Daily reminder that if you don't look exactly like this guy and are ATLEAST 6'5ft tall OR make 7-figure income, you will NEVER get laid without an escort. Prove me wrong, faggots.

>Protip; you literally can't

Attached: chad.jpg (1200x630, 91K)

I got laid with ur mom last nite

Aren't exact reposts not allowed on this board?

My step-dad might disprove this.

He's a manlet, probably 5'6" or so, same as my mom
He/they make slightly above poverty level and worked at a grocery store before
He looks like some chubby Daigo

He's like 5 years younger
They have two kids together, oldest being 4. Young enough to be my own kids, but that won't happen

Cool story bro


Fucking fag got fucking neck yourself normie. fucking posting the same shit over and over fag ass nigger bullshit.

Then how did your dad get laid?


says the summerfag, gtfo my board

he was a Chad during his prime and 6'5 and im not, thats how

>says the summerfag gtfo my board
says the repostingfag changing almost nothing and calling it a new board.
actual kill yourself

Go fuck yourself, bully.

cant handle the truth, little onions boy?

oh look it's this stupid thread again, wow.

Attached: 37797042_2049167258466667_8709220964979703808_n.jpg (500x333, 46K)

that girl looks shooped onto the pic

>7 figure income
jesus do you know how much work that'd require? lol forget that

I believe everyone is given the option to be chads in the next life , just make good moral decisions in your life right now and help others , then you will re-incarnate as uber-chad and enjoy life to the max.

t. chad

thats why its called a "daily reminder", fucktard

oh look another fucktard

you could show an ounce of creativity and use a different image everyday but no fucking same image, same wording, same everything but you crossed out the "protip you can't" Fuck neck yourself and your shitty uncreative post faggot. you're as bad as the femanon and avifag post.

Your posts are boring and not even creative.

I bet my cock is much larger then yours you little faggot. Go browse Jow Forums some more while the Doritos(tm) crumbs fall into your keyboard crevasses (the only ones you will ever see).

I have ascended past the need for sex and women.
Join me brothers, and we will be wizards in arms.

Attached: wizard_by_adam_brown-d3iiyfb.jpg (747x850, 288K)

same can be said about ur mom

I've gotten laid plenty of times before and am only 6' and average looks. AMA


Why do you like to LARP on my board? gtfo