What does a girl mean when she says she has no hobbies and just "hangs out"?

What does a girl mean when she says she has no hobbies and just "hangs out"?

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1. slut
2. she wants you to entertain her

Haha maybe, idk much about her
>she wants you to entertain her
Entertain how?

The same thing when a guy says it: she's a faggot.

>Entertain how?
if I knew I wouldn't be here

It means that her hobby is getting her pussy destroyed by tyrone and his crew

She sits with her friends and talks about absolutely nothing for hours on end. The only thing shell put effort into is making sure the lighting is correct on her Instagram posts.

As a guy that says this it's usually because I'm not comfortable sharing my hobbies with other people because they'll think I'm lame

She only has like four posts on instagram, 2 school photos and 2 of her visiting family
What would make u more comfortable talking about them?

>she smokes weed and drinks alcohol all day
>she has no genuine human connections with anyone but is too stupid to realize it
>she probably lives in a shitty 1 bedroom or studio apartment that she can barely afford with her job she got with her liberal arts degree
>she needs to constantly be around other people or else she'll feel depressed without even realizing she's depressed
>her "friends" will talk about nothing for hours other than drugs, sex, how much they hate their wagecuck lives, and whatever normie-tier tv show they're currently watching
>she's single, but has been in 50+ relationships where she was "abused" by chad, while simulataneously liking to get choked during sex
>she uses twitter, snapchat, and instagram, and takes 50+ selfies a day because she needs validation from her "friends"/beta orbiters on the internet
>all of her female friends will praise her, telling her how "cute" she is, because they're women, and women have this victim complex where they think that all men are evil because they as individuals chose to be in shitty relationships in the past
>so they put up every girl they see online as a way to "get back" at men, because men will typically insult a woman for her appearance first, because that's all she has to her entire being
>even though the girl is a 6/10 at best, her friends will make her think that she's beautiful, which will lead to her having a huge amount of unwarranted confidence, and nothing you say or do will bother her or change her mind about her narcissistic delusions
>unless the people who constantly praise her were to stop, and then it turns into a nonstop pity part on her "private" instagram account that she still has people follow because it's not truly a woman without her needing several people to constantly hear about how hard she has it
>she has no actual personality, interests, or beliefs

>everything she does or says is based on what the people around her tell her is okay, and she thinks that she matters because of the hugbox community cynical women have made for themselves
Don't bother with her OP, she's a typical roastie whore and doesn't want you. She just wants your money for rent or her weed. She's going to be fucking a new chad every week while you desperately try to send her messages to make her like you

I know a software developer when I see one

>>she has no actual personality, interests, or beliefs

this OP

If she had a liberal arts degree, she would say that she like art, or at least pretend to.
Again, she doesn't use Instagram a lot.
>her "friends" will talk about nothing for hours other than drugs, sex, how much they hate their wagecuck lives,
I'll ask her awkwardly what she likes to do when hanging out, what she likes talking about.
I don't have money or weed
I really don't believe anyone is really like this

Your last meme arrow was the best and perfectly concise. Interestingly I've noticed a trend that social media whoring is on a great decline in most women older than 20ish.

This word for word describes all 3 of my former University female roommates....

they're all the same user

>I really don't believe anyone is really like this

Wanna know how I know you don't spend any time around women?

Means shes a boring bitch. Dick is her fucking hopby, man.

They're starting to get close to hitting the wall, thats why - they would still be slutting it up if they still got the same attention than they did when they were younger

I know this is hard to understand but, women are people like you

means she just sits on instagram and snapchat all day like a no good dull boring loser