Should I let my BF impregnate me?

We've been together for almost 2 years now

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Probably not. How old are you?

Why are you asking r9k about our choice

Early 20s which is apparently the best time

Bored desu and like hearing opinions

If you get preg, just do it before 35 and guy before 40 to avoid increased risk of birth defects.

Tbh I'm paranoid that if this doesn't go well I'll never find anyone else again, too antisocial
Maybe I am rushing things

No you should let me do it instead.

How much do you trust him? Would you marry him? Would he marry you?

Yes to all of those, I know he wants kids and I want to surprise him with it someday

no, you should get the fuck off my board

okay, first, tits or GTFO, second, how old are you?

Do 6 years. So wait 4 years.

don't surprise him with it are you dumb
his reaction might not be what you expect
talk and consent about it

Who originally gives a shit? Work it out between yourselves and stay off my board.

marry him first
if you're not married, then no

how hard of a question is it?

i know this is bait

ffs plan it out, this is why you get people who live in fucking poverty with kids.
Set yourselves up for financial success despite the massive setback of expenses that having a kid brings. Seriously, shit takes a lot of money so do it well.

surprise him with your acceptance of having kids
plan out the births and shit properly
if you're white have at least 3 kids

get out used up whore.

Meh kids aren't as expensive as they're made out to be. You could easily kit them out for the first year at under $1k if you don't but fancy shit.

2 years isn't enough time. Wait a couple more, get married, and then have kids.

4 would be perfect but I want to start soonish (next 2-3 years max)

you fucking idiot 70%of the time the girl doesn't even know until she's late

I don't think you can get a boipussy pregnant

>next 2-3 years max
good idea

Attached: female boomer.png (788x1162, 102K)

He doesn't like condoms so he can't be that concerned

Tell him you're going off birth control so you don't blind side him. He'll still be plenty of happy to hear the news.

Can you support children, financially, and is you situation stable enough that you most likely can do that reliably?
Do you both understand that once the child is born, the relationship you have right now will no longer be about you? It will *also* be about you, but not you primarily. If you can handle that, go for it

The earlier you have your kid the less ugly he/she will look. Do it or else they'll end up like us

Why do you want to have a child? You're already in a better position than a lot of people who sacrificed themselves financially and emotionally to make a family. If you want to have a child, you must have the time, money, and energy to devote to a little shit who might disobey you, be socially retarded, be schizophrenic, or worse. And if that child suffers, you brought them into this fucked up world for no reason other than your desire to have a *person* just arbitrarily exist.
If you still want to have a child, adopt. If you want to bear a child for the selfish purpose of continuing your genetic line and having a little, tiny, you that you can mold into something, fuck off.