Be Latin american

>Be Latin american
>Be white
>Neighboorhood kids see you as some kind of pussy
>School teachers always watch you when talking about colonization
>Having to apologize for literally everything, otherwise you are racist
>Niggers and Indians have you as side chick, otherwise you are racist
>Tell them to stop
>They don't want
>Felipe gets my fist in his face
>His other stupid fellas have more of them
>Feels good
>Day passes
>Felipe came with a knife. His side chicks as well
>Stabs me one time and run away
>Recover in hospital
>Fully recovered
>Time to go to school
>Get robbed and stabbed again

That happened to me last year. WHY ANCESTORS? WHY YOU CAME TO THIS SHITHOLE??
One stab more and i would die

Attached: Black boys crowd around lone blond boy.jpg (755x689, 215K)

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Learn to stand up for yourself, idiot.

How the fuck i am suppoused to stop 4 dudes with knifes.
Please, tell me, how.
You seem to be a tough guy.

Shoot them, oh wait

If such an event were to recur, purchase a gun. You can do practically anything in lawless Latin America.

>Niggers and Indians have you as side chick, otherwise you are racist
you some kinda chick?

do boxing

you scream about aids or some shit and slice yourself

Also do you mean indians from india or the scalping indians?

Yes, i can buy a gun, but if i do i'll involve myself with the dealers and... well, once you're in you can't get out.
Though i'm pretty involved since i punched one in the face
With side chick i'm refering to someone who licks the boots of a superior. LatinAmerican argot

>be wh*te
You deserved it.

In Latin and Caribbean countries, curry Indians are the middle class. At least they were in Barbados and Trinidad.

Scalping indians.

He obviously means amerindians you retard.

One day I will reclaim those lands for Spain. Stay strong brother.

Attached: 36BDCE91-A60A-4AD8-8906-D12A44D2FBDF.jpg (960x720, 152K)

Learn what he does on a daily basis for a few weeks and then dismember him, in minecraft of course, then they will think rival dealers or some shit killled him

Please, i'm afraid to went outside.
This year the house was assaulted 14 times, 2 of them were when we was inside. This shit is dangerous

>14 times, 2 of them were when we was inside.
What the fuck, either buy guns and kill those fuckers or move idiot

At least small business hires me more easily. Is the only good thing i ever get of being white here.
Well, is the only good thing i ever get LIVING here

If you can't get a gun make a shield with a good hard wooden board and a drawer handle, and get a machete.

WHich part of "Living in latin america" you didn't get? If i could move that easily i would already did it

Ever thought about moving somewhere more white? You'd probably live a lot longer in doing so, the stress alone from niggers probably knocks years off your life.

>being female
Kil yourself

Try posting on Jow Forums i think there are a few latin american Jow Forumsommandos they might have a solution

Niggers are the big problem. Amerindians are not THAT dangerous, only when they're poor.
If i were living in a pure amerindian territorie it would be extremely better.
White terriotires are only for Higher class. Politics and Grand businessman. And those are closed neighbourhoods

>Niggers and Indians have you as side chick
So you burned the coal? Welp

What about long term plans to emigrate? despite what you see on the news about anti-immigration most of us are ok with white expats coming in.

Its the ones coming in looking for a free handout and disrupt the current population we don't like.

CUrrently i'm studying english. And i'm practicing pronunciation a lot. I want to emigrate to USA or Australia. As i said, i can get job more easily so i'm saving money in the bank (In dollars, obvious, i'm not retard)
My name and surname are not hispanic, I'm white (Despite my arms which get tanned. Mexico is a hot place) and i'm trying to get my pronunciation of english in a native speaker level.
At least in facebook some retards took me as american, so i think i'm doing good.

But the thing is that they can kill me before i move

Got any skills and are there any options to take classes online? The more you're not around these people the less chance of being stabbed.

>My name and surname are not hispanic
what are you then?

Latin american. But I'm from a white family. My name is a common english name. And my surname is German.
I could blend in american society pretty well, but first i need to get out of here.
But if i get stabbed and robbed everytime i wouldn't be able to do so

I'm studying to be history teacher. I'll have to revalidate my diploma if i move to USA, but i know pretty well American history. At a high level.
I remember the USA anthem (Oh say can you see~) and stuff

Okay user, that's respectable you type pretty well, just some pointers tho: It's not "IN facebook" it's "ON facebook". Also it's not "of english IN a native" it's "of english TO a native".
Good luck.

Rotherham ring a bell? Young white girls in these third world shitholes don't much get a say in what goes in them. If they are 'lucky' they get a gang to protect them from violent rapists, if they let that gang rape them less violently.

Thanks. I sincerely thank you

I'd say this is bullshit but U wouldn't be surprised if you were a favelado or lived in like Bolivia or some shit. For once it feels good to live in a nice neighbourhood and in a nice city in Brazil, nobody ever pesters me for my whiteness.

Holy shit,why are nonwhite territories such shitholes?Are minorities really that inferior that they all start gang banging and shit?
>tfw an acquintance who lives in france most of the year said he's gonna move to colombia cuz its not really that full of drugs and gangs
Can't wait to see how that turns out for him,he's also white with blond hair.

im on the same boat, i literally willing to go anywhere but my disgusting piece of shit country i live in

I'm convinced you're an american and never actually went to latin america.

Atleast in colombia there are no trucks of peace.

If i convinced you that i'm american, then that is not only utterly wrong, but wholesome in some way.
I'm saing that i want to mix with american society and you believe that i'm american.

Still,living in france is a 1000 times better than in a spic infested dirt poor shithole.Economically,socially and academically.

I wonder if you actually ever interacted with a "spic" in your life.

He would probably involve a gun so,no thanks.The majority of them are violent drug dealing gangbangers.They forged this image with their hands.

Are you from the Mormon colonies in Mexico that Mitt Romney's family is from?

There are no "white" latin americans, pedro

Literally just offer to suck their dick for the gun and that's it
No gang affiliation necessary

Because it's a better shithole than the one your people probably come from, ex: Latin america is 100x more violent and corrupt than the worst black areas. Either man up and deal with it or move the fuck somewhere else

"Side chick" no significa lo que piensas, anonito.

What the fuck did he mean by this?
Not original question d

t. Argentino fracasado