prove your not a summerfag
Prove your not a summerfag
What's a Summerfag? someone who likes summer or a different word for a normalfag?
I remember Filipina gf poster, to bad he stop posting here once he got a gf
underage faggots who came her in the summer
18 and I have a body count of 0
why should i
tfw no gf is proof of eternal summerfaggotry
You failed the test, dipshit.
Team mini enough said
"Row Row..." was once a battle cry throughout all of 4ch
Am I still a summerfag if I arrived in the summer of 06?
Imma summerfag. Started this summer after seeing r/greentext on reddit. What you gon do bou it
Jesus christ imagine summerfagging this hard
or hope you go fuck yourself
i owe you jackshit
I've been here since grinman was a thing I bet 99% of you guys weren't even born when I was posting grinman and trollface all day while triforcing like a boss
>see midget pushing wheelbarrow full of bread
>he says "no croissants today boss"
If you arrived here post 2013 you are an eternal summerfag, no exceptions.
yes you are
sad desu
do you hate me if I started coming here just 6 months ago?
just respect old fags and learn Jow Forums history
Fight the powa, block this fag. Habbo hotel raiding was fun
i cant think of anything old
fuck guys i'm retarded
i just realised ive been coming here for about a year
Been alive since 1965. Quake is still the best fps around
yes, you plebbit filth
are you a self proclaimed "incel"?
Remember beastman?
Remember when Jow Forums ultimately served for >tfw no gf posting ?
Remember when the bot was off?
Remember when mo*t was here?
pppffffft shhsooosss schmmeee schmmee
Uhh.. you mean Cockmongler and coolface? Fuckin newfag...
op here, i posted the same thing on /b/, it got about 3 comments, i'd say /b/ is just a porn board now, sad, it used to be so much better
lmao bunch of retards
Only been here since 2010 so I'm not a summerfag but I am a newfag.
these types of posters were always the worst
Who Jow Forumsthe_donald here? Been posting here since 2016
not yet
even though I may agree on some points with then, the "women owe us sex / a chance" mentality is shit
I'm actually a newfag, but uh, moot is a cuck I guess?
the absolute state of ourninekay
same here white brother
praise KEK
sad and bluepilled
Give me one month and I will still be here without a job or school while dying of loneliness in my room.
please leave man, please... just leave
Holy fucking shit I wish this is bait
If it's not then God help this board
>patient asks for proof I am not a summerfag
>give him a lethal dose of morphine instead
t. Shipman poster fan
I love your shipman posters. I wish they'd post more.
Everyone in this thread is a summernigger. Stop summerniggering up my fucking board and leave faggot normies.
shave balls
I wont hehe. watch me ruin your board with blacked porn
You bring the site down by being a newfag, the site brings you down by not being a newfag. Your time will come. It is written in the scrolls.
Fuck off trap loving kike WEEB. You and this newfag are equally faggots.
>Fuck off trap loving kike WEEB
I'm none of those things though
Put me in the screencap.
Then, post this shit thread to FunnyJunk.
/b/ was never good, i'm tired of all these newfags saying it was a good board.
I was the guy posting the pink Nazis for team peep.
>Die Strasse frei den Rosa Batallionen
>Die Strasse frei dem Sturmabteilungsmann
>Kam'raden die Grunfront und Reaktion erschossen
>Marschier'n im Geist in unsern Reihen mit
this won't mean anything to anyone here, but I came to /jp/ from the motk touhou forum from when its color scheme was black/grey with reimu ying-yang orb icons, so around 2010.
where did the time go?
doesn't feel right to reminisce as an eternal newfag.
>These kind of posters were always the best.
There fixed it for you
Doesn't that make you one too then
Only a summerfag would fall for that b8. Come on fags.
But why the summer though, school doesn't last 24/7
don't ruin incels perception of the world. it's all they have to comfort them
Don't you go blind if you read those, Dovakiin?
Niggatar: the last airbender
Jesus christ imagine samefagging this hard
Jow Forums used to be gentlemanly scholars that rivaled /lit/ and /his/, they were used in the same hushed tones as the gnostic saints, we were a secret to be cherished and would bring enlightenment to those that sought knowledge.
We were real wizards once, the 30+ years of celibacy required to reach wizardry was our way of sorting through the ones not yet befit to our wisdom. This place was like Hogwarts, but for intellectuals and not british schoolchildren.
Alas, we were deleted by the false messiah "moot", brought back to this earth like lazarus -- yet remade incomplete, our knowledge parting along with the sanctity of this place as newfags and summer swarmed our treasured halls.
FU17 enough said
I remember the nick tripfag of the "mental issues" general thread, dunno if it counts
truth is i really wish i never discovered this site and be a summerfag that leaves after a day of lurking
Fuck wrong thread. Fuck I cant triforce. Fuck now everyone thinks I'm a newfag and summerfag all because the bot doesnt like ASCII text.
itt summerniggers hastily skim through le Jow Forums lore wikis or whatever internet historian equivalent of an archive outside youtube to larp as oldfags
as for your op, we stray further from the northern lights as time passes and theres nothing we can do about it