Hey Robot

Hey Robot,
Whats three of the most fucked up things you've ever done?

(The "justifications" are just context, not excuses.Yes, I regret these)

1. I told people I hope their kids get raped to death.
(Both times people tried to cover up abuse or aided in abuse; not sexual, but serious abuse none the less)

2. I told a black woman that blacks deserve what they got in regards to oppression (she was oppressing others by intentionally obstructing justice; when I pointed out that shes doing what white people did to black people, she said she didn't care).

3. I once told my older brother I'd kill him for the physical and psychological abuse he did to me a child. He apologized but still reported me.

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Tried to drown my pet cat cuz i was going thru an edgy satanic phase. I regret the act deeply even though my cat didnt die and is still alive living with my sister. Im evil

I've chase animals and yelled at them because I felt unloved.
Oddly, enough they didn't hold a grudge, which is weird because I looked it up and animals are not forgiving generally at all.
I know it sounds weird but I think they could tell I was in pain.
It was still selflish and if I could take it back I would.

I also shook the cage of a bird that kept biting everyone, and even held it's beak down, hard, with force. I feel horrified by my actions as well.

1. Accidently let a friend turned junkie die.
She was falling asleep and her lips turned blue: I asked her about that and she escorted me out saying that this was the time of day she fell asleep and that it was nothing. she was found dead in that same room five days later.

2..Someone tried to get me to smoke weed and shoved the bowl it in my mouth. I smashed it and walked the fuck out.

3.i tripped a girl down the stairs on graduation day. by she tried to report me to the police, but failed.

1. Usually people are responsible for their own drug use behavior. It sucks they died.

2. You did the right thing.

3. That was dickish. Why did you do it?

All in all, if hose are the worse things you've ever done I think you're pretty normal.

1. Breaking my brother's pinky on purpose during his birthday party.

2. Chasing some kids from across the street with a sledgehammer.

3. Lying about my dad attacking me to my therapist. (CPS wouldn't stop bothering him for a while afterwards)

Why did you do any of those things?
Were you jealous, bored, reacting to something or born disturbed?

Honestly, I don't even know myself.
I used to have an anger management problem, so some things just set me off, sometimes to the point of being violent.
No clue about why I lied to my therapist. Maybe I'm just a bad person.

I tripped her by she tried to fuck up my life by I disagreed with her. tried to spread rumors and break me by I had a crush on me. she hated me for it. thus I tripped her on high school graduation.

well, that's fair then

>stole from family and friends for drugs
>treated gf like shit
>treated dad like shit
>lie to everyone
>bullied someone pretty badly in high school
>accused a lot of people of doing stuff
>ghosted a lot of people
>I betrayed a close friend but its well justified and worked out for the best others might think of how i could have dealt with it better but i know it did the right thing
>got drunk pissed on a door step of someone i can't remember

how could you not know why you did something?

you had to have thoughts in order to act

what were those thoughts that preceded the actions?

well, you're just a sociopath

those specific traits might show you're look to create a power structure where you have the most power, which indicates to feel thats necessary

you also ignore social norms

i'd guess you bably because you feel theyre something (a fear/limitation) to concur or to show your dominance and adaptability

id suggest looking into consequentialism, deontology and game theory for options to be less self destructive

>just a sociopath
I'm aware that I'm some what of one and I don't think it's that bad I've never stolen much from the ones I love or tried to hurt anyone.

>those specific traits might show you're look to create a power structure
I'm not a controlling type of person.

Im fairly similar to you

>bullied kid badly in elementary school
>treated dad like shit for years for literally no reason
>also lie to everyone all the time compulsively and manage to slack off about half my workdays no gf though gtfo
>stole from parents and siblings for drugs
>betrayed friend for his girl definitely not the right move actually
>ghosted everyone

>successful high school friend asked me to sit his cats in his apartment downtown and I just dumped out a ton of food in the floor, filled the sink with water, stole his weed and only came back to eat his food

I also would like to add I always think about morals and try to find someone to ask about stuff before i do anything.

>>successful high school friend asked me to sit his cats in his apartment downtown and I just dumped out a ton of food in the floor, filled the sink with water, stole his weed and only came back to eat his food
that is pretty lazy and do you think you are a sociopath ?

But there really wasn't much of any thinking going on when I would do shit like this.
Someone would do something trivial that would piss me off for some reason, and then I'd want to hurt them.
By that point I didn't care what the consequences of my actions would be and so I'd usually act out.
I'm sorry if this isn't very clear but it was a long time ago, and there wasn't much reason involved in my thinking back then.

The last time I posted about it I got a temp ban

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1. Stole some people's shoes and bicycles in middle and high school (not even for profit just to hang them up on phone lines or tree tops etc. where everyone can see them and if they try to get them down, to bully them)

2. Broke someone's wrist playing floorball in eight grade because I tripped them with the club on purpose and they fell down on it, l said it was an accident that happened in the heat of the moment and was believed

3. Embarrassed a friend of mine a little bit in front of girls because he had the same oneitis, but this one isn't really on me because he had already gotten rejected

The bait is too obvious, retard.

Maybe at that point in time my morals were a little lapsed, I had just tried to commit suicide in the weeks earlier and I was in a pretty destructive phase. I would say I'm more of a ne'erdowell/delinquent/rotten kid, I did bad stuff but also a lot of bad stuff happened to me to turn me out like this yadda yadda I just want to get high alone now.

you don't seem like that bad of a dude to push yourself away from everyone desu and i bet you really don't want to be alone getting high is just away of dealing with being alone

1. told entire family I graduated when I really dropped out to get them to stop asking about my schooling
2. Tried to kill myself
3. I actually hate almost everyone I know or meet. Which I think says more shit things about me than them. Just a shitty, judgy pos

Ya it's probably an AvPD thing

> I'm aware that I'm some what of one and I don't think it's that bad I've never stolen much from the ones I love or tried to hurt anyone.

I had a roomate that used to same the same things but he was absolutely lying to themselves

trying to make exceptions for harm doesn't mean you're any less of a sociopath, it just means you're trying to make rules to absolve yourself

you don't "have" to be one you know. genetics and upbringing aside, we're people. you can learn, but the first step isn't just accountability but accountability mixed with responsibility.

> I'm not a controlling type of person.
Lying is a type of passive control.
So is bullying and treating people like shit.
They're actions designed to minimize your vulnerability, but that's almost always deeply subconscious;

do you rarely feel vulnerable?

thats the first clue your brain has comparmentalized your actions and motives
all action, thought and behavior is centered around survival and feelings good... by avoiding the possibility of harm

creating systems of passive or direct harm act simply as a forms of chaos and control;

its chaos so nothing matters

its order so its predicable

psychopathy is an adaptation by brains that are damaged by early trauma, so the brain slips into a mixture of denial and compartmentalized behavioral choices

> I also would like to add I always think about morals and try to find someone to ask about stuff before i do anything.

Sociopaths do that as well because they have no inner conscience; it's bouncing ideas off of other people to see if other people think they make sense

serial killers are famous for asking people moral questions

so there were thoughts before

perhaps you should focus on why things piss you off

did you feel threatened? a loss? insulted?

feelings insulted is rooted in threats and loss as well and is common among people that act out and say they dont really know why

maybe you're avoiding asking yourself tough questions

i find it's useful and helpful to divide questions in regards to "aversion" and "attraction"...

what do i want and what do i want to avoid and what things trigger those thoughts, and what actions follow

>i blackmailed a guy for trying to get nudes off me when he was married and extorted him for thousands, he deserved it tho. haha hate men, lol.

what bait?

i dont even understand how thats bait

the bird bit people but was also raised wrong, so its not like im absolved. it was a bird,i was a person.

the cats actually did forgive me.
i have pics of them later sleeping on me.
same thing here as well, i was human, i knew better. the cats forgiving me doesnt absolve me of the behavior either.

so if you think im baiting for forviveness, im not.

cruelty to animals is a sociopathic trait.

im fully aware of this.

I carry a heavy bag...

>Killed little animals just for fun and see how it was.
>A lot of shoplifting
>Heavy drug abuse
>book cooking in a job i was manager.
>Rob a guy on the street just cos bored.
>Used to start fights with random people just for fun and see if i could handle it.
>there are two sexual incidents i cant talk about that will haunt me for life.

Well... i did a lot of nasty shit back in my days, but for the last 15 years i lived a life of kindness and respect for my fellow human beigns. I just hope for god to forgive all the shit i did.

>baiting again
Oooh man...

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>My lies are white lies stuff like I've done that or I've banged 10 woman and the rest are all just troll stuff on the internet for fun
>do you rarely feel vulnerable?
yes mostly for people a care about tho
>creating systems of passive or direct harm act simply as a forms of chaos and control;
I've never set out to hurt anyone
>psychopathy is an adaptation by brains that are damaged by early trauma, so the brain slips into a mixture of denial and compartmentalized behavioral choices
only trauma I've been thru is parents yelling and my mom crying a lot

>They're actions designed to minimize your vulnerability

That's the story of my life, Doc. With other men a little aggression can always fix rejection but I've never asked a girl out because there's no escape if they say no. I can't deal with putting myself in a situation like that where someone else has power like that on me. What should I do? Gtg but I'll read the response later

1. if family pressure you then thats not actually "bad"
2. its youre life and you own yourself, so its not a moral fault
additional note: never kill yourself, always fight for others and yourself
if you've done people wrong, then let them kill you. if they refuse, then thats that. do on and be a better person.
3. me too. i think most of society is cold, narcissistic, and sociopathic. i think my sociopathic behaviors are a result of being disturbed by the lack of love and reason in the world

to be honest you just seem like a normy thats dealing with stress

>Sociopaths do that as well because they have no inner conscience; it's bouncing ideas off of other people to see if other people think they make sense
>serial killers are famous for asking people moral questions
To put some context around what moral questions i ask it was mostly like Should i go to the police about what I've found out or should I date a 20 year old when I'm 26

Fuck birds though. Hostile birds are so annoying and complete jackasses. They fly up and try to land on you JUST TO GET BETTER ACCESS TO BITE YOU. Fuck em.

>drugs, tried everything atleast twice
> Payed several hookers just so I could eat their ass
>Got a nice co-worker/friend fired because we were both banging the same chick and I was jealous

run of the mill p[sychopath

oh, i get it now.
you're trying to troll in order to feed the delusion you're a narcissistic sociopath

the anime picture ruined any credibility you would have had though

so your plan was to routinely accuse someone of baiting, hoping it would evoke an emotional response, and then you'd make up some form of criticism in order further an emotional responce

you picked me mistaking my instability as a sign of sensitive, this making me easy to manipulate and thus "trigger"

you're mistaken

predictably immature, but mistaken

1.killed a kid Back in the day when i hung with my skinhead crew (fuck off i was an edgelord and the school didnt like me anyway so they could have fucking Thrown me out)
2.got drunk and shot my friend in the leg twice then my self in the leg
3. Raped a girl Till she Collapsed Then broke both of her legs and ran away from the city for 2 months

ask away robots

Listen, I'm a professional. I've been in the game a long time. I think I can spot a simple bait tactic like this one. Improve your technique, nigger.

>Killed little animals just for fun and see how it was.
If there's a hell you're going there just for this one no matter what you do.

>run of the mill p[sychopath

No, im not. I feel love and i care for people who is around me. I was just a disturbed young man. Thats all.

Birds are lesser intelligent animals.
It doesn't make sense to be cruel even to disturbed animals.
If anything it shows immaturity on my part, as well as an extreme lapse in judgement and a lack of empathy.

I'm disturbed myself so I should have been able to recognize the pain, and this empathize with the animal.

Instead I mistook the hostility for rejection and hatred. Such a retarded, immature move on my part. Probably motivated by self centeredness mixed in with paranoia and low self esteem.

i was young and very interested in anatomy. Also, i was an asshole with a gore fixation.

1. it's your life, do as you will
2. again, your life, do as you will
3. that's fucked up but too destructive; do you feel bad about it?

>1.killed a kid Back in the day when i hung with my skinhead crew (fuck off i was an edgelord and the school didnt like me anyway so they could have fucking Thrown me out)
>2.got drunk and shot my friend in the leg twice then my self in the leg
>3. Raped a girl Till she Collapsed Then broke both of her legs and ran away from the city for 2 months
>ask away robots
Knock knock.. senpai

Professional what?

And bait what?

I think you're either trolling or a schizophrenic.

You're not making any sense. Speak in complete sentences so people understand what you're trying to communicate.

This "mysterious" nonsense isn't working in your favor. It makes you look delusional or like a failed troll.

Also, professionals never use the N word.

It's childish, not edgy.

Yes I do, he was schizo mid-20's and lived in his mom's basement.
Years later and I'm in The same position as him, life's a gas.

1. Edgy lie
2. Edgy lie
3. Edgy lie

>I've chase animals and yelled at them because I felt unloved.
This is the single most autistic thing I've read on Jow Forums, holy shit.

"i feel love therefore im not a sociopath" isn't a thing.
there are several criteria for sociopathy, you jackass. lack of love is only one.
serial killers "love" too, you jackass.
Jeffrey Dahmer was a mommas boy.

I've done so many horrible things. Mostly to myself though.

self deceiving excuses are used by sociopaths all the time, and they always contradict themselves and never acknowledge it.

you just said you did it for fun
then you changed your motivation

idiot, it's all in text on one page

I'd say that feeling insulted is probably a lot of the reason why I'd act out the way I did.
I'm not sure I completely get what you're saying here, but I'll give it a shot.
What I want is to get even or punish whoever insulted me.
What I want to avoid is them insulting me in the future.
And I guess my thoughts about hurting people get triggered when I'm insulted because I feel that hurting them exacts revenge and keeps them more cautious around me.
With the actions afterwards being basically whatever I can come up with to hurt that person.
Did I understand what you meant?

Ok, im a piece of shit. Im still trying everyday to be a good man. Fuck you all.

Worst thing I have done is break up with my ex gf and pick fights with all our mutual friends;

apparently she had a public mental breakdown about it, and also made a call out post,

It was so eye-catching, I'm surprised I got off scot-free.

I deeply regret it and I don't get into relationships anymore unless I'm completely sure I can take it seriously,

I'd agree with you on the normie part, simply because I'm not a virgin male, but I have no stress. I don't care about anything anymore. I literally give no fucks as to what happens next. I just feel badly for my mother.
idk, because we're all so narassistic and cold, maybe it is an advantageous trait. use everyone for all their worth for your own benefit or something. and because we're social animals we don't like to come to terms with ideas like that.

I don't think you know what the word autism means.
It's a disorder most often characterized by a lack of understanding social norms and intuition, as well as learning difficulties.

None of that applies to me.

I come from an extremely abusive background, and just prior to this I was being abused by a roommate, whom owned the cats.

The cats always sought my attention for food, but would often reject me when I didn't have the food.

That day I was humiliated by my roommate who was spreading rumors about me around town, trying to socially isolate me to feel better about himself (he suffers from depression and antisocial personality disorder and bipolar).

The outburst happened when I was asked to feed them via text, and he reminded me that they didn't love me and it was just the food.

The realization of that angered me because that's how people treated me as well.

So I yelled at them and scared them.

I didn't "run around" like with my arms flailing like a cartoon, you ass.

It was a small two bedroom apartment chased them into the corner and yelled at them.

I feel terrible about it now, but then I was just thinking about how all other life on this planet is just selfish and only pretends to care in order to get things.

You clearly wouldn't understand in depth though about such things, and why such concepts would disturb people.

People should have respect, love, and cooperate out of mutual benefit.

Selfishness is a sign of lacking humility and empathy.

You lack empathy (and mistake that for superiority) and I need to work on mine.

hey, as long as you're trying to improve you've got my support

but i think you should be honest to yourself first

1. I honestly wish there is always someone to bully together in a class because it bonds the class together

2. I have sniffed and stolen panties fron my friends little sister. Shes underage.

3. I have filmed upskirt videos of school girls in public before

>It's a disorder most often characterized by a lack of understanding social norms and intuition, as well as learning difficulties.
Nigger I'm pretty sure chasing animals becuase you feel unloved falls under that. I didn't even read the rest of your post but I'll forever know I share this site with some autist that yells at cats and pigeons when he's stressed out.

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feelings bad is a form of stress, and numbness is a common response as well

This kid (probable future robot) spent his whole summer building this habitat for crabs near the beach with his grandfather because he had no friends. Me and his brother went and destoryed it spur of the moment for no reason but to make splashes in the water. He comes screaming, crying running towards us but we got out without him knowing who we were. He was so depressed afterwards, and his brother confessed to it eventually but didn't mention me even though it was my idea.

It wasn't roleplay either, she was genuinely upset, and I feel bad for not taking it seriously since she was a attentive partner, I met her on skype years ago. :/

> Nigger I'm pretty sure chasing animals becuase you feel unloved falls under that.

It doesn't and you're not arguing it well, you're just asserting it.

Yelling is normal among humans.

So is fighting.

Saying that because it's animals isn't an argument that detracts from that.

The fact you can't comprehend that you need to argue or reason your position actually is a sign of autism itself, ironically.

>I didn't even read the rest of your post but I'll forever know I share this site with some autist that yells at cats and pigeons when he's stressed out.

I never said pigeons. Are you aware you presume?

And you also have falsely convinced yourself that it come out of nowhere in order to lay judgement on someone else, and you're not even aware of your own motivation. You attempt to judge others to feel comparatively normal or superior.
That's sad.
The fact you use the N word, post cartoon pictures, ignore context, and lurk and post on r9k indicates you're not a normie by any stretch of the imagination.
So you're clearly posting to judge others to feel better about yourself.

For the record, animal cruelty is actually common.

Socio/psychopath general? There seems to be a bit of a pattern here...

>bullied people throughout elementary and middle school, usually just a lot of insults but sometimes i got physical
>treated my only long-term gf like shit to the point that she attempted suicide
>treated my family (dad, grandma) like shit for absolutely no reason
>compulsive liar
>addict, although i support my habit
>stole compulsively from friends and family
>betrayed pretty much all my friends at least once
>ghosted a lot of people for no reason
>dropped out of high school for a year just so i could leech off my dad and smoke weed

desu i regret nothing desu

Same person as before, confessing my sins makes me feel better;

And I dated her before the trans girl meme, which means I loved her honestly and not because of the meme

if it worked out I would be... halfway across the USA, moved in with her

For the record I've seen actual professionals, not some jackass posting anti-epistemic commentary on Jow Forums (with cartoon images none the less?).

I've been diagnosed with depression with possible PTSD.

I pass every "normal" test there is in psychiatry and behavioral science.

In fact, stats show I'm above average in intelligence. I just don't care half the time about things because I teeter between nihilism (I know, edgy, right?) and forms of idealism.

I'm just sick of the lack of cooperation and return with other people and life forms.

It's only logical for life forms to return love and effort.

You should support things that support you. It's both good for survival and good for emotional support.

Now, please, by all means, post more predicable bullshit to judge others to make yourself feel comparatively normal or superior.

It won't change your own faults though, Robot.

Not him. Animal cruelty being common doesn't make it any less wrong.

>seriously judging people on Jow Forums
>calls other people autistic

I agree, but it doesn't make it autistic.

I knew it was wrong when I did it, jackass.

I just figured, fuck it, no one else cares about anything. No one else actually gives a fuck.
Hey, piece of shit cats. Yeah, Fuck you too.

You see, most people don't realize 99% of people are sociopathic.

Sure, they think they're good, but they're not.

They're bystanders and they judge others in order to detracts from their own faults.

People are selfish, stupid, uneducated and above else... they would rather let everything else die and fall apart than to actually take an effort to be as good as they lie and tell people they are.

Animals though? They're not complex. They don't possess the capacity for exchange, duty, or justifications. No, they act on instinct. It's that dumb animal instinct I hate in people.

They should think and love. They should support what offers to support them. But most people are stupid. This angers me.

But I shouldn't take it out on the animals.
I still feel justified though in hating humans.

None of you understand the concept of return, cooperation or duty.

I live in a sociopathic world.

Judge me if you want to, but I can equally judge you right back for being a piece of shit that didn't and doesn't try to make the world a better place because you're selfish to the extreme core.

Judging me doesn't make you better, jagoff, and it doesn't make me worse.

I'm not justified in mistreating animals, I said that (you gigantic, illiterate moron).

What is with low IQs on Jow Forums repeating things as if people didn't already admit them?

For fucks sake.

You are all at least intelligent enough to avoid making that mistake (pointing out something that's already been pointed out).

Which one of you faggots? I demand you show yourself

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you didn't prove it was wrong

1.) Cucked some guy
2.) Lost an argument with myself and a tranny cut their balls off.
3.) Accidentally shut a car door on my brother's hand

that has nothing to do with this thread

no one here mentioned being an incel

are you that idiot pretending to be a professional?

your attempt to feel better by judging others failed, and so now you've switched tactics and you're not being honest as to why

you have no brains, Robot

user said that already. Why the flying fuck are you repeating it? Are you fucking retarded? They just said it doesn't indicate someone is autistic.

My ex gf had some trauma from what I did to her, she posted it on her tumblr, I feel bad for thinking she wanted sympathy when she was actually hurt, age has mellowed me out a bit though

I still feel bad

I guess its the most "normal" degenerate thing you can do, compared to others, since other things you would literally have to go out of your way for it.

And that's the story of my degeneracy, obviously I hated how I acted, oh well.

> Turned off a schools power and a cell tower and got arrested
> Stole hundreds of dollars worth of alcohol and snacks (still to this day do this)
> Told multiple anons the most effective way they can kill themselves with the tools they have
I'm pretty edgy.

no, you're trying to sound intelligent and you're coming of as someone desperately looking for acknowledgement

Made up a story on Jow Forums because I'm alone and want to make it seem like my anger and dissillusionment with life is significant to anyone but me in some way. Also Jared Leto was the best joker, /x/ and Jow Forums are the best boards, and necromancer is my favorite class in any video game.

And that's the end of my story,
hypothetical what ifs though;
what if we did meet up IRL at one point?
I knew someone who met their never met ldr person irl; it was a youtuber, and the person meet him at a con. it would have been worse if we did meet up and escalated the drama

-but what if you dated someone IRL?
-I do all my talking online, it won't happen. but I assume there would no drama, since it would be enclosed irl.

But I prefer online dating, since I get to make a cataloge of them and their friends, and get excited at meeting each other irl,

very nice.

and that's finally the end of my story

1. This one must top it all. Lied to my gf that I loved her for 7 years. Ended up marrying for a year before dovircing her.
2. Ended up having sex with someone I told "we're just friends" 16 hours prior the act.
3. 2 has a child and her husband lives in her flat. I go to her place when her husband is pulling shifts. She loves me, I don't, her husband knows everything, he loves her, she doesn't.

Writing this all out made me realize how fucked up my life is.

> trying to sound intelligent
> looking for acknowledgement
I was just posting my answer to what the OP asked, Im not sure what you mean by looking for acknowledgement.
I didn't act smart or try to sound smart, where did you get that?

thats lame
and sounds like something a child would write

people were talking about animal cruelty on here and you come with a love triangle?

are you kidding us?

>where did you get that

Also, ended up bursting 1's cyst with my dick which caused internal bleeding. She bled the whole night through before being hospitalized and cut open with an exploratory incision (from ribcage to pubic bone) because somehow nobody could diagnose internal bleeding.

Cut a man's spirit and he will bleed just the same.

How the fuck do you hang bicycles on powerlines?

thats not a response its a zach hemsey quote
and zh isn't exactly a philosopher

To this day she still considers me her abuser;
I don't know if I improved as a friend or even as a partner;

I actually have C-ptsd and I'm afraid of people;

My story never really ends in this aspect I guess, but its my greatest shame.

I at least stopped with the cheating and now tell my partner/or at least avoid situations/contact where I might have casual sex stuff with people, without being in a relationship.

To this day, she and her friends hate me, for good reason, for all the stuff I did to her.

Unrelated but I typed horribly back then, I type better now.

you're not making any sense

you havent said what you've done

speak you fucking jackass

tell us what you did or shut up

if its something lame like cheating or rejection its not "evil" necessarily and doesn't belong in this thread

people are talking about murder, rape and animal torture here.

you might as well as said you called someone a doody head when you were 3

you just went on for 3 posts saying you did something without cutting to the chase

are you high or retarded?

This poster didn't commit animal cruelty.

By law he would have had to cause physical harm to the animals.

It just seems he spooked them.

That's not harm.


Intentional cruelty is when an individual purposely inflicts physical harm or injury on an animal. (The ASPCA and other organizations with cruelty investigation authority have arrested individuals who have deliberately maimed, tortured or even killed animals.)

Psychological abuse towards animals isn't considered harm.

1. Threw a rock on the head of my classmate he was bleeding hospital all that

2.harmed a lot of animals (i extremely regret (was a kid))

3.shouted to my teacher Infertil BITCH (she can't have childs)

i regret so much i think im really fuck up in my head but anyway getting my pills soon :)

Harrassed an online friend to the point that she has nervous breakdowns whenever she remembers me
I can't really think of anything else I've done to others, does for/to myself count? Quit my job before having another job for sure and ended up going a year without a job and borrowing money to get by
Spent ~7 years ignoring other women because I was in love with one but never said anything to her, because I knew she'd reject me, so I ended up broken hearted and alone

How did I end up here. Sometimes I want to die... I have a gun too now that I think about it

When I was a child, I was cruel to animals. And I mean CRUEL. I enjoyed scaring them and teasing them and fucking with them and even hurting them. I'd harass the neighborhood cats by shooting them with little rocks or split peas or whatever'd make a good pellet. I threw rocks at them. I chased birds, and I would have hurt one if I had caught it. If an animal got torn to shreds it was hilarious to me. I drowned ants and bugs and squashed them and tortured them. I took limbs. I fed a dog chocolate on purpose. I poker-faced it when they said the dog went to a farm because I knew the trope and knew what lying was. I even kept bodies and did my own little dissections and preservations. I was kind of a little psycho. It was funny.
It makes me sad to think about it. Now I won't even eat animals or squash a spider in my kitchen. I go out of my way not to step on bugs when I walk. I try to be kind to any animal I come across and help it if it's hurt. I even rescue birds and kittens and dogs as a hobby. I can find an insect crawling up my hair or up the back of my neck or biting me and still have the compassion to not squash it and just gently pick it up and put it away. If I find a fucking scorpion I'll take it somewhere it can be safe away from people just so nobody hurts it. I really go out of my way not to be a dick.
It scares me to think that I'm naturally a monstrous creature and that this is just something superficial I've built upon it.

So one needs to be a philosopher for one's words to have any weight?

shoes on powerlines, bicycles in trees (if you wanted to get the bike onto a bigger tree you usually needed like 2-3 guys to help but it was all the more hilarious)

When my dog was hungry and wanted food I'd swear at him like hell and yell. All in my backyard as a child. I feel shitty for it now and try to take care of him as best as possible in these last few months (he's almost 16) but I can't help but feel guilt about what I did back then