
I've never hoped that a post is bullshit harder in my entire life. What the actual fuck?

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Private school cunts are terrible people. The students who attend them and their parents who send them there. All Rich people are psychopaths

what does "JFL" mean?
t. 26 year old

ugh... fucking roasties, even in old age they are bitchy cunts

joyful flaccid leakage

Yep, that is expected.. also get your norman reddish out here.

I had brothers who went to a private school for high school. Mothers would brag they were more fashionable/ thinner/ hotter than their daughters, and suck up to the mothers with good looking sons. Mother's of rich, pretty kids weren't breeded for their brains.

Says the obviously salty, mentally unhinged Jow Forums poorfag.

that doesn't seem accurate

mayless its joyless idk

My mother told me that my aunt on my father's side said I have a "kind of" small penis when I was a kid. I do, but my dads is pretty massive.
So are my brothers. Why me?

I think Mom just wanted me to hate her as much as she does.

Just fucking laughing you morons

>JFL @ bluepilled fags
context clues fools

Obviously this is fiction. How stupid are you guys?

>context clues
Spotted the private schoolfag

Thank you but fuck you.
I'm too old (young desu) for your texting bullshit letters instead of words, faggot.

yeahhhhh women are insanely cruel and sociopathic. not nurturing, warm and empathetic.

pretty much everything you were taught to believe by society from a young age..9 out of 10 of it is untrue.

lol bitter and incel go hand in hand, poorfag

I didn't know what it was until I read OP.

I was home schooled. That's why I'm so socially pathetic

I know my post reeks of envy but seriously rich people fucking suck. Just look at all the privately educated politicians who champion savage policies like cutting welfare

>straight shota sph

literally all my fetishes, I wish I could've gone to that school hnnnnnnng

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theyre talking about penises so flaccid leakage is just as plausible

>joyful/joyless flaccid leakage @ you bluepilled fags

>The women were in their 30s and early 40s

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When I see posts like this. I wish I could explain how much love females can give. I want to build a little kid up, male or female, into a strong little castle that can take on anything and feels good about it. I want to give its dad warm arms to lay in and kiss every inch of his face so he has no doubt I love him. Both could go forth and have somewhere to fall back on.
however some of us are also unlovable cunts

Yeah? But I bet you only want to do that if your kid's dad is Chad, and if your kid is the son of a Chad.

Stop tooting your own horn. Come be my wife then and have kids?

>Stop tooting your own horn
Maybe saying mean things is why you don't have girls flocking to you. Maybe your inflated ego puts people off even though you don't mean to advertise your arrogance.
inb4 i wud nvr say that irl kek droolingface.jpg
I'd be the wife of anyone who actually has a nice heart but could also stand me

Pathetic cope and deflection of a roastie. I bet guy turned this way AFTER noticing the patterns he is talking about.
No one is ever red/black pilled from their birth you god dam disgusting roastie.

man,woman are total scum

What was the cope or deflection? What guy turned away?
I agree no one would be black or red pilled from birth, that makes no sense.
I have no idea what you're getting at. You're like a bot spewing words from r/incel archives

>women get to suck prime dicks and i don't
it's not fair bros

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the world needs to burn

That's better for the average person user. You don't have to pay as much for asshole leeching off your money.

>Implying most gays aren't extremely superficial and look after themselves.

what do you mean by this original commento?

I'm saying surely there's plenty of prime dick out there for the taking.

there is but they're dangerous to take if you know what i mean by this original comment

It is not like you will have a chance to use it anyway. Or in case of rape, they will rather call for help than laugh.

yep, killing the poor is actually good for the average person

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Just another girl who's not like not the others.

Especially slutty trophy wives who marry into wealth