Quit being mean to women

quit being mean to women

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b-but i'm not, they are the ones who are mean to me

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stop the cycle friend

How are they being mean to you? (And don't say by not dating you)

yes. as will i

>tfw ywn torture a woman to death
Feels bad.

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>be nice to woman
>don't orbit, show dick, ask for nudes
>get ghosted with no explanation
Naaaahhhhh, fuck you cunts

i'm not mean to anybody

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le tipical incel poster right there

I have not been mean to a woman today.

Nor yesterday.

Nor last week.

Nor last month.

Nor last year.

Of course, I also haven't really interacted with women in that time frame, so I guess that doesn't count.

They won't show me their boobies

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there's no cycle, its a one-directional stream of bullying
they avoid me like the plague

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What does that even mean? I talk to them like I would any guy friend and they just fucking ghost me.

Women are just vile, unfeeling creatures. When I look at one they don't even look human to me.

No. fuck off, slutsmcgee

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To hell with women. I hate them and they hate me.

holy shit read yourself and say "i'm not an incel" if you have no fucking shame lol

You sound like the type of guy who pays twitch streamers money.

Gross entitled male behavior. Women do not owe men anything.

Show some fucking respect, you pathetic simp. That user just rolled quads of truth.

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normalfag alert normalfag alert

So don't be mean to women=don't even breath on the general direction of women?

You are correct user. I mean, I don't expect a parasite or bug to owe me anything, so why should I expect a woman to do the same?

By making contorted faces when they see me because im ugly. You unforgiving whores are worlthless scum worms

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>come into threads where people have their feelings hurt because of betrayal and mistreatment
>insult them and tell them they're shitty people for having feelings, because you don't want to admit you could ever do anything wrong
>"what the fuck why don't you guys like me?"
Normalfags are crueler than any bitter or jaded robot on here. Most people don't even stop and think that the way they treat people who don't fight back is wrong.

the first time reading, i completely misunderstood what you meant and thought you were trying to say you did show your dick and did ask for nudes. you type like a retard but thanks for the laugh

The women are evil, they will take all I own the second I am nice to them!

I treat everybody the same. These equal rights come with equal lefts, and equal disdain.

Quit beeing mean to men then.

I just like to rant about them. I don't actually hate them.

>quit being mean to women
Make me cunt

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I'd never be mean to 2d women but those things you call "real women" are monsters that must be exterminated

have a (you) my friend

im not mean to them they dont even talk to me

>want to have a gf that i can treat like a queen and who will treat me with just as much respect
>also want a slave tied in a dungeon who will never see the light of the day for me to treat like a literal toy

Conflicting feelings...

holy FUCK checked fren
it is official all women have been declared vile by thr quad god and therefore are for eternity

you ask guy friend for nude>

fren are they the same lady or different ladies

join my feminist friend's discord for good fun EfjW2b

you edgy tier cunts will probably settle for a 6/10 who's forced to study with you
but you actually fall in love and you two live a happy, beautiful life, being neither of the king/slave fantasy

I'm nothing but an inconvenience or an obstacle to women, and if and when I find some financial success I'll be nothing but a source of resources who they can charm into giving them what they want with easy lies and cheap seduction.

Why should I be kind to people who barely ever register me as a human being with feelings and needs?

>muh gynocentrism
>muh white knighting
>muh women deserve special treatment and can do absolutely nothing wrong

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It would be nice if women stopped hating me for existing

I'm antifeminist myself, but I don't hate women in the slightest

I think men and women are not equal in the but complementary

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I'm a literal autist who can't pick up on social signals. Flirting with women for me is a Kobayashi Maru scenario where I'll either get rejected for acting passive and hate myself for never making a move, or get stigmatised for being aggressive and not picking up on their signals of disinterest. Women will never tell me to my face that they're not interested in a way they can understand, they always use subtle signals I can't read to be "kind" or "protect themselves from manger". Then when I don't pick up on them, they later call me a creep to all their friends and say that I can't hang out with them or their friends anymore.

I have patronising women who would never date me themselves or set me up with their friends tell me "just bee urself, you're handsome, you're a nice guy". Women will talk to me about how hard it was to date after their divorce. Women here will say stuff like "men and women are different, so what if women can get laid easier, we crave emotional intimacy not sex" but they can hold down a normal conversation about sex and know how to kiss.

My peers talk about marriage and children now and I isolate myself so I don't get mad. I come to Jow Forums because everybody here is a loser like me. When women come on here, they frequently make me mad, so I'm mean to them all the time. I'm bitter, cynical, resentful, sensitive, and easy pickings for trolls. I wasn't always like this, I never thought I would become like this, I don't know how to stop being like this.

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Men dont owe you anything :^)

I don't hate women or even womens rights.

Modern ''''''feminism''''''' is just super toxic that creates division in our society.

its just satire, only way for them not to hurt me is to hurt them first

I'm not mean to women. I'm mean to roasties and I'm mean to people who seem to be men larping as women on account of the fact that they're the ones who always initiate the offensive ("all robots just want sex", "women have it so hard they get pumped and dumped by chad fuck off nerd I don't want to try to talk to you" "you'd get a girlfriend easily if you stopped being a fat neckbeard fedoralord" etc.)

That's right women aren't responsible for themselves. It's everyone else. That's the difference between a bitch you can respect and a whore

Women's suffrage was a terrible mistake

Very similar situation here except I'm not inherently mad when women show up here. I'm mad about what the supposed women say and do here though. I browsed cc a few times and had to block the site because it made me way too angry and sad at the same time because of the same. The adage 'women can't be robots' is sad and something I would like to be able not to believe in but every single time any single word comes from anyone claiming to be female, it just further reinforces it. I just want someone to talk to and relate to, man or woman. Jow Forums is the closest I can get even though it's not all that good with the flood of normalfags. Even then it turns out that the majority of people here are underaged and mostly larping as robots. They have no clue what it is to be a robot. But at least they try to fit in. I know it's not the real thing, but it soothes me compared to dealing with real life.

all woman should kill themselves to spare me from doing the same thing after popping out of their cursed murder hole.

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There is no point of being not mean to them, you will not get anything of value anyway. Being nice is harder I don't feel like it.