I agree, but it doesn't make it autistic.
I knew it was wrong when I did it, jackass.
I just figured, fuck it, no one else cares about anything. No one else actually gives a fuck.
Hey, piece of shit cats. Yeah, Fuck you too.
You see, most people don't realize 99% of people are sociopathic.
Sure, they think they're good, but they're not.
They're bystanders and they judge others in order to detracts from their own faults.
People are selfish, stupid, uneducated and above else... they would rather let everything else die and fall apart than to actually take an effort to be as good as they lie and tell people they are.
Animals though? They're not complex. They don't possess the capacity for exchange, duty, or justifications. No, they act on instinct. It's that dumb animal instinct I hate in people.
They should think and love. They should support what offers to support them. But most people are stupid. This angers me.
But I shouldn't take it out on the animals.
I still feel justified though in hating humans.
None of you understand the concept of return, cooperation or duty.
I live in a sociopathic world.
Judge me if you want to, but I can equally judge you right back for being a piece of shit that didn't and doesn't try to make the world a better place because you're selfish to the extreme core.
Judging me doesn't make you better, jagoff, and it doesn't make me worse.
I'm not justified in mistreating animals, I said that (you gigantic, illiterate moron).
What is with low IQs on Jow Forums repeating things as if people didn't already admit them?
For fucks sake.
You are all at least intelligent enough to avoid making that mistake (pointing out something that's already been pointed out).