adamandeve.com
Just send him sex toys or shit. Idk
I'm not about to put a charge for a dildo on my card though my parents check that shit
unironically send the shitter a mailbomb, they are hard to trace if you do it right, unabomber can give you some pointers
you don't think that's a little harsh? maybe just a threat
what the fuck originally happened to this board
The C.I.A is now tracking you. I hope you're behind a VPN.
>gf tries to retcon her slutty past
>beta falls for the bait
Jesus no, he said he just wanted to fuck with him. Hey OP, send him dildos and shit, even if his parents aren't the type to look through their kid's mail, it's not like he can just trash it without them noticing.
no slutty past-this guy is definitely a virgin no question
that sounds good I just don't know how I'd order dildos without leaving it on my card's record for my parents to find
>Hey OP, send him dildos and shit
bad revenge. if someone sent me a dildo i'd use it.
privacy cards or paypal
you're such a retarded beta faggot.
Women make shit up when they break up with guys for one silly thing they did that she didn't like. I remember long distance dating some stupid bitch, i quit talking to her and then missed her so i went back to the retarded subhuman skank (started talking to her again), the stupid bitch had been telling people that i was abusing her. I had never met the cunt and i had never even used a curse word when talking to her so she literally just made shit up to get pitty from people. Women have a thing for protective guys so i think your girl is just making shit up to rile you up since she's attracted to that. What you aught to do is get in contact with the guy and befriend him, that's the only way you'll know if he's really in the wrong or if it's all just the girl making shit up as women have a tendency to do. Compulsive liars the lot.
the suicide threat is true I've heard from others too
>trusting a roastie
she will ditch you after she gets you to do what she wants you cuckold
everyone's acting like it's her fault but shit happens she was in a very vulnerable state when this happens that's why the suicide threat worked and why I hate him for preying on her at that time
I'm willing to bet that you did abuse her in some way. You seem unable to control your temper even now. Rapist.
If a guy is making suicide threats to keep a skank that doesn't like him anymore, the retard is also in a vulnerable state, they were both mentally ill. I remember hearing from a psychologist that mentally ill people attract each other, she was praying on him just as much as he was on her. Let it go you raging homosexual. Also what that user said about her leaving you after you're done doing her dirty work is true. I remember dating a rancid pussy whore who had just gotten out of a bad relationship, I recall she would tell me how she had a whole army of beta retards harassing this guy until he cried and apologized to the bitch she wanted me to join in her jihad, but i decline because i'm a sympathetic man. Women are spoiled and entitled, they believe themselves to be deities or something, you gotta stop the cycle of revenge. Women like your skank and the one i knew, they never stop jumping from bad relationship to worse and it's because they want the relationship to be bad so that they can then attack the individual they were with, they get off on that power, the power to command armies of toe musk worshipping beta retards.
lmao i'm not a rapist, i'm a very beta virgin, i never abused her fella, i never saw her in real life, she must have figured since we were never going to meet that it would be cool to smear my name with those accusations to make her life seem exciting to people. Don't be silly.
shes not mentally ill or a skank and you're not gonna convince me. the threat happened to get her to date him, not to keep her after they were together. I suspect she must've liked him a little to give in to the threat and she doesn't want to admit it, but it's pretty clear she realized what a fuck up it was pretty quickly
She is mentally ill buddy.
look at you so irrationally angry over something so silly, a normal person would just laugh it off, like "haha that guy must've been a total fag". but you're obsessing over it. You've got some serious issues user. It can only mean your skank is equally as insane as you if you (a loon) can't tell that she's insane. there's also the fact that you're posting on here. Trust me it takes one to know user, we're one and the same. Like the expert said, the mentally ill are attracted to one another. I advice that you do what your loon instincts tell you not to do and forget about it and get on with your life.
No offense.
I don't know why you think she's mentally ill for going through a rough patch and getting in a bad relationship. I realize most people would see this and say haha he's a fag but it's hard to do that when I see recurring effects from this in her because this guy took her in a hard point in her life and fucked her up more. obviously she's back to being ok now, but occasionally she gets a little weird cause of it. not like full on traumatized it's not that big of a deal but kind of along those lines. I'm a little angry because I care about her, who knows if you've ever cared about someone I don't know you
I guess it makes sense when you put it that way, still it's all in the past, just work with her on getting over whatever it was that he did to mess her up. What does she think you're going to kill yourself every time you pick up a knife?
>giving upset over your gf's ex
>allowing yourself to be easily manipulated
Quit being a fag. If you care about your gf then why dont you do something for her. It sounds like youre mad at yourself because you cant make your gf happy so you want to take it out on user#2.
OP you fag let me school your 19 year old ass. Dont listen to neets for advice on war they've spent too long fantasizing of being bad assess while being meek in action to talk any sense on violence.
Some pointers.
>If you do anything more than nothing, threats, driving past him every day, anything fucking able to be construed as intimidation is illegal.
So dont play the "I'm not touching you" game thinking you'll get off Scott free as long as you keep your hands to yourself.
My recommendation if you're going to go through with this is the same to any of my younger hotheaded acquaintances. Imagine 3 steps. Set him up, and jump him, then get away.
>The set up.
Have a mutual acquaintance you can easily talk or buy onto your side ask this guy to go somewhere. Make sure you dont open your mouth to anyone about this who isn't ready to lead this guy into a trap. Last thing you need is to tell someone you're trying to set him up and get told on. Agree ahead of time on a place that minimizes chances of being seen.
No identifying vehicles or clothing, cover your face, resist the temptation to say some shit that gives you away because you wanted to be cool. And for Christ's sake dont kill him.
>getting away with it.
No weapons, no brass knuckles no nunchucks no clubs or knives none of that goofy shit. If you're not a good fighter you become good with a weapon and it's hard evidence in court that can be a factor in your charge and sentencing. Your buddy who set his "friend" up will be interviewed about the thing by police as an eyewitness. Make sure he isn't going to eat you out. Hell with the way everyone uses social media these days you could find any fucking kid without eyes on the ground. If you can get his schedule and find a good time to jump him without someone being in on it that's better.
If you are caught, it isn't over until sentencing. Get a lawyer and SHUT THE FUCK UP. Everyone knows not to talk, but always does. Cops are good at that.
>possibly underage
Kill him, buy a gun at walmart and blow his fucking chest out and then shoot yourself faggot
Did I mention SHUT THE FUCK UP? I can't stress this enough. Every little badass does some dirt, gets away with it, and now they're king shit on turd mountain bragging everywhere. Do you want to be feared, to regain social power? Or do you want revenge? Revenge can be had but if you just want social power you're a fool and will fuck up because your head isn't on the real it's on the social. If the feeling in your heart that you've done what you had to do isn't enough, you're not quite a man yet and need to chill on this.